If you’ve ever had surgery in your life, maybe you have some images to remember it by. Maybe you try and block it out of your mind at all costs. As for me, I documented the entire process from my 6:00am check-in time all the way to my post-op anesthesia hangover. Many thanks to UAMS (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) for photographing each and every step along the way. Hopefully by sharing these images, I’ll inspire others to stand up to gene mutations, potential cancer  scares, and fear itself. Taking control of your health is a great thing.
Wishing you all the best Lesley! You are providing a real service here to demonstrate to people that they do have options should they be diagnosed with breast cancer or have the gene mutation and choose this course. Such courage and strength should not be unacknowledged. Kudos to you and your family.
Thank you, Vicki! If I can help even one person through this process, I’m happy to be open and vulnerable for the greater good. I appreciate your kind words!
My special needs sister, age 63 will be having a double mastectomy next Friday. Any words of wisdom you can give me will gelp.
I know it has been several years now since your sister had the double mastectomy. I hope all went well. I am 73 and have breast cancer and have tested positive for BRCA1. I will have a double mastectomy on April 3.
I just viewed your photos and explanation of your surgery/process. I’m 59 and was just diagnosed with an invasive cancer and I have significant cancer on both sides of my family, including my mom having 2 types of cancer before she died. I will have double masectomy and reconstruction on 10/23/20, and I’m somewhat scared but yet have faith that everything will be okay. thanks for sharing.
Best of luck to you!! Stay strong! I am a warrior and I will be pulling for you to have a quick recovery!
Best Wishes
Hi Lesley, I just read your story. It has given me a little relief but some questions as well. I have history of Breast cancer plus the BRCA gene. And my cancer dr want me to have a double mastectomy with expanders/ reconstruction done as well nest month on the 14th. Any words of wisdom?? How long does the surgery take total? Were u able to go home that evening? ..how are you feeling? Thank you for inspiration.
Truly an amazing story of strength! If you have questions about bras and post surgical accessories that are made for you…the brave breast cancer patient…please see pinkribbonconsulting.com.
In my over 20 years of experience with breast cancer patients and providing breast cancer support, I know medical teams often do not have the resources to stay on top of all the innovative products that the breast care industry has for you. Please refer them to my mission of educating patients and medical professionals! http://pinkribbonconsulting.com/medical-pros/
Sometimes reconstruction patients have questions too!
Sending you best wishes,
I wish you the best! I’m goin went threw the same procedure and final surgery coming up. Expanders are uncomfortable and unexplainable to people that don’t have to go threw it. But stay strong best wishes!!
Under a double mastectomy on friday.scared to death.your photos helps.thank you
Brave girl. Thank you for your vulnerability. I’ll pray it shines bright in the months to come. Prayers for complete healing!!!
Hi Sandi, thanks so much for saying that. Keep the prayers coming please! 🙂
I give you a piece of my heart Leslie! Continuing to pray for you and yours!
Thank you so much, Donna! I appreciate the prayers more than you know!
So glad you did this photo show……. it helps other women. I am so very proud of you!! You are amazing and my hero. Tell your Mom and Dad hello for me. Hugs and prayers……
YOU are the total “RockStar”~~~
I’m so proud of you and inspired by you and have always loved you…..it goes BEYOND the realm of human imagination that you could/would be brave and loving enough to share this with others. Period.
You are remarkable, Lesley! I’m SO PROUD TO KNOW YOU, sweet young friend… thank you for sharing YOU with us. I wish you the speediest recovery ever.
P.S. I really hope you put those expanders to good use!!! 😜
Oh Kitty, you are so sweet to me! I am so happy to know you and thank you for all of your support throughout this crazy experience. You know I’ll put the expanders to good use – we gotta go show them off somewhere around the world soon 🙂
Thank you so much for posting these Leslie! It was so helpful and interesting. I just had my double mastectomy with recon. Dr. Wright is also my plastic surgeon. I am a nurse, so I loved seeing all that went on while we were asleep. I hope you are continuing to heal well. Thanks for sharing your story!
Thanks for sharing and so happy to know your PS is the amazing Dr. Wright! I think he is so talented. We are lucky to have him!
Hi, Lesley!
You were a favorite of mine when I was watching Sean’s season, and when I heard about the journey that you were undertaking, my first reaction was to feel so sad for you. However, the way that you have taken control of your own narrative has been amazing to see. Thank you for being so open and honest about the experience as you have gone through it. It has been an inspiring trip; thanks for letting us ride along!
Lesley- I’ve enjoyed every one of your posts and you are so encouraging for so many women. I hope I am never faced with your situation but if I were I would choose the same course. I am a nurse and have discussed this with people before and I will definitely encourage them to follow you when/if the situation arises. Thank you!!
Lesley _ just learned of your journey through your photos…… I wish you the best of everything in your recovery and continued journey. May God continue to bless you in all you do. You are and will always be a beautiful young lady. May your story inspired women everywhere.
I knew when you were willing to sleep on the couch on a sailboat that you were a tough girl. Proud of your bold decisions and bravery. Wishing you the best in recovery. Probably gonna need another sailing adventure soon!
Thanks for sharing Lesley , You are extremely brave . I’m BRCA1 also and I will be having this surgery on Monday in the UK , I’m terrified but your posts are really helping me 🙂 . Did you have your exoanders place under your muscle or infront ? Wishing you a speedy recovery X
I have so enjoyed following your life adventures from the bachelor days through today. Your optimism, “girl power, take control” attitude, and appreciation for medical professionals is so admirable! Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your story. I am just about to go through this whole process. I was diagnosed with stage 0 DCIS. Since I’m 45 years young they are recommending a bilateral mastectomy. It scares me so much. How are you doing now that it’s 7 months later?
Love all of these posts to the moon and back. My mom experienced a double mastectomy two years ago due to breast cancer. Your strength and willingness to share with the world makes me feel confident that I could also make it through this surgery one day if I have the gene or am diagnosed. I am only 16 but your courage changes the way I see the whole process and reminds me how badass women can be. You rock!
You can definitely make it through this surgery one day, I promise. Your strength will surprise and empower you! xoxo
Thank you for the step by step.
I have a 60% of BC
When I reach 70%, I will have a double mastectomy.
I refuse to have that invasive beast get me!
I’ve been having breast issues since my 20s,I’m 67..
So I’ve already spoken to my breast surgeon, this is the road I will travel..
Be proactive not reactive!
Thank you and God Bless you!
Hi, I just wanted to say I was so happy a friend referred me to your blog. I’m 25 and currently going through the exact same thing you did, the bilateral prophylactic mastectomy due to the mutated BRACA1 gene. I just finished my second surgery (thank god). Expanders out, implants in. Anyways, my mom passed away 2 years ago and watching that happen was the only reason I was brave enough to do this. I also hadn’t heard of anyone choosing to get it over with at such a young age which made me extremely reluctant as well. I wish I ran into your blog beforehand! But anyways i just wanted to say thank you for being so positive and open about it 🙂 cheers!
Hi Juliane, so nice to hear your story! Thanks for sharing, and I’m sorry to also hear about your loss. You did such a smart/brave thing! Go girl 🙂
Hi Lesley
I’m so glad I read your blog. Your so strong and amazing. I had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed 4 days ago and going ahead in January 2019 for a preventative double mastectomy. You have made me stronger and braver looking head towards January. You have helped me tremendously. Your awesome Lesley😊
This gave me ALL the feels to read. I’m so glad I can help in one way or another. Positive vibes for you this year, next year and beyond!
Leslie,Thank you so much for this.I will be having my double mastectomy next week.Getting a little stage fright ,but the show must go on!! Ready to hit this head on. Diagnosed with TNBC and thru the chemo.Not going down that road again if I can help it. Again thanks so much for this sharing.Best of health for your future. Marianne
Marianne, I hope the surgery goes smoothly and that recovery comes quickly!
Thank you for sharing this personal experience! A few weeks ago, I discovered a lump that appeared out of nowhere in my right breast. Fast forward a couple weeks and I am scheduled for a double mastectomy on the 17th of this month with expanders in place for reconstruction. I am terrified! We won’t know until they test my lymph nodes whether or not I will have to undergo chemo and/or radiation. I have spent way to much time researching everything on the internet; I was of course advised to refrain from all of my internet research. Luckily, I had come across your blog and it had provided me with some helpful types and some hope. This was definitely a lot to process in a very short amount of time! My team at the Cleveland Clinic has been truly amazing in this process! I know I am definitely in good hands with them! You are a true inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to provide hope and empower anyone else that is fighting this battle!
Hi Joy, I hope this message finds you before tomorrow! Sending you ALL of my good vibes before, during and after surgery. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and that recovery comes quickly. Remember to give yourself a lot of time and patience. Get a good book. Watch a new series. Journal. You will feel like yourself again with time. Love and light to you!!
Just found your story. I am 1 week post double mastectomy after having been diagnosed with grade 3 DCIS, stage 0. I had a lumpectomy without clear margins. Then decided on a DM for future prevention of a reoccurrence or new cancer on the healthy side. I have tried to start a blog but mostly update friends and family on a private facebook group.
Thank you for sharing your story!! It helps me feel a little more normal. I also chose nipple sparing, but unfortunately, it already looks like one is not taking and an unplanned surgery may be needed to remove it. But I am happy and thankful I and the doctors at least tried to save what they could! I have not had an insane amount of pain, but am very uncomfortable at times. I hope to get my drains out soon and to move forward with recovery after the nipple surgery. I also enjoyed your bra post as I am starting to browse around for those.
Thanks again,
This is the best blog for someone going through a double mastectomy! My journey will start on Wednesday and I’m scared as hell! Thank you for being so honest and taking the time to share😂💕
So happy to stumble across your blog. Was diagnosed with early stage left breast cancer. I just had a total mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction last week and in the recovering process. My breast oncologist told me I made the right decision to have a prophalytic right breast mastectomy as well. Pathology found precancerous cells in my right breast. Thank you for sharing your story.
I’m here still healing from a double preventive mastectomy and got to your page! Even being a doctor, I wasn’t aware of how dificult and painful it would be.
3rd week and still with drains and no arm movements. I fell more optimistic after reading your entire experience! Thanks a lot for sharing!
hi Dear i was just diagnosis with stage 1- 11 right breast cancer i done all the test was going to get lumpectomy but the surgeon wants me to get the Genetic testing my mind was at ease but now Im scared..
can you accept me on face book ? my face book is Maria Quintero
Thank you, Lesley for sharing your story, and many thanks to the rest of you for all the additional inspiration. I’ll be joining the club soon with a bilateral mastectomy. Crazy roller coaster with my surgeon’s tumor board reviewing my story this morning – but in the end agreeing that the choice I made was the right one. I am seeing the plastic surgeon tomorrow (possible immediate reconstruction – or not), and hopefully will get scheduled for the mastectomy right after that. My son gets married July 27, so my goal is to be at the wedding and enjoy it (even if I’m just relaxing by the water for most of it). I salute you all for contributing. Thank you.
Hi Marci, thanks for sharing a bit of your story here <3 Sending you my strong vibes as you go through this experience. There's a growing community of survivors and previvors so know you're never alone! My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months before my sister got married. Her goal was to dance on the dance floor that evening and she did it! You will too. Much love your way! xo
Hey Leslie! Your pictures of this surgery are very inspiring! I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago and just found out I have the genetic mutation. I’m 26, married, and have an almost 9 month old son. I will have to get a bilateral mastectomy in about 6 months. Still wrapping my head around that. How did you cope with losing your breasts, other than knowing it will save your life? I’m starting to grieve the loss of a major part of my body! I plan on doing reconstruction, it’s just wild to think about for me! How did recovery go, as well??
Sending you strength for your upcoming surgery! In subsequent posts, I write about how I was never attached to my breasts although I know every person is different. My recovery went very smoothly so I was very grateful for that! You got this!
Did your plastic surgeon go under the muscle or over the muscle? I’m having preventive double mastectomy June 2nd 2021. I’m 59 and have BRCA2 gene. I’ve read under the muscle is extremely painful.
Thanks for your inspiration and help to all of us. God bless you in every way.
Hey Alison, check out the Lifting up the Ladies: Breast Implants After My Double Mastectomy for all the details on Lesley’s reconstruction. xo, Emily
Your website and blogs are so helpful. I also chose the preventative bilateral mastectomy due to a genetic mutation last year. While my surgical team in Fayetteville, AR are absolutely amazing and informative, there are so many questions and uncertainties that come up it seems all the time. I LOVE all your posts and recommendations, and that the surgery didn’t seem to slow you down! Thank so much for sharing!!
Thank you for your story! I will be undergoing the same procedure in a few months and I am trying to get as much information and opinions as possible. I’m starting to get nervous but these pictures helped!
I had my bilateral mastectomy right side, total mastectomy left side at Baptist in Little Rock August 21, 2023