The short story: I got new boobs. Nope, I did not get a boob job so please don’t compare this to yours or your friend’s or your mom’s. I had a double mastectomy, and this was Part II of that surgery. The long story: I haven’t seen The Originals in over three months, those smallish B-cups that were with me for 29 years. We went all around the world together, we had our (quite literal) ups and downs, and then I broke up with my breasties. Yep, just like that I had them chopped off like bad melons awaiting their dooms day (but not before throwing them a ta-ta party!). Bad genes aren’t wanted around these parts.

Like I stated previously in my Naked Truth article, I was never super attached to The Originals. I took pictures so I can look back and compare/contrast/laugh/cry, but I’m definitely over the crying stage by now. I’m not sad about it, I’m not mad about it. In fact, when I’m 80 years old, I’ll probably be the best looking one in the nursing home. How ’bout dat? When life gives you lemons, a (not so simple) operation can give you melons 🙂

After three months of waiting, healing and gradually filling my expanders, I went under the knife for the second time the day before the 4th of July. I don’t know what it is, but I have a knack for really screwing up some holiday weekends 🙂 My double mastectomy was scheduled a few days before Easter. Sorryyyy familyyyy. For everyone wondering how my second surgery went, let me put it this way. The double mastectomy was a 10/10 on the pain scale. This was a 3/10. I went to a July 4th BBQ the day after, and even three days later, my chest is still sore but manageable. I can raise my arms, I can walk around, I can drive, and I can even carry my nephew (probably shouldn’t but shhh don’t tell my doctor). I only took pain pills the day of and the day after surgery. I can honestly say I walked into the hospital at 5:30am that day excited to go back to sleep via anesthesia. That’s how worried I was (read: not at all). I’d already been through the hard part!

My first post-op appointment was today. We unwrapped, we unzipped and we unveiled the new girls. Truthfully, they’ll need a bit more time to “mold” with the rest of me, but I think they’ll fit in juuuuust fine. They are lumpy and bumpy and bruised and SQUISHY AGAIN(!) and swollen, and to be honest (and I KNOW this isn’t the case) but a little part of me feels like I took a step back only because I healed greatly in those 3 months between surgeries. I could do all of my workouts, I could sleep on my side again and I could carry just about anything. Right now, I can only walk for exercise, I’m sleeping on my back and I’m limited in what I can carry, but it’s all a means to an end. These implants will be perky and pretty in no time (read: hopefully by the end of the month because this girl is going to Aruba!) I went around and around on the implant discussion with my plastic surgeon. In fact, the week I had my double mastectomy was the same week the news broke about Breast Implant Illness. Great timing, huh? The U.S. FDA is linking a certain type of textured breast implant to a rare cancer. Out of the 10 million women in the world who’ve received implants, 359 women have been identified with this type of cancer according to my plastic surgeon at UAMS.

It hit pretty close to home when the same week that I underwent my double mastectomy, my yoga teacher got her 17-year-old implants taken out. She had been sick for years, and doctors couldn’t ever pin point the problem. Turns out, that problem came from her textured implants. They were inserted in 2000. It’s now 2017. A lot can happen in 17 years. New products have hit the market, and I am not worried about contracting a rare cancer from my new beautiful boobs. Here’s what I ultimately chose, but let me first preface it by saying I’m not a doctor. Below are my thoughts, my beliefs, my research findings, my experience, and my conversations with my doctors. Perhaps you’ve seen/heard/believe/experienced different things.

Saline or Silicone?
Silicone (pictured right, above) because they are the better choice for mastectomy patients, feel and look more natural than saline and tend to ripple less. If patients choose saline over silicone, many times this is due to the fact that they want to be bigger, as silicone only goes up to 800 CCs.
Tear drop or round shaped?
Round because it’s the the traditional route taken by most women and this option has a tendency to make breasts look fuller in the upper pole. Because round implants have the same shape all over, there is no concern about them rotating out of place and creating a problem with symmetry in the future.
Smooth or textured?
Smooth/non-textured because textured have been known to be associated with Breast Implant Associated Lymphoma.
High, mid or low profile?
I went with a mid-profile implant…or my doctor went with a mid-profile implant, rather. I was comatose on an O.R. table, so he had final say and he chose wisely! You can see the difference between low and high profile below, and I went somewhere in between 🙂

Did the implant go under or over the muscle?
Actually, both. I went the dual plane route, which is partially under the muscle/sub-pectoral, making for a good cosmetic outcome.
Immediate reconstruction or delayed reconstruction?
If you’ve been keeping up with me the past three months, you know I went with delayed reconstruction. Immediate reconstruction happens when the plastic surgeon comes in and places implants in the chest cavity instead of expanders immediately after the breast surgeon takes out all of the breast tissue during the mastectomy. I went with expanders and had saline fills injected for four straight weeks as my chest was gradually stretched (slightly bigger than I previously was) and readied for reconstruction. Delayed recon makes for a better cosmetic outcome.
How many CCs?
I had 460 CCs during the expansion phase and now have 500 CCs after reconstructive surgery.
Everyone has a different path and story. Please share yours below! If you have any other mastectomy or implant-related questions, leave them below as well!
I know this maybe be too personal of a question to ask buuuuut! What size were you pre double mastectomy and what size will you be now? My Mom is a breast cancer survivor and also had a double mastectomy. I’ve been following your journey since the beginning. I love your honesty and your willingness to raise awareness!!! P.S – I DMed you on IG awhile back please read 🙂 @mollymcardle
I was a small to mid B, and I’ll probably be some kind of C now although it’s hard to tell since they haven’t “settled” yet 😉 Sorry about the DM – I really try to read them all but it’s hard to sift through the many messages!! <3
I am from Pretoria South Africa, I had my exchange surgery a week ago, i asked for a high profile to be put in i feel quite flat, does the projection improve?
Hi! If anything, I felt and saw my implants “settle” into place. I felt like mine were sitting quite high on my chest, so it took a few months for the swelling to go down and for the implants to “fall” into place.
I’m 11 days post double mastectomy and is so hard especially with the drains. I really don’t know what to expect with these expanders and the horrible feeling I Keep coming back to…good day,bad day 😩
I can’t find a way to get comfortable.
Hi Lesley. I just had reconstruction 2 days ago. I feel like my boobs are wide and flat and not perky and round like I thought. Is this normal ? Will it go better or did I go way too small ? I think he did 525 cc implants. Thank you for your help !
I’m currently having the same exact issue, Wide and flat appearance. I would like to know did things change for you. I just had my implants placed on August 20th. Looking for any insight you can offer.
Hi I’m 10 days with my final implants. He put in 560 silicone moderate. Exactly the same, wide & flat, not what I expected. Did anything change with you? The NP said no fluff or real settle will happen.
Did they return to normal?
Hi Jenny, I’m finding the same. 18 days post double mastectomy and reconstruction and they feel flat and wide. I’m only a 305cc and worried this shape won5 change…. did you find eventually that your shape changed or did they stay the same. 🙁 I need some reassurance . Any advise would greatly appreciated. Michelle .
I feel the same. I had my reconstruction (Implants & fat grafting) on April 6th. I feel like mine have are looking flat and square around the outside bottom. I’m worried I went too small (don’t know the cc’s). He did some fat grafting on the area under my arm as I was concern about that area since my double mastectomy. To me, it looks worst in that area.
Hi Michell,
I have the same issue, had double mastectomy surgery then breast implants. I have a 605cc but I’m flat and wide, was told by NP that there was no fluff coming. This seems to be the surgeon decision to use these types of implants on breast cancer patients why? No fat grafting was done with my surgery was looking forward to having some removed. All of our stories are the same, finding comfortable bra’s are not easy or cheap any suggestions on bras? Thanks for your suggestions.
Check out this blog post for our favorite post-mastectomy bras!
Jenny, I had immediate reconstruction 4 weeks ago and I feel the same as you did. It seems that today I am finding one side has possibly dropped and now smaller than the other. Can you share how yours are now? Did they develop into perky and full or remain flat?
I had my double mastectomy and did straight reconstructive surgery immediately. I’m so glad I did cause in 3 months we can go back and if I want larger or need anything done he said it’s simply and easy procedure. I was a 36 d before, he put 500cc’s in them now. They look funky but I’m only 8 days post surgery. Haven’t had any pain pills in 3 days and even after surgery only took 1 a day. I had some swelling in my right side pretty bad and had to go back in 2 days post surgery due to a blood clot. And my drain line was kinked. I just went this morning and had my drains out and hoping for the best. I feel like I will want them a little bigger as I wasn’t always happy with the size I was before. But time will tell right!! Good luck to everyone out there going through this! It’s not easy!
Lesley, I’m 29 also, BRCA2 positive and just had my mastectomy in march and reconstruction mid-may. It took me a long time to publicly share – but your openness really inspired me. Thank you for sharing your journey and best of luck with continued healing!
Oh wow – thank you for sharing! It’s so nice to know when we aren’t in something alone. I hope your recovery went great! xoxo
Leslie- did you happen to have fat grafting? I had a PDM this past Dec and had fat grafting yesterday.
What was the fat grafting like? I’m going to likely have it done, I have rippling on both sides. Also, I would like more projection I look wide flat.
Eek! I’m going in next Wednesday the 12th for a double mastectomy with a DIEP Flap reconstruction(profolactic). I’m super nervous but super excited to know that I will never have to face breast cancer!!
Yay!! So proud of you 🙂 You’ll do GREAT and the best part is – no more cancer worry!
Yay on the DIEP flap.
I live on the Treasure Coast of Florida and couldn’t find one single doctor to do a DIEP flap for me. I wanted that tummy tuck so bad!!!
What’s a DIEP flap?
Try Royce Plastic Surgery in Bradenton.
I just had my pre-op appointment with her yesterday.
my double mastectomy is coming in the next few weeks [immediate reconstruction], and although I am the current owner of DD-longs, she believes she can only use high profile B+ cup…possibly small Cs.
Reading the comments about “wide and flat” outcomes scares me a bit.
In fact, I was strictly opposed to expanders yesterday, I’m curious if I should reconsider?
Full dislosure: my cancer was found during preoperative diagnostic mammo for breast reduction because I have 2 crushed vertebrae in my spine, and being smaller was planned to alleviate back pain.
So yes, I was going for high profile C look with a reduction, I do not want to end up flat chested.
Can you tell me about your diep/reconstruction/recovery etc?
What made you choose the diep flap?over implants
Hi Lesley,
I’m 26 and scheduled for my double mastectomy with delayed reconstruction in 12 days. It’s weird how time becomes so bittersweet once making the decision! None of my friends or family has undergone one and your blog and social media has been a godsend and given such a good account/advice so thank you so much! I did have a few questions:
1) what kind of bra did you have for after the surgery? I’ve heard mixed things on what to buy.
2) how long did you have to take the pain meds before Motrin/Tylenol seemed to work fine?
3) did you find sleeping in a chair easier then getting in and out of bed at first?
Random questions I know 🙂
Best of luck to you later this month! You are making such a great decision. I’m so glad my documentation has been helpful.
1) I wore a bra from the hospital for the first few days, and then bought a bit softer bra (check my favorites out in my ’13 Things to Know Before Undergoing a Double Mastectomy’. The link is towards the end of this article 🙂
2) I only took pain meds for about 5 days then made the switch. They began to make me nauseous and screwing up my balance, digestion,etc.
3) I never slept in a chair. I know some people will sleep in or rent a recliner, but my mom slept with me the first 3 nights and thankfully she helped me out of bed!
Thank you for taking the time to reply! I know you’re crazy busy but you taking the time to respond to questions big and small really sets you apart from so many others! Happy healing!
I’ve just gone through this – double mastectomy, then 15 days later silicone implants. My surgeon provided post surgery bra (initially just the one they put on me before coming out of anethesia, but I asked for a second one and was given it). Also, zip up sports bras work well.
They do discourage side sleeping and definetely no tummy sleeping. Normally I do a combination of both – so to avoid it, I’ve been sleeping in a recliner, which does keep me from rolling to my side.
I was really concerned about the pain management regarding both surgeries – as there is such an uprising about opioid addiction and I didn’t want to get into that cycle, but also knew that pain management is key to proper healing. For me, there was much less pain than I expected with the mastectomy. I took the prescription meds only for one day, the switched to alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen every 3 hrs for two more days and I was good to go.
Post reconstruction has been a bit tougher on me – but I think all these surgeries are are a little different for each person.
I took alternating prescription meds with ibuprofen for about 3 days before doing the alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen – then just a little under a week, it’s just as needed.
Just somewhat of a note – my masectomy surgeon used a 72 hr nerve blocker that I truly feel made it so much easier in pain management, while my plastic surgeon for implants did not. So something to have discussions with your surgeons about.
Thanks for sharing your story. I Have the brca1 genetic mutation and having my surgery next January. I had been terrified but thanks to a friend I met through Instagram and your posts- I no longer feel like it’s the end of the world. I’m almost ready for it and wish it was sooner.
That’s amazing. Love that you’re taking control 🙂 And it’s definitely not the end of the world – you’ll be surprised how strong and empowered you feel afterwards! Best of luck in Jan. You got this!
First of all thank you so much for all you do! I woke up this morning to research tear drop vs round implants …went to instagram for a min and WOW there was your info about it! A link leading to the blog 🙂 I found the info you shared so very helpful…including the recovery process. I’ve had my expanders over 2 yrs due to having a baby and treatment! Ahhhhh! I will be singing hallelujah praises when they are squishy again next month! I had no family history nor any reason to believe I had cancer. Due to environmental causes, at 34, I learned I had breast cancer, 5 days after learning I was pregnant. Such highs and lows all in a week! I didn’t know how it was possible to do both pregnancy and cancer treatment, even some Drs made mention of abortion. BUT I did ALOT of research and learned that babies come out okay after surgeries and chemo – mine is perfect and healthy! Again thank you for sharing your knowledge and bringing awareness to a topic so important for women!
Lindsay – thanks for sharing some of your story! Crazy to think about all of the news you received in that one week. WOW. SO happy you are healthy and that your baby is, too! Good to know about chemo + pregnancy! xoxo
BRC2-PM over Halloween weekend and exchange on 4/11. Ended up bigger then i wanted as my PS said they were too far apart and needed to be bigger to be closer.Wanted no bigger then C cup. I got a bit of fat grafting to help with rippling as well. I have 520 cc and they feel really big to me. I was a small B prior and nursed two kids. Now a 32 DD or 34 D depending on bra maker. They feel heavy and finding good fitting swimsuits with support and still cute a challenge. So if you come across any let me know;) Lots of getting used to and hopefully wont have that pulling feeling the longer i have them in.Never knew just how lucky i was to have itty bitty ones:) so much more comfortable! Mine are over muscle and scar is under breast. I did find comfort and resource on the website its great for for whatever your decision is. This is a physical and emotional journey as you can question every decision you make and it is a major surgery. Many nights i woke up saying “what did i do?” And then reminding myself of the higher risk i was. I am also plant based to help decrease my chances of disease and aligns with my ethics as i am a compassionate animal lover. Have you altered your diet or lifestyle in any other way once you knew you were BRCA2? You are a warrior to make this decision at such a young age and stay positive through it.
You had your exchange the same day I had my double mastectomy 🙂 I feel you – finding good bras is hard these days! Don’t ever regret your decision – it was one of the best you’ve ever made. There’s nothing like taking control of your health. In the end, that’s all we have. As far as diet and exercise go, I’ve always placed a huge importance on both of those and now is no different 🙂 I haven’t been able to get back to the kind of physical activity I’m used to due to the recovery process which has somewhat made me alter my diet, but I’ll get back to it all soon enough. The human body is an amazing thing!
Hello Cindy Were you a vegan before your Breast cancer diagnosis? Interested to know.
I am told I will need liposuction on my side of breast to correct issue.
It’s been a crazy scary trip but my tumors are tiny( 🙏🙏🙏) and caught very early Grateful
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I’m having my prophylactic double mastectomy on Wednesday. Your “13 Things to Know” is very helpful. My journey will be very similar to yours…delayed reconstruction with the second surgery in 8-12 weeks. I’m older, 50, but my mom died when she was 46 and I was 24. My children are now 24 and 22…I feel so good about doing everything I can to be around in their adult years. You’ve faced your journey and the telling of your story with such courage and grace…such an inspiration!
I have been following your blog for ever! Best of luck on your continued recovery. You inspire me every day to live life to the fullest. Xoxo
Aw thank you! Such a sweet message, Colleen!
Best of luck to you next week! Sorry to hear about your family history, but you’re making the best decision! I’m sure your kids agree. Happy to hear you thought my documentation was helpful. I’m glad! I wish you an easy recovery. xoxo
Thank you for sharing. I am brca2 and just starting researching options for the breast surgery (the ovary part has been taking care of). Some questions if you don’t mind answering. Why 3 months between the 2 surgeries? What is ur intake with the fat grafting plus implants? How long is your implants life?
Many thanks again for sharing your story ; it takes courage
All doctors are different, but mine wanted to wait minimum 3 months for the proper healing to take place. Implant life will be anywhere from 10-20 years. As far as the fat grafting + implant route goes, my doctor didn’t suggest doing any fat grafting on me. It ultimately depends on the person, their build and cosmetic outcome. That’s an added surgery, so if I didn’t have to do it, then halleluja 🙂
Hello Lesley, (also my middle name)
I was up from midnight until the wee early morning stressing about my expander to implant exchange coming up on April 3. Im so glad I found your page. I had a previous augmentation 13 years ago and alway thought they were too large and heavy. I could never find clothes to fit my torso, being 5’9″ doesn’t help either. I was 36DD (or larger) prior to my double mastectomy this past December 20th for Invasive ductal cell carcinoma in the left breast. I was tickled at my slimmer silhouette after surgery, even with no nipples and lumpy expander boobs. Clothes fit me better. My PS put in 600ml expanders, Ive had 3 fills and am now up to 550mls. He mentioned switching them with over 700ml implants. This sounds huge to me. Do you have any info if the expanders are usually smaller cups then the implant and my current size will remain the same or smaller? My PS knows I do not want to be larger then a C cup. He also plans on fat grafting. My previous implants were 365/380mls, but I know my DDs included breast tissue which is no longer there. Thanks!
Hi! So this is a tough one for me to answer. From my experience, I had 460 CCs during the expansion phase and now have 500 CCs after reconstructive surgery. That basically translates to the same size if you take into account the actual expander (it’s pretty bulky). If you don’t want to be larger than a C cup, I wouldn’t suggest going much over 500-550 CCs. I hope this helps!
Please respond. We have the same story. I’m 4 weeks out. To my surprise my PS put in 650 cc. I’m swollen and huge. I only wanted small C. What did u end up with and what sz are you now? I’m scared. My email is [email protected]
How did your implants turn out? I had. My expsnders removed today and 700cc implants. I look flat and odd shaped
Hi, I just had mine and look
Flat with 640 cc. Did it look different over time
Hi there! I have been following your journey and admire your courage!!
I was diagnosed with DCIS and had double mastectomy on May 11. I am scheduled for reconstruction on August 10. I’m very nervous about the final outcome!
Were you a candidate for nipple sparing? If not, what route did you choose?
I also live in AR! Who was your reconstruction Dr?
I also am in the Little Rock area and am wondering who your reconstructive surgeon was. I had a double mastectomy Jan 2017 with reconstruction at that time. Had a revision surgery in April 2017 and now have capsular contraction Jan 2018. I think I want a consult from a new plastic surgeon. Can you please share who you used. PM me if that is better. Thanks!
I’d love to know this information too. I am in the same area as well. I’d love to get a PM about who you all used in a the area and what you thought.
Hi Lesley could you share the brand of implant they used. You probably got an implant ID card. (Lucky us) lol. Anyway I’m due for exchange next year-maybe. This news of cancer causing implants is freaking me out.. I was DX with BC at 27 I’m 36 now. Thanks so much for sharing your journey. Although I’m sad to see so many young girls going thru this. 9 years ago when this happened to me there was nothing I could read or connect with. You’re helping many woman!! XO
Wish I would’ve had a ta-ta to the ta-tas party before the double mastectomy I had in June! Such a cute idea! I’ve loved following your story and appreciate you “prepping” me for my next steps!! Thanks lady!
I think it is so great that women like you are sharing the details of your reconstruction after mastectomy stories. It really does help others who are going through the first stages of it to know they’re not alone.
I had been diagnosed in August 2017 with DCIS, stage 0, I caught it early (thank god), I decided to have a double mastectomy, with reconstruction, as I did not want to have to worry about the what ifs. I had the surgery October 24, 2017, it was the worst I ever had. I am scheduled for surgery to get my implants on March 6, 2018. I am curious about your experience between the two surgeries, if you think one was better than the other. I am not looking forward to March. If I had to do it all over again, I probably would have just had the double mastectomy and no reconstruction. I am sure that my age could have something to do with it as well, I am 51 and not the spring chicken that I used to be. I love seeing you on the Bachelor and wish you well and a long and cancer free life. 🙂
Hi Jen! By this point, you’ve had your recon surgery. How did it go? For me, that surgery was a breeze compared to the double mastectomy. I hope you’re healing nicely!! xoxo
Hi Lesley,
I’m been following you for a while and I just love your content. I have a personal question if you do not mind. Did you have the areola tattooed and nipple attached? If you did the nipple are you pleased with the results? I had a double back in December and considering next steps once I finish chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Thanks in Advance,
Hi Renita! I was able to keep skin + nipple during my surgery/recovery. I’ve heard AMAZING things about tattoo artists around the country who specialize in this. You should check some out! xoxo
Hey there,
I am 30 years old and brac1 positive. Unfortunately I didn’t find this out until after it was discovered I had breast cancer. I actually had a breast augmentation and that’s how my cancer was found during that surgery! I feel very blessed it was found early and I’m on the end ish of my journey. I have done chemo, a double mastectomy and will start radiation tomorrow. I have expanders and since I will need radiation, get to keep those bad boys for a whole year… eek. They are not the most comfortable that’s for sure.
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your story! I was so excited to see a breastie on the bachelor winter games, I can’t tell you how excited I was haha.
You are awesome and I hope this b named cancer stays far far away from you!
Aw thanks so much for this. Such a nice message. I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but so thankful you caught it early! You’re such a warrior. Keep going!
Is it true that you don’t have any feeling left in your breasts?
It’s true, but I did regain a little bit throughout the past few months. Will never fully regain all feeling, however.
Hi Lesley,
Thank you so much for posting your story. You really nailed it and I think many will benefit from and feel so much better after reading it. I was diagnosed with DCIS in June 2017. Thankfully, it was small but I had a couple of other suspicious places nearby. My mother died from breast cancer at 58 ( diagnosed at 42) so I had the genetic testing done. Fortunately, I do not have the gene but decided I didn’t want to take any chances with a lumpectomy and radiation. I had a nipple sparing double mastectomy on August 4, 2017 with expanders. My cut was underneath each breast. I had my exchange surgery on November 6. My story was very similar to yours…pain was tough about a week and expanders were a pain but I adjusted very well. The exchange surgery was a piece of cake in comparison and I had round, smooth, silicone implants but I did have some fat grafting. Unfortunately, my right implant dropped lower than it should have so I had a scooped out indention in my upper chest. I had revision surgery on February 9, 2018. So far, everything is good but I worry about the implants dropping again😩. How long does it take for them to settle? I’m afraid to do much exercising until they are completely settled. Also, I’m a pretty good size…do you have trouble with button up shirts…tight across the bust but if I go up a size, too big in arms and shoulders? I’m so glad I watched you on the bachelor and in winter games and started following you. I look forward to reading about your exciting adventures.💕
Thanks for sharing, Sarah Beth 🙂 So sorry you had to have another surgery. There can be various complications when it comes to mastectomies unfortunately. So I feel like mine settled after 2.5 – 3 months if I remember correctly. Shirts/tops are a learning curve still. It’s almost like learning a completely new way of dressing! I hope your healing continues to go well! xoxo
It’s Interesting that you researched breast implant illness and still decided to get implants. Can I ask what made you still get them? Did you know there are now tens of thousands of women effected by health issues from implants? 🙁
I wanted reconstruction and know my body. I have faith in my good health and my doctors to lead me in the best direction. Thanks for your concern!
Hi, im 32 and will be going for a double mastectomy and reconstruction. First i will have the expander, then the implant. Your story is very inspiring and helpful. It is making my implant choice easier. Now, i have a quedtion did you have nipple spearing? If not, did you do nipple reconstruction?
Still have my nipples 🙂 So happy you found everything so helpful!
Hi Lesley! Thank you for sharing your story and experiences. I went through a dmx in Feb.
You decided to have your implants placed partially under your muscle do your muscles move? I have not yet decided above or under muscle. I hear under muscle helps with the rippling visible on top.
Thank you
I hear that too, and yes my muscles move! It looks TOTALLY weird but oh well. I’m healthy 🙂
I stumbled across your blog in the wee hours last night, while nursing my little one, and am so happy I did! My mom was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer, she had a double mastectomy and is currently going thru chemo/radiation before her reconstructive surgery. She tested positive for the BRCA2 mutation and shortly thereafter both my sister and I did as well. I have made my decision to have a mastectomy / reconstruction but have to wait until 6 months after I am done nursing. I wanted to make sure I was getting the full use out of my ta-ta’s before bidding them goodbye!
I really appreciate your openness in sharing your experience and going thru surgery(s) and the healing process. It provides me with some peace, about my decision, and perspective about what is ahead of me, and helped me set my expectations with recovery! Will you eventually have the prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy surgery as well?
Aw so happy to hear that my posts have already helped you as you prepare for surgery. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck to you on your upcoming journey. I will have the oophorectomy one day after having kids. Back to the O.R. table! Knowledge is power so I’ll definitely be proactive with that surgery as well. xo
Hi Lesley,
I am 44 and about to have my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction in a few weeks. I have BRCA2 and was diagnosed with DCIS on my very first scan, so it made the decision an easier one. How have you adjusted to having “numb” breasts. Trying to prepare myself as best I can and your stories have really helped. But the never having feeling again is something that I’m mentally struggling with. Also how long did it take you get back to “normal” exercies ie gym workouts etc.
Hi Kellie – I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used the numbness. It’s just something I live with now. It feels kind of like the way your mouth does when leaving an operation at the dentist. Ek! It’s nothing painful by any means… but nothing enjoyable at the same time really. I just look at it as a small inconvenience but with an amazing upside – less than 1% of getting cancer one day! In terms of working out after surgery… I think I went to the gym 4 weeks afterwards but only doing very small exercises like small arm weights, lunges and ab work. At 6 weeks I believe I went on my first run!
Hi Kellie,
I’m 40 and I was just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal and Invasive Papillary carcinoma. No keeping the nips for me. Curious if you were able to keep the nipples.Wondering if people are opting for the skin nubs as fake nipples or just tattoos? The lack of feeling is definitely messing with my head as well as the idea of no nipples. Hope you’re healing well!
Hi Kellie, I had a nipple sparing double mastectomy. It’s a strange thing to lose feeling in our boobs – totally agree with you there. If you’re considering nipple tattoos, look into David Allen. I’ve spoken with him a few times and have seen his work – truly remarkable.
I just came across your blog and it has helped me with my anxiety tremendously. I was diagnosed just over 3 weeks ago at the age of 33 with breast cancer. I applaud you in making the choice to deal with this prior to having cancer involved (I went for genetic testing a week ago and the results will be another couple weeks). I know our situations are a little different but I will be going through this same surgery in 9 days. Thank you for sharing your story, it is comforting to those of us how are going through this and feel alone, because obviously we really aren’t.
I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Fight the fight! I’ll be sending all of my positive and healing vibes your way!!
I’m 3 weeks post double mastectomy-BRCA2+. A friend who is a nurse suggested your blog. It really helped reading about life after surgery as I’m in the thick of recovering from surgery #1. Being patient as I heal has been the hardest part. Thank you for sharing your story (and bras! I’m excited to get out of this hospital bra!).
Patience is tough, but I hope you’re hanging in there and healing well. Thanks for reading – so glad you found the bra recs helpful!
Wow! Our stories are so similar, though you look quite a bit younger than me! I had bilateral mastectomy in January (small cancerous tumor on left side only), easily letting go of my (unhealthy) breasts (barely As after having kids) and had saline fills in my tissue expanders (450cc) over the course of the end of January and all of February. I sat tight (yes, tight!) for three months, letting my tissue expand and heal…and I had had incredible healing as you said you did. I was diligent with scar massage and all my bruising and drainage tube spots were gone. Yesterday I had the exchange surgery, getting my new silicone implants (475cc) and coming home the same day. I was thrilled for this surgery and not scared at all…so happy to get on to part two of this process. I felt great post-surgery and needed only one pain med immediately while in recovery…nothing since. I’ll remove the surgical bra today along with the foam pads and gauze to shower and take a peek!! Nipple stitches will come out in two weeks, and in four months I will do the tattooing (color for the nipples). When I read your story, it sounded so familiar…I tried to stay upbeat and focused and educated…I have two adult sons with awesome girlfriends and I wanted to show them how one can manage a life crisis without falling apart…the chance to be a role model in this way to my 23 and 24 year olds kept me motivated to find strength and composure. I found it incredibly empowering to navigate this situation using that method, but I realize every woman’s journey is her own…unique and never wrong…just personal. Thanks for sharing your story and for me giving me a place to share mine. I’m looking forward to feeling more natural and normal in the upcoming weeks and months, and I hope our stories continue on this same positive path!!
thank you for posting. I feel the same way. <3
Thanks for sharing this! As a plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation and breast reconstruction in Tampa, I love seeing women share their insights on the whole process post mastectomy. This helps prospective patients get a helpful point of view to answer their questions and concerns.
Hi Lesley!
I just had my recon surgery last Thursday and I am still feeling SO TIRED. Do you remember being very fatigued after that surgery? 24 hours without any of the hard drugs and all I want to do is nap! Anyway, thought I’d ask…
My name is Donna. I was diagnosed w breast cancer in January, following a routine mammogram. Grade 3, triple negative, stage 3. I had to have 16 weeks of chemo to shrink it before having a double mastectomy. My surgery was July 5th. I am one week out. I hate the drains but hear that my surgeon likes to leave them in for 2 weeks, even if they aren’t really draining much. I had expanders placed during surgery and they said they put 200 in during surgery. My question is…how long do I have to wait for the first fill and how many fills should I need for a C cup? I am trying to figure out the timeframe because I have a wedding to attend in early November and I want to know if I will be going with my squishy new boobs or my uncomfortable expanders. I just want to no what to expect. You sound like an amazing person…thanks for sharing and helping.
I know this might sound a bit crazy but I’m wondering if there’s any other ladies out there that have had implants put in after their mastectomies and they detect a strange smell, odor? I don’t know what to compare it to but I realized it first when I I first got my expanders put in. I thought it was the bandages but after a while I was able to take a shower and the smell would come back. Two days after having my implants put in the smell returned slightly different. It’s not a ‘stink’, it doesn’t offend, but this particular odor ‘ offends me’ because it reminds me of the cancer that I didn’t want to give any attention to- and it forces me to do so!
Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience and if so, what did you do about it?
It may be the anesthesia coming out your pores. It can take up to a year for it to completely leave your body. Notice any changes in your skin, hair and nails? I have that exact issue. I notice it most when in the shower and I keep a supply of Apricot facial scrub readily available. It sloughs off the dead skin and leaves that baby smooth feeling. I use Aragon oil in my hair for moisture and the yummy smell and Eucerin repair lotion for my skin. I also keep a light scent role-on perfume in my purse in case I catch a whiff of it when I’m out and about. Hope that helps. Just remember it won’t last forever. 🙂
Wow! I was excited to read your story! Thank you for sharing it. I am recovering from Stage 1 IDC breast cancer. I opted for a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery surgery on the same day. I had 520 cc implants. I was also a small & uneven B prior to surgery. I had asked for C afterwards. I also was fortunate to keep my nipples. They still have scabs on them right now but healing nicely. I am 47 yrs old and decided this was the best decision for me and my future with my family. My plastic surgeon grew up with my husband so there was a huge connection and comfort level with his expertise. I LOVE my surgeon who is 36 and beautiful. She helped put things into perspective for me without telling me what to do.
I am still recovering as it hasn’t even been 4 weeks yet.
I have been so grateful for my journey and the people placed into my life. I was fortunate enough to have two ladies share their stories with me prior to making my decision. One had both surgeries at one time and the other had the two surgeries. That was a huge help for me.
Thank you for sharing your story! I believe we all stick together and support each other! Blessings to you!!
Laura Stimmel
It was warming reading. Thank you for your story, your breasts looks great and you had a great doctor. I hope you won’t need any more surgery in your life. I am 30 now, healthy, but still worried. Your story made me to make my appointement with doctor I did not see for years AND made me less scared, because as hard as it had to be for you, you are doing great now and look so good. 🙂
Hi Lesley,
I just had double mastectomy last week and your blog has been helping me tremendously. Especially that we have the same body type (and original boob size) and I really love the way you look in those awesome bras you blogged about. I bought them all… lol I was small 34B just like you and I love your size. You said you had 500cc.. and that makes 34C ish? I see all your bras are 34C ish.
Thanks for your amazing energy and stelrength. So beautiful. I had actual invasive cancer so it’s been a ride for me – just going day by day… I just wanted to thank you.
Yes! So glad to know how similar we are 😉 Thank you for sharing!! I hope you’ve been recovering well since you sent this message… give me an update when you can! Lots of love and healing vibes your way.
It’s interesting that most women choose to have round breast implants, as they look more full and symmetrical. One of my relatives actually had a mastectomy, so she’s been thinking about breast augmentation. I think reading your article would really help her confidence, so thank you for sharing this.
Lesley – thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Aug 29th and having a double mastectomy on Sept 17th. I’m terrified but I know it’s the right decision. I am an avid fitness guru and love my hot yoga. The hardest part for me will be the long recovery and two-step reconstruction process. How long before you were back to yoga or at least low impact activity? Your story gives me hope, thank you!
Hi Kim, I hope this message finds you before your surgery tomorrow! I’m sending you all the good vibes your way. So I have to be honest – yoga was the last thing that came back to me. I went to low body and light weights and spinning after 4 weeks…running at 6 weeks. Yoga took months but I think it’s pretty cool to know I had two surgeries last year (double mastectomy + reconstruction) and am already a certified yoga teacher after all of that! You will get back to your practice – just give yourself time and patience. Light and love to you!
I’m 4 weeks post NSPBMX with immediate implants. I’ve been struggling with feeling “second best”, that my new breasts aren’t/I am not as legit/worthy as other women who still have their originals. I feel like I have to settle by not keeping my original body. Following you has helped me with confidence. Have you struggled with these feelings? How have you coped?
This was a godsend. I had a unilateral mastectomy of the left breast two weeks after my 51st birthday, and reconstruction on May 15, 2018, with some tissue removal and lift of the right. Last night I was with my boyfriend, and became extremely self conscious about everything. It wasn’t our first time since my surgery, but it was the first time that I was overwhelmingly aware of every ripple; every shift; the lack of no nipple (still pondering the tattoo deal). My boyfriend told me I was beautiful and simply chucked it up to a bad day. Today I searched the web, and found your blog. Thank you, and thank you to the others who have commented. After reading you, my boyfriend sent a text, reminding me I am beautiful. You blog reminded me I’m beautiful as well. We all are, no matter what route we choose.
Thank you so much for this message – it brought tears to my eyes! You’re certainly right – we are all beautiful no matter what route we choose. It’s easy to become self conscious, but once we remind ourselves that we are now healthier than ever – that’s so empowering as are our battle scars and weird ripples. We are unique, and that’s pretty freaking cool.
I am 72 years old and just had a mastectomy on my right breast. I start my injections tomorrow….and do not know what to expect as far as pain. (do not take pain well). I am grateful to be cancer free (I had non envasive )..but so much I do not know about. Tried reading as much as possible. Most of the post I read…are scaring me as some women are having a tough time recouping. I am or was very active playing tennis 5 days a week. It has just been a little over a week since my surgery, and I really miss the excercising…not have been told when I can get back to it. Not able to sleep on back or right side and I do sleep in a chair…..taking pain meds 1 every 8-9 hours along with Tylenol. What I worry about now is no one has told me about the injections and what to expect…I am nervous. Any advice. I know it is to take 6-8 weeks. Just want to hear SOMETHING positive…and not how much pain I seem to going to have!!
I also got the usual bras from hospital…but while they help ‘hold’ me I hurt with them on as the seems etc hit right under my arm pit and some open wounds. I keep them lubicated and covered but the bra really irritates me all day long….Looking for a sleemless thin bra I think by Warner…just for this type of after surgery. Can you help?
Hi June, I hope you are healing well and feeling better by the day. Try a heating pad after your injections – NOT directly on your breasts but on your back instead. The heat will release the pressure and tension that the injections create. You must be patient with yourself 🙂 You’ll heal with time. As for bras, I wrote about my favorites after surgery, and I LOVE sleeping in the Warner. Check that Bra post out under the ‘Health’ section on the site! Sending you love and healing vibes! xo
I had my nipple sparing double mastectomy in October of 2014 due to pre-cancerous cells. I had gone through tissue expanders over a six month period then I went in for my implants. I received 600cc’s in each breast. Two months later I encountered implant exposure so had to have my implants swapped out. Coming from an A cup I chose a large set. Now 4 years later my frame is a size zero and my breasts over power my frame. Plus I don’t like the suction cup look I currently have. So next month I am going under the knife again. Since my surgery, new implants have hit the market and I’m pretty happy with the size of implants 400 cc’s and the plan of action. Unfortunately while trying to do my research I am unable to find a story like mine on the internet. A dbl mastectomy patient that has already received implants that now wants to change their size. If you could please help me that would be great or if you of a helpful website with before and after photos I’d be very appreciative. Thank you for your time.
Colleen Pendleton q
I did this, I changed my implants 1 year later. I was stage 1 DCIS. I had a double mas. with immediate recon. My PS kept telling me I was very narrow in my chest area so that the biggest I could be w/o going the expander route was a C. I was fine with that. During the surgery my PS ended up putting in a smaller implant than planned for a few reasons so I ended up more with a 33/34b that I just was so depressed about. I was a 36 C before. I of course started questioning my choice to go the direct to implant route and the whole mental game kicked in but once I knew why she did it, concerns of my body rejecting the implant or worse due to the tightness I came to terms w/ it all. She informed me that if we waited a year to see how my body took to it all and healed and ensuredno traveling cancer cells emerged that we could do a phase II (an implant swap). I did just that and now a little more than a year later I am now a 34C not exactly where I was before but much closer and happier. Plus I didn’t do the expander route which in my humble opinion was best for me (mentally. It is personal choice). This entire journey is so darn challenging no matter what route you take. Please ladies out there, know there are choices and that even if that first surgery isn’t the perfect one you can get things refine and corrected/altered. It is all up to what you want and are up for really. Some folks like me just watned to feel as close to where I was before, some folks don’t want any more damn surgery! Some folks will do as many as needed to achieve their ideal. It is a personal thing with your head/heart/body and of course w/ the guidance of your oncologist and PS.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story!
How were you able to deal with the intense presuure of the tissue expanders?
Hi thanks so much for sharing your story. I also had double mastectomy but with immediate reconstruction 4 days ago! I feel like my boobs look really odd. Really high up and wide apart. Did yours settle after a while and do they look different now compared to the start? Many thanks
Hi Suzy,
Oh yes they look different- bigger & perkier! Yes, they did settle after a while. Give it some time & they will settle. I was a 36B but like I said I seem bigger. You are doing great! Take one day at a time. Thanks for the response.
I did this, I changed my implants 1 year later. I was stage 1 DCIS. I had a double mas. with immediate recon. My PS kept telling me I was very narrow in my chest area so that the biggest I could be w/o going the expander route was a C. I was fine with that. During the surgery my PS ended up putting in a smaller implant than planned for a few reasons so I ended up more with a 33/34b that I just was so depressed about. I was a 36 C before. I of course started questioning my choice to go the direct to implant route and the whole mental game kicked in but once I knew why she did it, concerns of my body rejecting the implant or worse due to the tightness I came to terms w/ it all. She informed me that if we waited a year to see how my body took to it all and healed and ensuredno traveling cancer cells emerged that we could do a phase II (an implant swap). I did just that and now a little more than a year later I am now a 34C not exactly where I was before but much closer and happier. Plus I didn’t do the expander route which in my humble opinion was best for me (mentally. It is personal choice). This entire journey is so darn challenging no matter what route you take. Please ladies out there, know there are choices and that even if that first surgery isn’t the perfect one you can get things refine and corrected/altered. It is all up to what you want and are up for really. Some folks like me just watned to feel as close to where I was before, some folks don’t want any more damn surgery! Some folks will do as many as needed to achieve their ideal. It is a personal thing with your head/heart/body and of course w/ the guidance of your oncologist and PS.
I had a bilateral mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction. I had DCIS & am now cancer free. Praise the Lord. I had surgery on October 26, 2018. My stomach & breasts are very hard. When will they soften just a little. Thanks so much! Linda
I enjoy reading all of the blogs! All of you are an inspiration to me!
Thanks for sharing your story. I had a double mastectomy back in July. In 5 days I will have my exchange surgery and I can’t wait to get these tissue expanders out. I decided to have the surgery because I was diagnosed as a BRCA2 carrier. My mom had both ovarian and breast cancer about five years apart. Her breast cancer metastasized to her spinal fluid (it is rare, only happens 3% of the time). About 1 year after she died doctors found something suspicious in my breast MRI. I decided I needed to have the surgery.
My experience has been very painful. Until the last month I was in daily pain. I was told it was because of my smaller frame. I hope this next surgery, swapping the expanders for implants, will make life better. I worry about time missed at work and how long it will take me to be able to be independent again. Your blog has been helpful. In my experience, my doctors didn’t disclose to me how difficult the recovery would be. I am the type of person who would rather be given full disclosure than not know what to expect.
I have never regretted my decision. That’s one thing I’ve found in many blogs I’ve read– this surgery gives us a peace of mind that frees us to live our lives. Thanks for sharing your story.
I will like to share this great testimony of [email protected] or website that helped me to save my marriage by increasing my Penis size and i now know that penis size really matters in a relationship or marriage. I got married to my wife about 2 month after we met on a photo studio, we lived happily for the first 5 months of our marriage until i and my wife start having quarrels at home because i couldn’t satisfy her on bed with my small penis. Actually my penis was very small, it measured about 3.5 inch long on erection and i am 35 years old ,man. My wife said it was forbidden by the women of this world.. Sometimes i will return from work without finding my wife at home and whenever i call or ask her where she was, she will always snub at me and sometimes just tell me to go get a larger dick. All this continued for a long time and it hurt me so much that i was at the edge of breaking up on the marriage till when i read about a Herbal doctor called DR. MOSES BUBA online. I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR MOSES BUBA I got the DR MOSES BUBA on his Emails: [email protected] on the internet and i emailed him, and he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbal cream which i use for just 7 days and i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my greatest surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer fight with me, and my penis is now about 11.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR.MOSES BUBA, and i want to say a big thanks to DR MOSES BUBA for the help. You can contact DR MOSES BUBA on his Email: [email protected] or visit his website
i am so thankful to DR MOSES BUBA for helping me. you can call OR whatsapp him +2349060529305
I have so many questions. I’m a romance author, and researching this for a character in the book I’m currently working on. I read through all the comments. But I’m wondering, about the recovery process. One week post op…could you leave your house? Did you have drainage tubes after your surgery? If someone is willing to email me that would be awesome. I want to get this right for my book.
[email protected]
I just went through a double mastectomy on March 19, 2019… Reading your story has made it easy for me to understand the healing process… I have been on an emotional roller coaster with all this, but your story has been comforting… It’s nice to know that someone understands the whole process of having a double mastectomy… I’m barely being able to move my arms but limited with my right arm… It was the side that has most of cancer and lymph nodes were removed from that side as well… My healing process is taking longer, because, on May 6, 2018, I had a ministroke due to acute migraines… Which left me paralyzed on my right side… I had been taking a lot of physical therapy and slowly recovering and then on December 7, 2018, I get the news that I had breast cancer… I broke down crying wondering how much more I can take… One thing after another with my health… Hopefully, I will be able to start my physical therapy so because my right side gets numbs really fast… Didn’t realize how this surgery was going to leave me drained, exhausted mentally/ emotionally, and physically… But I’m still fighting to get better and hopefully soon…
Hi . My name is Kathy. I had a double mastectomy and the stretchers . I can honestly say I had identical twins before my surgery and now I have whar my doctor calls sisters . They do not look the same . I just went through another surgery because my right breat implant never looked right , so she finally decided to do another surgery to see what the issue was . It was upside down which I had said all along . I am very very dis appointed in how my breast look and has caused some depression because of the disfigured right breast . The left is lifted yes and still has ripples and the right sags and is a bit larger . This Dr I had came very highly recommended and is super nice but Im sorry I dont think she does that great of a job . Im in a relationship and my boyfriend has not tet seen my breast un covered by clothing or Pjs or a bra . Luckally you must had a great Dr and better insurance .
Good luck. Hope all goes well with you .
I love your Instagram and blog! I live in Memphis, TN – close to Little Rock, AR and part of the mid-south! I had my double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction under the muscle on March 13, 2019. Your posts have been so helpful and encouraging. Seriously – thank you!! I read them all at least twice before surgery and still refer back to them. Your product recommendations have been spot on and I’m so grateful!
I was wondering if you still do orange theory and if you’ve found any challenges with the exercises in the classes post surgery. I know everyone is different. I really want to go back to an orange theory class but I’m worried about not being able to do some of the exercises. Appreciate your time reading this message and value any thoughts you have! ♥️
Hi! I was born in Memphis 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve found the posts helpful. I hope you’re healing well!
I still do OTF, yes! I was definitely patient with my body while recovering though. If I was uncomfortable with an exercise, I would modify it (and please don’t feel ashamed at doing so! It will help you recover). Any position that flexes my chest muscles (push ups, TRX band) will always feel interesting/unnatural, but I’ve arrived at a place where I can do anything that I could before surgery.
I’m from Memphis too. I’m 6 weeks post op (nipple sparing mastectomy with silicone Implant). I teach fitness classes and am
Just starting to get back to normal workouts. I still have some burning at the inside and outsides of the implants. Did you ever experience that? Haven’t gotten back to chest work yet even though the doc said I was fine at 6 weeks. Still not comfortable sleeping on my side either.
to go partially under the muscle/sub-pectoral,did you have to place the expandable implant partially under immediately or could you do it with the final implant? I am having a rethink for the estetic but my expandable is over the muscle and I don’t like it at all
Thank you for sharing your story.
Thanks for sharing the information with us.
I love your plastic surgery tips. My wife doesn’t like the way her chest looks. I’ll have to consider getting her to a surgery clinic to get an assessment.
I am 28 years old, 145lbs and 5’2. I am currently in the stage of my saline expanders and my Surgeon says I can only go up to 460cc. I feel like they look great now because they look a little more round. BUT… He is saying the more natural look is the year drop which is going to be over the muscle. I am nervous because I do know I might gain in my 30s and I do want to look and feel 28 as well. I was a 36B before the surgery and I was wondering if you have any posted photos with your second surgery? I have tried to research but most photos are double misectomy itself. Not really any after photos.
I also do not have a flat tummy. So that’s also something I have to think of as the size of my breasts.
Hi Leslie,
I found your blog after starting my cancer journey. 46 and found out I’m BRCA2 positive. My older sister was diagnosed right after me and my twin is BRCA2 positive. I finished chemo and had a double mastectomy with implants (just had my exchange surgery last Friday). I’m very sore and he went so much bigger than expected! Filled me to 360 and then gave me 520cc implants! Ouch. Hoping the pain is just more stretching. I’m going to refer my twin sis to your blog. She’s trying to decide what to do. I say take them before they try to kill you! Chemo is by far the worst thing I’ve even been through. Love your blog and inspiration! Keep it up!
I had my final implant placement today with 500cc’s. How long does it take for the implants to settle and expand and what cup size should I expect?
It took my foobs a couple of months to settle, and I believe I ended up being around a 32C…but I hardly ever wear a bra now! I love it!
Hi Lesley,
I had a double mastectomy with nipple sparing and temporary tissue expanders put in 3 weeks ago as a result of DCIS in two places in my left breast. I do not need radiation, chemotherapy, or pills as there was no cancer found in my body at the time of surgery. They got it all out in the two previous biopsies. Dr. Foley used acellular dermal matrix (cadaver skin) so that the tissue expanders could be placed on top of my muscle. My pain level has been very low, but I am suffering from extreme fatigue. Also, my right nipple appears to have suffered some distress. It did have a scab, but it now is just red. I have a few questions:
1. Although my breasts look REALLY good considering the circumstances, will the nipple improve over time prior to phase two on December 2nd? Did you use any ointments/antibiotics on your nipples between phase one and phase two?
2. How much time did you need to take off of work for each phase? I am going back after 3.5 weeks on Monday. I was wondering how much time I might need when the implants are put in place.
3. Did you experience extreme fatigue? I only took pain pills for the first 5 days, so I have been pill free for about 16 days.
4. How long did you need to wear bras for? I wear mine 24 hours a day which is annoying.
Thank you for sharing your story. I started my own blog back in July so that I could remember my journey and share it with friends and family.
Complete hysterectomy 1/21/19
Prophylactic bilateral mastectomy on 3/4/19
Exchange surgery on 6/10/19
I chose all of the same things you did.. exactly.
I am now struggling with pain.
My implants are 500cc and I was a small Bcup. Feel like these babies are in my armpits and wide and flat. Praying this changes, but it has been 3 months. Back to the gym, lifting light weight.
Just so bummed about the scar tissue pain. May have to go back on gabapentin. Oh and menopause is a real treat! 🥵🥵
But I will be here to watch my 2 daughters grow up💕
…. beyond fear lies freedom…..
Xoxo to all #previvor #foobies
Hi Lesley,
Thank you for sharing this great article. You share your experience so that many people who make the decision to do breast surgery understand what they need to face and how to stand against some problems
Very inspiring journeys, it gives me hope!
Can any of you lovely ladies tell me how you are doing 6 months or even years after bilateral mastectomy with implants.
I would appreciate it. Love and peace🌈
H Maxine,
I am currently two years out from my Stage 0 DCIS double mastectomy and on second set of implants replacing these on November 18, 2021. I’m 5’5″, 140 pounds my original implants were 600 cc’s silicone, too big and ice cold. So I went back in and had 500 cc’s saline, 5 fat grafting surgeries later breasts are still odd shaped, huge, and too heavy. I have pain some days where they feel like they are moving and get a pulling sensation in chest area. Very uncomfortable. I have now decided to go to my original PS to have him put new implants in. My upcoming surgery he’s planning on going with 400 cc’s silicone high profile implants with some fat grafting to fill in. Silicone really is the best due to saline tending to ripple. It’s really difficult to determine where they will settle and so on. It’s been a long journey for sure after all these surgeries hopefully third time is the charm. Although my breasts will never be the same as they were pre cancer, I am grateful to be here. For me its trying to be comfortable and not having constant pain. The numbness I have learned to live with. I hope going smaller will help alleviate the pain and pulling. Hope your procedure went well and you are healing beautifully.
Thanks for sharing your story about breast augmentation after your double mastectomy. My aunt is going to have a double mastectomy procedure pretty soon. She mentioned that she’ll want to have a breast augmentation procedure done by a professional. This way she’ll feel more confident.
Hi Lesley, thank you so much for sharing your journey. I tested positive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation and I have a very strong family history of breast cancer. In July I had a full hysterectomy and on Nov 20th I have my prophylactic bilateral double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I was a 40DD prior to the surgery so my plastic surgeon saw no reason to delay reconstruction. My doctor put in gummy bear implants and since I had the space he put in 745 cc’s in each boob. I’m not even 3 weeks post op but they look so flat/small to me. Now I’m worried I’ll need another surgery to switch out these implants later if I don’t like the way the appear 🙁 I’m hoping they’ll look better as I heal. I know you didn’t get the same implants, but I was wondering if you had any advise?
Thank you for sharing. I’m 35 years old. I found a small lump in October. I went to the gynecologist and she had me get a mammogram and ultrasound. The tests came back highly suspicious. Then, I went and had a biopsy on the suspicious area. The waiting process was the worst. My husband sitting next to me and hearing, “You have cancer” still seems surreal. Thankfully, it was DCIS and stage 0. I decided to have a bilateral mastectomy after meeting with my fabulous surgeon. On December 10th I had a bilateral mastectomy with skin and nipple sparing. My team has been amazing. I go for my 3rd expansion fill up tomorrow. They said they will continue until I felt happy and comfortable. I was a barely B prior to the surgery. I’m planning on a full C cup so I can finally fill out a dress. I’m beyond thankful for friends and family. I’m a wife, Mom, and teacher. Praying for continued healing for you all!
Hi Lesley, Thank you for sharing your journey! There are a lot of women out there who may be looking into a Breast Implant. wether for physical enhances or health reasons, as long as its good for you and you’re happy! Go for it!
I am also thinking about it for months now, doing a lot of research and notice that more people recommended going for breast fillers The method is non-invasive because it does not result in any scars on the boobs. Besides, the process has minimal to almost no downtime and gives natural-looking breasts.
Wishing you all the best! Thanks XoXo
I’m literally 5 days post OP. I had spacers put in and my permanent implants have yet to be discussed. Thanks for sharing. I’ve learned more and I am less anxious now. This has been a struggle to say the least.
Hello my name is Susie and I had a Double Mastectomy and had Expanders put in right after Surgery. Then went a few weeks after recovering to start the filling process. I was a B size small and only went with 490 cc and now I am so Disappointed about the size. I feel like My Real Ones we’re bigger after all this time. I need some help on what to do or say to my Doctor. He would ask me do I think there ok or not. And I would say What do you think. And he says it’s your decision I can’t tell you. In a good he said that. I just Love him and his Nurses they were like Family to me the whole time. From start to finish. Before Expanders were taken out my Chest looked like it was big. But after settling they look so small. And I know my Husband is Not Happy with the way They look. I could walk all over the house With nothing on and he doesn’t even look at me. I have tried it I know. I just feel like I am in this all by myself. My Heart Aches so much. I just need to know what to do next For Myself if Anything. I had my Surgery last year and want to figure out what is Best for me. Thank You for letting say what’s on my mind. Take Care 💕
I just got my double mastectomy on 4-9-2021 due to high risk cancer. I’m a mom of 2 little boys and it was really hard decision to make between if I want to try for a girl or I want to make my decision now before everything too late and finally I made my decision. My husband and I are happy with 2 boys as long as we are healthy and can spend time with them raise them together that’s all matter not about boy or girl. I went in for surgery and woke up with 10/10 scale of pain☹️ And now 10 days later my drains are still fill with a lot of blood and painful. However, I look at my sons and talk to myself everything will be ok and the pain will go away and I won’t have to worry about going through cancer like my sister, aunt and cousin and can focus on raising my kids. But right now o don’t know what to choose the size, shape and type of implants for my breast for the best out come. After read your story I’m so happy for you that you had all support from your family as financially and mentally. I’m happy to have the support from my family too but the financially is a bit hard but my husband said he will try his best to gives me the best. Thanks for your story to makes me stronger and positive.
Hi. I have a preventative double Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction planned June 8. I love my breast surgeon so I settled for her plastic surgeon as he was the only way I could do it all in one shot. I had a second opinion with a second plastic surgeon today and fell in love with him. He doesn’t participate with my breast surgeon or my hospital so I’m thinking of having a mastectomy and just having her close me up and in 8-12 weeks going to the plastic surgeon I love to do the delayed reconstruction. Has anyone gone this route or known anyone who has and how do you handle the mastectomy skin with nothing it it hanging for 8-12 weeks without having an emotional breakdown. Any help would be appreciated as I have my post ops next week and potentially may be cancelling my original plastic surgeon and going elsewhere but I don’t know how you have the skin left in limbo for the 8-12 weeks with anything in it. I do not want to cancel my plastic surgeon until I know more about this topic. I feel peace of mind through this is priceless and if I have to pay out of pocket to have peace of mine, I just may! Anyone comments or people are who have been through please let me know. Thank you all brave women for giving me the ability to push through this. I am 42 years old and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be doing this !
Hello Maukevin – I had a double mastectomy in Nov/2020. Ask your surgeon if they put in expanders. This allows you new plastic surgeon to add saline periodically to expand your skin so you will be prepared for the reconstruction. The expanders are like an implant (but feel a little different) and have a magnet that allows them to find the valve and inject saline weekly (or bi-weekly) to slowly allow your skin to stretch preparing for the reconstruction surgery. It’s completely painless when they inject your implant periodically and can be done in the office. Hope this helps. Most surgeons want you to be happy so they will work with your choice of plastic surgeons.
Hi (Ladies) & TATA sisters,
What I call ladies under gone went 2011) mastectomy w bilateral reconstruction fr Breast cancer . I’m a survivor ..Entering my 10yr w implants .. so consulted
A Plastic Surgeon , he suggest I have them replaced w using back muscle r side . Q: have anyone had removals snd replaced implants, an May I ask for your experience and healing ?
Hi Reba,
I am currently two years out from my Stage 0 DCIS double mastectomy and on second set of implants replacing these on November 18, 2021. I’m 5’5″, 140 pounds my original implants were 600 cc’s silicone, too big and ice cold. So I went back in and had 500 cc’s saline, 5 fat grafting surgeries later breasts are still odd shaped, huge, and too heavy. I have pain some days where they feel like they are moving and get a pulling sensation in chest area. Very uncomfortable. I have now decided to go to my original PS to have him put new implants in. My upcoming surgery he’s planning on going with 400 cc’s silicone high profile implants with some fat grafting to fill in.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and keeping in touch all these years since. I am 1/2 way through chemo on a Triple positive HER2 – Stage IV – N2 breast cancer in lymph nodes too. They prefer to take out all lymph nodes and one breast with mastectomy, remove right implant placing spacers, radiation then continuing with the HER2 treatment to my one year mark. Sometime depending on my healing I would replace expanders with final implant. I am 5″4′ weighing 123 in excellent shape, 60 but with no body fat (uggg). My complication is that I have neutropenia before cancer which is low white blood cell counts. Ended up in hospital for a week recently as was high risk for sepsis. I’m concerned about the removal of lymph nodes. There is a new surgery within the last year that fortunately, UMiami Sylvester Cancer Center performs (only 40-50 patients). This surgery helps reduce from 30% to 10% chance of getting lymphedema in the left arm with removal of nodes. But with everything else this added concern is difficult mentally. I am concerned also about scarring, deformity in light of only doing one side mastectomy (with no fat to graft – on on the chest wall) which they suggest due to high risks for me personally of infection with WBC lows. Anybody have no body fat, one sided mastectomy only, on the chest wall and perhaps also lymph nodes removed? Anyone with positive info please?
I am having the same surgery’s but backwards. My plastic surgeon has come up with a way to put the implants in first for 6 months at least then when they go in and remove all the breast tissue he removes them and then puts in a bit bigger set due to losing “myself” he has now done this on 15 people and the process has all turned out great. This is the only reason I am not getting expanders. Did you have the nipple removed or were you able to save it?! Thank you for sharing your journey and sorry I’m just now seeing it!!!!