I was surprisingly calm while Alex poured hot water on our icy driveway so that we could make it to the hospital during the ice storm. I feel like there’s so much pressure on the bag, but in reality you don’t need a lot. It’s more of a want. At first, I got out a little tote bag thinking that’d be plenty of room. HA. I ran out in the first minute. Here’s the thing: nobody cares if you show up to the hospital with a massive suitcase. We certainly did and have zero regrets. Also know that the hospital will provide you with everything you need for labor & delivery, but it doesn’t hurt to bring your favorite creature comforts along for the ride. You never know how long you might be there, and I was so glad to have a few things from home. I also indicated below what I actually used and what went unused. I hope it’s all helpful for your own journey towards bringing a beautiful life into this world!

The Must-Haves
- PJs (I brought this sleepshirt and wore it for two days straight! I also have this nightgown and this nightgown for postpartum wear- almost wish I would’ve brought another one to the hospital just to switch it up!) *used
- 2 pillows (The hospital pillows are thin, so I’m glad we brought our faves from The Pillow Bar…trust me when I say look no further) *used
- 2 blankets (We brought this one and a thin one from our last trip to Peru so we could cozy up during the day and sleep under at night) *used
- 2 towels (Another comfort from home…maybe not necessary if you’re crunched on space) *used but didn’t need b/c the hospital had them
- Postpartum Kit (Undies/nursing bras for those who are breastfeeding) *didn’t use because the hospital’s postpartum items are that good
- Boppy Pillow or bottle feeding *used
- Flip Flops for the shower *used
- Slippers (postpartum foot pains are REAL so it was time to invest in some quality slippers!) *didn’t use at hospital but use them now!
- Socks *used
- Robe *didn’t use
- Compression Socks (My feet were swollen after delivery and these helped so much!) *used
- Going home outfit (I didn’t want anything tight, so I brought a dress during one of the coldest days of the year…) *used

Toiletry Bag
- Body Wash (Taking a shower after labor felt SO amazing) *used
- Make-Up bag (To each her own 🙂 ) *used
- Hair brush *used
- Toothbrush/paste *used
- Deodorant *used
- Face cleanser *used
- Moisturizer *used
- Chapstick (always and everywhere) *used
- Prenatal/Postnatal vitamins *used
Nora’s Bag

- Diaper Bag (LOVE this travel-friendly bag made from wattle bottles with a roll out changing station) *used
- Diapers *didn’t use
- Wipes *didn’t use
- Burp cloths *didn’t use
- Pacifier *didn’t use
- Baby Blanket *used
- 2 going home outfits for Nora (I ended up packing a couple in case she spit up on one, but we didn’t end up putting her in an outfit until we were discharged. We was always so cozy in those hospital blankets or doing skin to skin time (onesie/hat/socks) *used

- Banana Bread (see my recipe here!) *used
- Snacks *used
- iPhone chargers (lots of people said to buy an extra long charger but we didn’t get that far before my water broke ha!) *used
- Camera *used
- Tripod *used
- Speaker *didn’t use
- Book *didn’t use
- Journal *didn’t use
- Driver’s License/Insurance Card *used
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