That feels odd to say, and I feel a strange reverse culture shock coming on…
I’ve become comfortable telling people I’m homeless as they gaze at me with suspicious eyes. “Where do you live?” they ask. “Well, nowhere really.” So many questions. I then go down the travel blogger rabbit hole.
Of course I’ve always had my parents’ home in Arkansas or my sister’s apartment in Dallas as a retreat between trips around the globe, but I haven’t carried keys of my own since April 30th, 2015 in South America.
For 36 months I didn’t pay rent, I haven’t taken out the trash, and I might just be the worst cook in America at this point. I’ve been without a kitchen but damn did I rack up some airline miles. I can’t tell you a more freeing feeling than that.
It was time to unpack the beat up suitcase and get a home…but where was the question. It’s kind of like the age old problem of what birthday or Christmas gift do you get someone who already has everything? My version of that is where do you tell a travel blogger to live when they’ve had a taste of so many amazing places around the globe? I remember being in this same mindset around the beginning of last year and then boom. Two big surgeries happened. Oh well. That’s a year of rent money saved and a life of cancer free boobs, a win in my book. Being this location independent and this geographically noncommittal proved a bit difficult to choose where to land. Not ONE specific place jumped out. I could just as well be in LA or Dallas or Barcelona. Nothing made sense to me and to be honest, it still doesn’t. My reasoning behind LA was work (my agency is based here and so are many other projects), direct flights from LAX (score) and having already lived here in a previous life (circa 2013 with my sister). But a gypsy soul is a gypsy soul. That’s why I signed a 5 month lease in a furnished apartment. Nothing is permanent, and I like it like that.
Today it’s rainy and gray here in LA, a very odd welcome to a notoriously sunny and 70something city. Perhaps that’s not such a bad omen, though. The day I moved to D.C. years ago, my car got totaled (love you, mom!). The day I moved to Argentina, the airline lost my luggage – but look how good that adventure turned out! I started an amazing career in travel and the rest is history. I have a good feeling about planting some roots for the time being 🙂
I will absolutely continue to travel, even with a home. For three years, I said ‘yes’ to almost everything that came my way. I think it’s imperative to do this in the beginning stages of anything…and I’ll always say that it’s important to say ‘yes’ more than ‘no’ in life. The amount of stories, contacts and memories that can come from it is invaluable. After trying my hardest to get as many experiences under my belt in three years, I’m excited to take on more meaningful trips instead of jumping on a plane just to jump on a plane (and don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing bad about that!). Reinventing yourself and evolving is a necessity, and I’m happy to shift gears and start a new lifestyle. My gosh – it’s just an apartment, right? I like to look at everything as an experiment. A new city? Experiment. A new home? Same thing. A new recipe? Definitely. A new baby? Damn sure gotta be. A new reality TV show? Mmhmm. A new boyfriend? Let’s just say some experiments are better than others.
Hotel life will always be there, but this is me giving myself permission to try on a new lifestyle, new projects and a new community. If I vehemently dislike it, LAX is only 5 miles away 🙂 There’s always Paris. Or Buenos Aires. Or Cape Town. Or Vancouver. Or Shanghai. Or Sydney. The list goes on and on…but I have a feeling this sun room is going to be hard to leave! I am already low-key obsessed with this lil one bedroom paradise…
The Road Les Traveled has been beyond exciting, sometimes bumpy, a little bit scary but always a hell of a time. I simply just turned right along the scenic route for a bit 😉 From surgeries to travel to The Bachelor, I’ve always loved taking y’all along with me. This sense of community has kept me going on the road for years and hopefully always will! I hope you’ve enjoyed this new update! Thanks for sticking with me along the way. Now feel free to sign off with your favorite recipes, cleaning supplies, bedding, or anything else remotely domestic because I’m a wee bit lost when it comes to this category. Love y’all to the moon and back!