The day before I moved to Argentina was the day I bought my very first DSLR camera. It intimidated the shit out of me, but those nerves didn’t even compare to the minor panic attack I had when landing in Buenos Aires the next day with two bags and sub-par Spanish skills. Here’s my 2013 one-way ticket to prove it, an electronic memento I’ll always look fondly upon. It set me back $77.50 thanks to my American Airlines award ticket 🙂
Moving abroad is definitely up there on the Best Decisions I’ve Ever Made short list. I went south to work as a marketing manager for a company called Oasis Collections, a little sister of Airbnb, if you will. After a year of working behind a desk and traveling the continent (Argentina recognizes a very high number of public holidays in a year – heyyyy long weekends!), I did a risky thing. Come summer of 2014, I decided I wanted to create a website that would inspire people to get out more. To not allow the grass to grow under their feet so much. To throw caution to the wind. To meet more walks of life. To travel.
I quit my job, I logged a shit ton of hours on my Argentine couch, and by trial and error, I learned how to run a travel blog. By April of 2015, I’d moved out of my Buenos Aires apartment to live a nomadic lifestyle. Who am I and where did the old me go?? Dear travel, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO.
Bear with me as I delve through self examination, family, culture, love lessons and realizations 🙂
Taking risks and throwing caution (and judgement) to the wind is beyond healthy.
I first learned this lesson when I took my talents to LA and filmed The Bachelor. Allow me to introduce you to giving less fucks which can be paralleled with throwing judgement to the wind. If you get offended by the language, don’t blame me. I didn’t write it, I just resonate with it. The past few years of my life can be summed up in the following page from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck:
Ahh. Relatable AF, no? Bottom line, do what makes you happy and don’t let others opinions get in the way of that. In my case, that means living a nontraditional lifestyle out of a suitcase, not paying rent anywhere, and being a horrid cook…and being okay with all of that. Society, hold please.
Confidence and dedication go a long way.
I believe if you want something badly enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen. That means working long into the night and on weekends, missing weddings and family celebrations because you need to work and gather content abroad, pitching yourself to anyone who will listen, etc, etc. I knew it was risky to quit my well-paying job at a consulting firm in DC for a life abroad. I knew it was even riskier to quit my desk job in Buenos Aires for a life of travel. We must keep pushing the boundaries and wear our confidence like it’s the most stunning ball gown at the freaking gala.
Les(s) is more.
I’ve loved this little saying ever since I used it as inspiration to write my college essays way back when. It holds truer than ever now. I don’t have many possessions and the little I do own are either in a storage unit in Fort Smith, Arkansas where NOBODY in my family even resides anymore…or at my lovely parents house in Little Rock. I don’t own a bed. I don’t have a couch. I keep hearing about these zoodle makers though, so I can’t wait to own one of those some day. Bottom line: learning to live with less is the most freeing feeling I’ve ever known.
A strong support system is more important than you think.
From a very early age, my dad has always told me to find something I love doing every day. Through broadcast journalism and psychology and wedding planning and politics and hospitality and marketing, I have finally found that passion…and feel like I’ve lived 20 lifetimes doing it, the greatest feeling of accomplishment on earth. I was raised by the kindest and hardest working people I know. I have been surrounded by genuine, loving friends for as long as I can remember. This support group of friends and family constantly keep me grounded and bring stabilization and balance to an otherwise crazy life so that I can go through the journey unscathed, knowing a place of serenity awaits. Get a glimpse here in my Ode to Free Ferry Road, my childhood summed up in a blog post. It’s one of my favorites!
If people didn’t allow the grass to grow underneath their feet, the world would be a better place.
This may be my favorite lesson of all. Travel is a great way to avoid misunderstandings, war and suffering. It’s simply a matter of not having a preconceived idea of what something or someone is, but rather going to see what something or someone is. It’s the greatest learning experience I’ve ever had, travel and its social studies. There are so many lessons we have yet to learn awaiting us on the other end of that flight. When you travel well, you broaden the mind. When you broaden the mind, you see in all colors, shapes, sizes and religions. Dear Mr. President, I’m talking directly to you. Travel will change you and always for the better
Finding love and discovering the world are not mutually exclusive events.
I’ve been wanting to write an entire post on this for a while because after going through a few relationships while on the road, some readers and followers have asked if it’s hard to 1) find love and 2) keep the love alive while living such a complex lifestyle…good questions indeed.
Some people find love in their hometowns. Others on planes. Some find it on a dating app and others in faraway lands. We never pinpoint or choose where we meet the love of our lives, it just happens one day. I don’t think anyone can say, “Well if you stayed in one place long enough, maybe you would have found him/her by now.” That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard in my life. I believe I have the same chance of finding love as anyone else, maybe even more because I frequently come across various walks of life and thus, have a larger pool to essentially meet. Ah, but who can really say? What I do know is that all relationships take work. Long distance relationships probably take more work. They suck and they’re hard and it’s a lonely existence sometimes…which is why you take your significant other with you as much as humanly possible 🙂 This can be harder said than done depending on his/her profession, but I’ve never known a relationship to blossom quite like it does in a foreign place where all you have are each other to rely on, left to navigate a country together with poor wifi and massive language barriers. It’s a beautiful thing.
And now I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the book Eat, Pray, Love…
Traveling is the great true love of my life. I have always felt, ever since I was sixteen years old and first went to Russia with my saved-up babysitting money, that to travel is worth any cost or sacrifice. I am loyal and constant in my love for travel, as I have not always been loyal and constant in my other loves. I feel about travel the way a happy new mother feels about her impossible, colicky, restless newborn baby—I just don’t care what it puts me through. Because I adore it. Because it’s mine. Because it looks exactly like me. It can barf all over me if it wants to—I just don’t care.
Thank you! Think I’ll grab that first book you reference…. :-). Safe Travels Lesley!
It’s a good one! Thanks, David!
Sooooo, reading the Free Ferry post most definitely brought me to tears, just as it does/will every time I read it. We have to much to be thankful for!! This is one of my favorite blog posts yet….keep up the good work, Les. The stars are lining up for you…I can feel it! Love you the most!!
Love you always, mom 🙂
Zoodlers are dope. I’ll get you one for the road, cause they make those too xx
A travel-sized zoodler?! What a time to be alive..
Yess!! I have a mini zoodler for my studio kitchen! The blade miiight be an issue with luggage but if one can smuggle in wine? 🤷🏽♀️
Thank you. For a while I had forgotten who I was and where I stood. Reading this has only opened my eyes to see that I have not been true to myself which is causing me to feel caged in, yet I only feel that way because I’m allowing it to happen to me! Well, today is the end of that! I am free because I’m not going to care what the world says about me! I am going to chase my dreams, travel and enjoy every portion of it.
Eunice, thanks for sharing! Loved reading your message 🙂 It’s such a great reminder to never lose sight of ourselves. Safe travels, love!!
THANK YOU, thank you! I’m one of those followers that asked the question about finding love while living a complex lifestyle. I’m going to spill my reaction here. Reflection in writing for me, is the best therapy! Great excuse to talk about ourselves as we reflect. 😅
Im drawn to your lifestyle, more so than I’m drawn to those of my dear friends who are getting married, buying houses, or aspiring to do so. Do you get that reaction a lot? I’m thinking yes. Anyways, my boyfriend Trevor lives and works in China. I’m in Minnesota, working for a staffing firm at a desk, M-F. We met on a dating app while he was back home, discovered we liked each other enough within a month’s time to continue our relationship before his moving back on a work visa. Woah – this is way harder than I thought. But whether or not this one sticks I will always I have a deep desire to love, be loved, travel and be heard. So with that, thank you for your words of wisdom and living by example.
You’ve had phenomenal life experiences. What makes you feel most alive? What is your biggest challenge?
Courtney – I’m so excited to respond to this 🙂 Reflection in writing really is the best.
Throughout the past few years, I’ve definitely been drawn to the nomadic lifestyle, yes. It’s a very recent realization to me that a home base would be nice. That doesn’t mean buying a house, but I think having my own space to unpack my bags every once in a while would be a great change. It’s been three years since I paid rent, cooked a meal in my own kitchen, grocery shopped, had to think about what brand of toilet paper was best, etc…and what a MAGICAL three years it has been! The great thing about having this freedom to choose is also having the freedom to pack everything up again if I so please 😉 We’ll see what happens. So far no ONE destination for that home base has jumped at me just yet.
You and Trevor have a very LONG distance relationship! More power to y’all for making it work. That’s so tough, but it’s true what they say – absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe one of these days you’ll be in China or he’ll be back in MN. You can never predict it, just keep pushing forward and see what makes you happy.
What makes me feel most alive is probably touching down in either 1) a foreign destination that I’ve never visited or 2) touching down in Argentina, whether that be in Buenos Aires or Patagonia. I’ve always said that country makes me feel so alive…while also having that familiar feeling of home.
My biggest challenge – I’m only human and have many ha! Right now, I think a lot about balance. Am I traveling too much? Am I spending enough time with friends and family? If I do get a home base, will I feel the need to stay in that one location more than exploring new places around the world? I struggle with that. Life is all a balancing act and mine is no different!
Thanks for all your questions! xoxo
LOVE THIS! It’s all so true. This blog inspired my trip to Israel last year and I LEARNED so much on that trip. Travel just opens your eyes to the world and teaches you never to be afraid of unknowns. You just have to go out there and DO!!
Yesss! So happy you experienced Israel! One of my favorite destinations around the world.
Lesley, I cannot tell you how much this blog post spoke to me. It literally brought me to tears, especially that quote from Eat, Pray, Love. I am 24 and about to uproot my life in New York City so I can travel around the world indefinitely. I am terrified, anxious, and incredibly excited. Thank you for writing this and giving me the confidence to go and live my dreams. You’re an inspiration!
Zoe, I’m so happy to read this 🙂 NYC will always be there! Go explore… safe travels, love!
Loved reading this and the quotes inside. It is completely so true. I’ve started (this year- just beginning) to live more minimalistic and sell belongings, and it’s crazy how easy you can have more money to travel. You are such an inspiration! ❤️
Megan – thanks for this! Love the point you bring up about money for travel. A lot of people make excuses for why they can’t do it when they really want to, and while some are valid, I think that if you want something badly enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen…even if that means selling some possessions. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Soy de Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina). Fuiste una de mis favoritas en the bachelor y me super alegro que hayas estado viviendo en mi pais. Amo tus fotos de viajes! Ojala que algun dia nos cruzemos en algun avion o viajando. Saludos!
Hola Celina! Muchas gracias por tu comentario, especialmente in español 🙂 Desde que me mudé de Argentina necesito practicar mucho! Extraño el país. Ojala que nos cruzemos en Rosario, Buenos Aires, o un otro parte de mundo pronto 🙂 Un abrazo! xo
So true about meeting the love of your life anywhere! I met mine at a 3 day work conference when we both lived on opposite sides of the country. I’m an introvert and never though that kind of thing would happen to me, but now we both live in a new city together and we are planning our wedding!
Ek! This gave me chills. Thanks so much for sharing!
What you do, what you have is a gift, your skills, your passion and whatever makes you happy. I hope someday you’ll find true love, true nest, little Lesley in your hands and less nomad. I love what you do and you inspired us to travel and see the world. Life takes you to unexpected places, love brings you home. There is no place like home.
There is no place like home 🙂
I always always always enjoy your posts…. and this one just speaks to me! Travel is everything and I 100% feel that if EVERYONE did it, the world would be a better, more united place!
Keep writing, keep living, keep being happy! You’re an inspiration! <3
Thank you, Andrea! I love that you love my posts 🙂 Thanks for your time and support!
My name is Sara Wilder Bryant and I am a sophomore college student at wake forest university. Your blog made me want to study abroad and I am so excited that I’ve recently been accepted to study abroad in London next fall! I am SO excited!!! Travel was always an important part of my family life but I am so excited to be on my own for this adventure. Any tips on being a young woman alone in foreign countries?
Hi Sarah, SO happy to hear you’ll be exploring London soon. It’s such an amazing city. As for safe solo female travel in London and around Europe: this region of the world is great for many different reasons, but first and foremost, it’s great because it’s easily traversed. You can see so much of it via cheap train or budget flight tickets. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. I don’t wear headphones or anything like that when exploring a place because I want to hear and focus on everything around me. Either put cash or credit cards directly into your pocket or wear a small cross body purse that sits in front of you. Walk with confidence and be smart – don’t go into any crazy dark narrow streets alone at night, you know, the usual stuff you wouldn’t do!
You’re such an inspiration, Lesley! Keep doing what you’re doing while you’re still young and “uncommitted” to a husband and children.
I started my life with traveling, a career in the airlines, and moving to different cities and countries. I lived my first six years of my married life in Tokyo and now in dallas. I’ve traveled quite a bit and contrary to what everyone said, kids didn’t stop me from traveling. But cancer did. Not mine… but my younger son. He is a two time cancer survivor, my hero! His treatments slowed us all down (thank goodness, he’s doing well now but still unable to travel across the seas). Not traveling gave me depression on top of dealing with his cancer treatment.
Last year, I finally had the courage to pack my bags and traveled alone. I first went to visit my friends in Avignon (Provence) and then did a solo trip to London and Paris. Although, I’ve been been there so many times, it was the most magical trip I’ve taken because I was alone and was able to do soul searching a little.
I love your blog and your way of life. Don’t let anything stop you from being a nomad.
AH Lesley! This is just what i needed to read today. My husband and I can easily be in the position to travel (he can work remotely) for a living if we wanted to. and its been pulling at my heart more and more as the days go on. It’s literally killing me and my positive vibes being stuck in this damn office day in and day out making no difference to anyone. He’s more of a “lets have a plan” kinda guy and that’s what i love about him, but i’m hoping one day we sell the house, store our stuff at my mothers, and just run off with our 3 dogs to explore! Until then i’ll live through you and your blog/Instagram <3
Love your blog so much!!!
I love this! I need to take more adventure because my heart is ALWAYS screaming to travel. How did you make it all work?
Interesting post! Thanks for sharing!