1. You complain about the “Sunday Scaries” in fear of what the Monday Blues May Bring
Are you constantly dreading the Mondays, celebrating the hump days, #throwingback on Thursdays and #flashingback on Fridays to only get beyond drunk in order to forget the Saturdays and Sundays? If this sounds like your every week, it’s probably time you reconsider your value of life. I’m all for having fun on the weekends, but if that’s the only thing you’re living for and watching until the clock strikes 5 every day, pack your bags and get some inspiration for how to make the most out of your time on Planet Earth.
2. You Make Excuse After Excuse For Why You Can’t Travel
Potrerillos, Argentina
You have a mortgage. You can’t take off work. You don’t have the money. You can’t speak the language. You have a dog.
Here’s an idea…
Save up, leave the dog with a friend, learn a few key phrases. Anyone can travel. It’s just a matter of wanting it bad enough. Stop living vicariously through your friend’s snapchats abroad and overcome your own challenges to get out.
3. You Ask For Advice on How To Plan Trips and How To Be A Travel Writer
I love getting emails and giving advice. I think travel is incredibly beneficial to a person’s livelihood, outlook, friend group and mindset, so if I can aid that in any way, I will. I also love what I do. I’m constantly thinking on how I can build what I’ve started, and how I can help people with this endeavor. I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep because my mind is always trying to answer those questions. Gah, I’m starting to sound like a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.
4. Your Clothes Have Made It Further Around the Globe Than You Have
Hong Kong, China
“Made In China.” We see it on tags all the time. My only hope is that you aren’t wondering where in the world it is, but instead are planning on going to see it.
5. You Need A Break From The Mundane Work Schedule
Let’s leave ‘Office Space’ for the big screen. Being trapped in an office with nit-picky co-workers and the same mundane job for a 45 hour work week is anything but desirable. You know what’s incredibly desirable? Meeting new people in places like this.
Cartagena, Colombia
6. You Spend More Time Bragging About Past Travels Than Actually Traveling
Been talking about your same trip to Mexico for senior year spring break like it was yesterday? Give me a break and do yourself a favor. Travel. Go someplace new that doesn’t have a Señor Frogs or a Hard Rock Cafe on every corner.
7. Your Only Cultural Experience in the Past Year Has Been Chinese Takeout
My sister, best friend and I devouring crepes in Greece
I guess the authentic pizza of Italy or the dim sum of China has never graced your lips. It’s worth the plane flight just to taste the decadence of both of these items. If you get really excited about your favorite Chinese takeout on a Friday night, girl please. It’s time to venture out. Just think about what real Italian pasta could bring to your rejuvenated Friday night. Mind blowing, I know.
8. You Think a José Quesadilla Is Pronounced With A Hard ‘J’
I gotta admit. I did this once at a Mexican restaurant in junior high. The young, cultured me wasn’t impressed with myself. I’ll never make the same mistake again. Learn another language y’all.
9. Today Feels Like Yesterday and The Sun Won’t Come Out Tomorrow
Face it. Your days are as interchangeable as Fox News anchors. Not a good outlook. Bet your bottom dollar that little orphan Annie wouldn’t be proud.
10. You’ve Spent Too Many Minutes Lost In A Daydream By Looking At This Picture
Torres del Paine, Chile