Energy… it’s all around us and within us. It’s transferable, it’s organized, it is powerful, it’s simple and it can be complex. There are so many types of energy work, but here we’ll scratch the surface of the age-old chakras!
What is a chakra?
The concept comes from early Hinduism traditions and is first written about in the Hindu Vedas, but can also be found in Buddhism, and other Indian religions. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel”. When in alignment you can imagine positive energy abundantly flowing from wheel to wheel throughout the vessel of your body. There are 7 of these energy centers located along the spine starting at the tailbone extending through the crown of the head.

First Chakra
Muladhara-chakra | Root
- All about: instinct and survival. This chakra is responsible for our fight/flight instinct.
- Location: base of the spine near the tailbone, but can be associated with the bigger muscles/grounded parts of the body like our seat, feet, and legs.
- Color: red
- Element: earth
- Essential oils: patchouli, sandalwood, cedarwood, frankincense
When open we feel grounded and safe, physically and emotionally secure, firm and centered. When imbalanced we may feel restless, disorganized, insecure, and in need of more emotional support.
Second Chakra
Svadhisthana-chakra | Sacral
- All about: pleasure, creativity, sexuality. It’s our center for self-worth and connected to self-expression.
- Location: between the belly button and pubic bone
- Color: orange
- Element: water + connected with the moon
- Essential oils: sensual and earthy scents like cardamon, patchouli, ylang-ylang
When in alignment we feel energized, passionate, confident, creative, emotionally intelligent, mindful, and patient. When imbalanced we may feel a lack of passion, fear of change, unable to shake a mood or feeling, and out of touch with our feelings.
Mandala coloring book
Fun ways to activate this chakra include freestyle dancing to music, getting creative in the kitchen, painting, or mandala coloring!
Third Chakra
Manipura-chakra | Solar plexus
- All about: self esteem, personal responsibility, and expression of will.
- Location: upper abdomen, near the naval
- Color: yellow
- Element: fire
- Essential oils: chamomile, cypress, juniper, lemon, rosemary
When open our ego is in check, we feel self motivated, and able to bring ideas into reality. When imbalanced we may feel a lack of control, low self-esteem, and trust issues may arise.
The color associated with this chakra is yellow like sunshine! Soaking up some sunshine, getting into nature, and taking a digital detox will serve this chakra well.

Fourth Chakra
Anahata-chakra | Heart
- All about: giving and receiving love + compassion
- Location: heart level in the center of the chest
- Color: green
- Element: air (all about creating space and feeling into the infinite})
- Essential oils: Jasmine, lavender, orange, rose, ylang-ylang
When open and in alignment we are able to love ourselves and others unconditionally, have healthy relationships, a healthy immune system, and are able to forgive. When blocked, we may feel lonely, insecure, isolated, and struggle with jealousy and forgiveness.
The heart chakra is also associated with our immune systems. Yoga and activities that activate this chakra have a lot to do with gentle heart openers and leaning into love.
Fifth Chakra
Vishuddha-chakra | Throat
- All about: communication
- Location: throat
- Color: bright blue
- Element: air (beyond the confines of our earth)
- Essential oils: basil, peppermint, chamomile.. did someone say tea time?
When balanced we are able to breathe deeply and evenly, communicate effectively, and share our truth. When imbalanced we may find difficulty expressing feels or finding words and be prone to gossiping.
Sixth Chakra
Ajna-chakra | Brow
- All about: intuition, imagination, and wisdom
- Location: on the forehead between the eyebrows aka our third eye
- Color: indigo
- Element: light
- Essential oils: lavender, sandalwood, patchouli, frankincense, pine
When open we have clear vision and intuition, it’s easy to see the bigger picture, we are able to inspire and motivate, and we may be able to remember dreams. When imbalanced it may be difficult to concentrate, we will lack imagination, feel foggy, and may experience nightmares.
Seventh Chakra
Sahasrara-chakra | Crown
- All about: spirituality and connecting to life’s purpose
- Location: the crown of the head radiating up (yassss queeen)
- Color: violet/white
- Essential oils: cedarwood, frankincense, jasmine, rose, lavender
When our seventh chakra is in alignment, it is said that all chakras are aligned and we are nearing enlightenment. Also, the mind is open and we are balanced in mind, body, and spirit. When the crown chakra is blocked, we may dwell in our ego, be closed-minded, disconnected, and cynical. The crown chakra is known to develop when one is about 43-49 years of age.
When exploring and diving into any type of energy work be gentle, open, loving, and patient. But also, don’t be afraid to have fun with it! Join us on LimitLes Movement for a 7-class chakra activating series!
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