This year, I’ve spent more nights in my bed than I have in the past 5 years. I’ve learned that quality sleep at home is a non-negotiable, and as Alex and I near parenthood, I’m determined to set us up for success. After much research, trial and error, I’ve learned the importance of pillows, ambiance, loungewear, and thread count. Enter The Pillow Bar…

Last month, I splurged on two king-sized pillows, a body pillow (doubling as a pregnancy pillow), and the side sleeper from The Pillow Bar – praying I’d found the one(s). Turns out The Wall Street Journal, O Magazine, and even Whoopi Goldberg were right to name this the best pillow out there. All the hand-made, custom European down products are responsibly sourced, cleaned without harsh chemicals that harm you or the earth, and made in the U.S. Each pillow is customized to your sleep style, height and age with complimentary embroidering. Let me tell ya. Once you cozy up to the best, there’s no going back.

Today, I’m gifting TWO lucky winners the key to my carefully curated good night’s sleep in the form of TWO $500 gift cards to The Pillow Bar! If you’ve already found true love with pillows, know the brand also carries loungewear, towels, sheets and more 🙂
In order to give to the gift of sleep to as many people as possible, I asked for a coupon code to share the love! Use code LESLEY for 20% off your entire purchase through January 31, 2021.

Requirements for entry:
- Comment on this blog post telling me your craziest/favorite/wildest dream. THAT’S IT!
This sweepstakes is not affiliated with Instagram in any way. Winner must be 18 years or older. Competition closes 12/16/2020 11:59 PM EST. Two winners will be contacted via provided email by Monday 12/21/2029 3:00 PM EST. No Instagram account necessary to enter or win.
Psst… this giveaway is closed, but there’s still time to enter the RTIC outdoor bundle giveaway!
I can never remember my dreams for too long… but daydreaming is my specialty and my favorite thing is dreams are about becoming a writer and living in Paris again. One day 💭
Fair warning, this dream is by far the most disturbing dream I’ve ever had!
I dreamt there was something wrong with my foot. At first, it was painful. Then, it was itchy. The skin on the bottom of my foot started to peel. So I peeled and peeled and slowly started to reveal a cockroach. Living. In. My. Foot. The peeling continued only to reveal a rat also living under the skin of my foot. I was mortified and disgusted.
The next day, I googled what it could mean. Turns out, the dream was a sign of stress and unresolved tension in my personal and professional life, which rang all too true for the time. Although gross, I used this dream to really evaluate and address my stress and tension. Ever since, no rats or cockroach dreams!
My favorite dreams are always about my mom who passed away when I was 22. I hate waking up from those dreams. I always wake up smiling and feeling like she is watching over me.
I’m pregnant and had such a vivid dream about my new baby interacting with my son. My soon-to-be oldest son was waking up to the new baby’s high chair during dinner time and the new baby was cracking up. It was the sweetest/ best dream ever! Also, my new baby was so chunky and previous, I can’t wait to meet him in April!!
I was a teachers pet in Highschool. One night I dreamt that I was being teased and yelled at by a certain teacher and I woke up in TEARS. I was sad all day even though it wasn’t real!
When I was a kid I used to have this re-occuring dream that I lived with the family from 7th heaven and we all lived in the huge one room house with bunk beds 😂
I dreamt I was on a safari in Africa staying in a gorgeous tent overlooking the Savannah. Such a perfect dream, I am dying to go on a safari- bucket list for sure!
I woke up (in my dream) and went downstairs like normal but there were four life size barbies trying to capture me in the house. That’s all I remember because it was years ago.. but I still think about how really it felt lol
That I was hiding from a monster in a mail box. A MAIL BOX! I am not little by any means but it felt so logical at the time.
Such a great giveaway!!
Craziest Dream is the dream we’re all currently living in and can’t wake up from……not being able to travel and explore the world!!
Weirdest dream – They’re called “server nightmares” and anyone who has ever been a waiter/waitress has had them. Basically you relive your worst customer interactions over and over again. It’s awful!! Doesn’t matter how long ago you worked in a restaurant..they never go away!
Hopefully this giveaway can help make the server nightmares go away! 😂
My wildest dream is to drop everything and move to England! I’ve been dreaming of it since I studied abroad there 😍
Hi Lesley! My favorite dream includes me with a family of my own looking at my kids running out if s cabin into the fresh snow to play! It’s quick and a snapshot of a fun event, but brings me peace and laughter when it occurs 🤍
Oh gosh. I have crazy dreams all the time but the latest one this week was with Tiffany from “I love New York”. She told me she could see one downstairs (if you know what I mean) hair poking out of my clothes and that I smell like fish. Um… that’s wild I know, but I always have crazy dreams. Ps. I’m obsessive about showering and changing clothes to ensure I never smell like a fisherman’s wharf 😂. Never have and never will.
I had this reoccurring dream of driving through a town but the road ended with a drop straight into the water. Oddly enough, when visiting Idaho a few summers back I found a spot that could have fit my dream almost perfectly, except the road curved and did not drop into the water! Ha! It was a strange but also very cool moment!
*woo-woo warning* I often have dreams where I get to be with important people in my life who have passed away (mainly my dad, grandfather and cousin). While sometimes it is freaky, most of the time I wake up feeling so grateful for the time and more connected to the other side <3
My favorite dream was when it felt so real that Jesse McCartney fell in love with me at a coffee shop. I was only sad when I woke up to see it was only my dog I was snuggling with (had never been sad to wake up snuggling with her before!).
I often dream about my kids as adults. Their still young, only 7 and 10, but I love waking up thinking I can see the future, and happy to know that they’re decent human beings (in most of the dreams)!
I had a dream Jesse McCartney proposed to me once! Such a good dream, until I woke up!
The best dream I have ever had I was on a plane that with a snap of a finger, I could be landing in any city of the world! So that night I dreamt of visiting Paris to Venice to Istanbul. Clearly cities I’m itching to visit after the pandemic!
I have so many dreams! My FitBit says I’m in REM more than the average person. Lately, I have been having a reoccurring dream where I am in the middle of giving birth! I am not pregnant and do not have kids, but hope to one day soon!
Favorite dream was living in the Caribbean.
I dream about bears and London often! I will be having a good dream/ feeling happy and just know subconsciously that I am living in London.
Maybe my next job I will be working on bear research/conservation or will be living in London!
This is corny but I love when I dream about my old dog! I dream about taking him on runs, swimming, etc. It always makes me smile in the morning when I wake up. 🙂
Due the same day as you and having lots of pregnancy dreams! Mostly that I constantly forget to feed the baby.. for like days at a time!! Luckily once i wake up I realize that is one thing I probably won’t forget to do when she gets here 🙂
My favorite dreams are whenever I get to see and spend time with my momma or butterflies they remind me of her. ♥️ It’s been 15 years since she’s been gone and any bit of a dream I get with her is a good one! Merry Christmas to your beautiful fam!
In my fun dreams, I always end up in Europe. The last time I was with my hubby and we were wild and free. Not worried and stressed like our current state. Go away covid.
In my not do fun dreams, I’m always falling and can’t seem to stop myself.
In my wildest dreams I would open my own business. It would be an indoor dog park with a bar attached to it for people to gather with their dogs in the winter time for brews and dogs socialization!
I have recurring dream that I work as a safari guide and that my tracker is my grandmother (she passed away when I was 18). We get to go out every day searching for leopards and we always share a roll of multi-colored mentos on our game drives (her favorite). I always wake up happy from that dream 🙂
One of my wildest dreams is from when I was a kid! I fell into a well and keep falling and falling but did not die – so strange!!
I never remember my dreams but my favorite daydream is being a mom ♥️
I dreamt that I was a famous baker on a Netflix baking challenge show 🤔🤔 too much Great British Bake-off before bed I think
I don’t know if I would consider it a wild or crazy but definitely my favorite dream. About a week before I met my husband I dreamt about him. I kept playing that dream over and over and over again in my head for days, it was so real. I could see every feature besides what his face looks like. I could Almost hear his voice. Where I met him in my dream is the exact same place where we met in person unintentionally on a random Thursday night. I never really believed in Fate but now here we are married for almost 4 years And have been together almost 6 years. I couldn’t dream of a more perfect man and so thankful for that dream ❤️
I often dream about traveling to various places and those are my favorite dreams! Especially right now when we can’t travel anywhere I love sleeping and semi reliving my favorite travel experiences
I have been dreaming of a fire alarm going off for a couple of days this week. Was super stressed out about it but it was just a silly dream. Last night at 3:05 am our smoke detector/fire alarm went off! Thankfully it was just steam from the heaters but I thought it was kind of crazy that it came true!
My wildest dreams usually happen on Sunday nights, the night before I go back into the hospital for work (I am a social worker in an inpatient psych unit). The dreams will consist of my patients being my social worker and how they try to help me or worse don’t help me get out of the locked unit. Wild is an understatement lol! Hoping some pillows from pillow bar will help me rest more easy on Sunday nights
I just had a dream that I was at a house party with Elon Musk! 😂🤷🏼♀️
Recently, I’ve been dreaming of adventures with friends from high school. Seems random, since it’s been almost 7 years since then, but I think I’m missing our annual girls trips and living them through my dreams instead! Hoping for another real reunion in Oregon’s Willamette Valley for wine tasting soon 🙂
I used to have dreams frequently of my teeth falling out!!! It was terrifying. Haven’t had them in a long time, wonder what it means! Another crazy dream I’ve had a couple times is being naked in a public place! Once it was my high school! Haha dreams are so weird! And dang I need some new pillows, I wake up with headaches all the time!
I never remember my dreams, but I do remember how I feel after crazy/wild/good/bad dreams. The craziest dreams I ever had were when I was pregnant!!!
Hoping these pillows will let me experience dreams! I never have dreams which I attribute to my terrible sleeping and waking up every two hours!
My favorite dream is when I wake up confused and wonder if what I dreamed about actually happened or not😴🤔 ( when it’s something happy and exciting).
My wildest dream would be to quite my job, by a piece of land and build/open my own winery. I’d also build a house on the property so my husband and I can immerse ourselves in the land and be close to work. The winery would also sell local craft beer which my husband would handle and it would have an event space as well (I love event planning).
So this “dream” isn’t an asleep one it’s an awake one. Sadly to say since you are a travel blogger but I have NEVER traveled outside of the US. I got married and had kids and life happened so travel was limited. As I get older I find myself dreaming of traveling (then of course COVID 🙄). So my constantly awake dream is that this all gets over soon and I can work towards my dream of traveling places I’ve never been before and exploring and learning other cultures!
I once dreamed I was driving on a specific stretch of road and a white car crossed over the center line and ran head long into me. On impact I woke up. A few weeks later i was driving the same stretch of road, a white car crossed the center line but I was able to swerve and miss what could have been a bad accident. It was kind of freaky.
Whenever I’m stressed I have a dream that I arrive at high school to an important math test or presentation, but I didn’t study. This would make sense if I was in high school still…but I’m in my 30’s haha. Apparently high school math made an impression!
I’ve had a reoccurring dream since childhood where I walk to the neighborhood park and EVERYTHING is made of candy. The slide is a fruit roll up, the wood chips are chocolate shavings, the swings are made of bubble gum, and the clouds are cotton candy! Now whenever I can’t fall asleep, I start transforming a place I love into candy in my mind. Brings a whole new meaning to ‘sweet’ dreams!! 🙂
I’m a nurse and work overnights. With the current surge where I am things are extra stressful. My wildest dream is to go back some sort of normal and sleep like a regular human.
The craziest dream I ever had was when I was in college. I was dreaming that I had parked my car outside of my house, but didn’t want to go in for some reason. Instead, I decided I would just sleep in my car for the night, so I dozed off and when I woke up (in my dream) I was eating at a fast food restaurant with my twin brother. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, a man in the dream was running full force at my brother (who didn’t seem him coming, but I did) and was preparing to fully swing a bat at the back of his head!!
I was startled awake at that point and restlessly went back to sleep (in real life). Not long later, my dad called and woke me up. He told me that my brother had fallen asleep while driving and had flipped his car into a pole!!! Thank goodness, he was miraculously okay but had cut open the back of his head and was getting some scans. That’s when I remembered my dream! I told my dad and he said, “Hang on, you have to tell your step mom. She wondered if you already knew.”
The twin connection is real y’all.
I have this recurring dream of just being on the beach with all my friends and feeling the warm sun on my face and the sand in my hands.
I had the craziest dream that I was in the back of a car speeding down a familiar highway – and this was my ticket away from chaos in the city behind me. The driver was a respected professor of mine who was going to outsmart whatever forces of evil we were running from. Suddenly, we reached a dead end and the only direction for the car to go was up — magically, a rope began pulling the entire car up and up, through some sort of old majestic building, so that the car plowed through ceiling after ceiling until it appeared we got to the very top. My professor and the car disappeared through the top, leaving me dangling from the rope. I landed safely on the top most floor and looked up at the most majestic, medieval dome-shaped ceiling piece. People in black tie attire were all around, and that’s when I woke up.
Does someone want to interpret this for me??
Even over 5 years out of college I still have the reoccurring dream that I have an exam I completely forgot about. Waking up as a 28 year old panicked about getting to a physics exam I’m not ready for never ceases to weird me out!
I hardly remember my dreams, but I dreamt the our sweet lab, Buddy, was back with us the other night. It was so nice to see him running and happy again!
My wildest dream I hope to turn into a reality one of these days is to have a family!
I dreamt I built an entire choo choo train out of leggos and then it magically turned into a real train and I was driving it like the polar express train. I don’t really like leggos or trains LOL. So weird
Love your feed Lesley! I’ve been following you since your bachelor days 🙂
I had a dream recently that I was pregnant with triplets! Ahh! I don’t have any kids now but I woke up and my adrenaline was still pumping!
My high school was one big square with a courtyard in the center. I used to have this reoccurring dream that I was being chased around the school by an old lady. I would just keep running and running in circles until I woke up 😂 super weird and stressful lol
My dreams are always so vivid and memorable! I had a dream that my hair dresser was unavailable and I went to someone else at her salon…she accidentally chopped like a mullet on one side! 🤣 So she wanted to rewash it to fix it and start over. Haha
My dream is to own my own business- something creative that involves home decor and items that are natural, sustainable, and promote health and wellness. I also want to have a mountain vacation home.
I am a 3rd year medical student right now. I appreciate a good nights sleep as much as anyone. My favorite and least favorite dreams are when I have studied for days before a test, and usually the night before the test I dream study the whole night. Usually, I would study correct information which is a plus. Sometimes I would wake up knowing I studied wrong info in the dream the night before which was not a plus.
Traveling on a horrible, turbulence-ridden flight.. which I would normally HATE, but honestly, I would take all the turbulence right now
Girl this made me THINK! Have to say I think the craziest dream for me is one where I was talking with my Papa. It doesn’t sound crazy, I know! But when I had the dream it was right around the anniversary of his death. So it was bittersweet and surreal “talking” with him. Not crazy but just what I needed in the moment! 😊
So for the last few months I’ve been having this very wonderful reoccurring dream that my parents bought a little beach house in Greece. And every time i dream about it the house gets bigger and better and I’m there with different friends showing them around. It’s actually been so fun and telling my parents about it is really funny! Looks like I’ll be manifesting that dream.
Wildest dream would be having triplets!!
I have such a terrible memory so I don’t remember a lot of my dreams, but I have one dream that is just a running continuation of where the last one left off!! Sometimes I’ll go years or months without a new installation, and then BOOM one night I’ll have a new adventure with the same people, in the relatively same place having some kind of new adventure. I also never remember the old dream until the new one happens. It’s super bizarre.
My craziest dream is always my reoccurring dreams of falling. It’s the craziest when I actually fall out of bed haha
I rarely remember my dreams, but a few months ago I had a freaky one about being trapped in our basement with a bunch of huge spiders! It was horrible!!
I had this CRAZY dream a few years ago that basically the world was ending and it was a horrific nightmare. Why can’t I remember the good dreams in detail like that??
Mine would be selling our house and everything we own and moving to a different country for a year or two! I’d love for my kids to experience the excitement of travel and immersing themselves in a different culture!
The most recent dream I remember was being in a castle with my husband. He wanted to bring swords home and threw a fit when I said no, so I left him there to take a nap at the hotel! 🤪
For a few years I had recurring bear dreams. Usually I was chased by bears through my neighborhood and each time I would be with different people who didn’t know what was going on while I knew a bear was coming so it was even more stressful lol. Definitely feel like there’s some type of spiritual connection to bears or something!
We are totally in the market for new pillows and these would be amazing!
My craziest dream came when I was pregnant (surprise, surprise). In it I was living back in my childhood home and it was infested with squirrels. Like not one or two but hundreds. They were in cupboards, under covers, in the shower, and I was distraught because I caught them eating the birthday cake I had baked for my husband. I woke up panicked and sure there was a squirrel lurking around the corner. I’m not sure any amount of dream interpretation can nail that one down!
Wildest dream 😴 My family picked up and moved to a little village in Greece but no one spoke English and we didn’t speak Greek. It was wild cause I’ve never been there!
I am a teacher, and I have “teacher nightmares” all the time. One I had recently was I was in my classroom with students (pre-COVID) and I was talking to my students but they couldn’t see or hear me. I was moving around the room and trying to interact with them, but no luck. Eventually one of my students left to go tell the principal I was missing, and that’s when I woke up!
I don’t have one specifically but I always have a dream that my friends are pregnant before they tell me!!
Quarantine has been making my dreams crazy! Last night I dreamt that me and my squad abroad ( my friends from study abroad) were back on the Eurorail traveling! How I wish that dream could be a reality!
Recently I had a very vivid dream where BEYONCÉ (yas queen bey) and I were best friends. She’s a houston girl like myself, so maybe this dream will come true! 😄 But anyways, the dream consisted of Bey and I arranging a secret concert/dance performance with full costumes off a patio terrace on a building in downtown. The goal was to spark extra joy and spread fun during these rough covid times. We were able to pull it off (because of course she has some pull) and then ended up broadcasting the special free for all to see. I even was taught all the choreography, and my favorite moves were from the single ladies video- oh oh oh oh oh yup. Oh oh oh oh oh. If ya like it then you shoulda put a ring on it! 😂😂 it was an awesome dream!
I am very into true crime shows/podcasts (I mean, who isn’t!) and I really think this affects my dreams. One night I dreamt I was a Sherlock-inspired detective and my boyfriend was my sidekick. I was trying to solve the mystery of my missing sister. Thank goodness I woke up and realized, my sister is not missing and I am not a Sherlock Holmes (but I wish I was).
I have a recurring dream that my teeth fall out 🙁 sometimes I’m they fall out and I accidentally eat them.
It’s the worst and I wish I knew what it meant!
My most favorite dream that I’ve had is one where I traveled around the world eating the best food with beautiful sunsets every night!
My teeth are always falling out in my dreams. It’s awful.
A crazy wild dream of mine is to one day get to go to Bora Bora! I love seeing your pictures and your experience there. I hope to someday make it to that paradise in this lifetime!
My wildest dreams always involve flying. Not like flying on planes- actual flying. Unfortunately it’s usually me flying to run from something scary but hey, flying is flying. I’ve had dreams that I’ve flown through and across cities, and they are wild. Reminds me of Peter Pan and Wendy taking off and flying over the city lights. Growing up, my dad would tell me that flying dreams meant that my soul was leaving my body for a little while. I’m not particularly religious, only spiritual of anything at all, and that always stuck with me. Thinking maybe I should read up on this to try to figure out exactly what it could mean!
It’s been a minute but I still remember this one. I woke up in my dream to my sister and I on an adventure and we instantly started flying. We flew high above the clouds and found ourselves doing crazy tricks and having the best time! We eventually made our way back safely down to earth and continued our adventure in a giant fun house type place. It was the size of a mansion and we explored all the super cool rooms and it just felt so real! Not too crazy but one I’ll never forget!
It was the night before Election Day. I dreamed that Harrison Ford was telling me that I won a prize. The prize was Robin Williams, who wasn’t actually dead. Robin was going to come to our house and tell us jokes to help get us through Election Night. 😂
I’m a labor and delivery nurse! I had a dream that I was pregnant and delivering at my hospital. All of my favorite coworkers pushed with me for hours and my favorite doctor came in and delivered my baby, and announced the baby was a boy! It was such a beautiful dream. I woke up the next morning with my mind set that for my first baby, I want to deliver at my hospital and keep the gender a surprise when it’s my turn to be pregnant. I went to work that morning and everyone that had been in my dream was working! I was so excited to tell them about it!
I never remember them once I’m awake but always wake up knowing they were crazy!
Unfortunately my sleep has been very disrupted the past two years. I was diagnosed with GERD which is an issue with acid reflux. I have to sleep in a sitting type position. I would give anything to get new pillows to try and help alleviate the pain with my new sleeping requirements. Thank you for the opportunity! PS I do love dreaming about Hawaii though !
I find that my dreams a lot of the time are things that I want to happen in the near future. My most recent one was a dream about getting into my number 1 pick for nursing school, and then it happened!! 1 semester down, 3 to go!!🥳
I never remember my dreams but would wake up super confused by my dreams when I was pregnant!
One of my crazier more recent dreams is that I was married to Brad Pitt. I love my husband and I’ve never even consciously had a celebrity crush on Brad. I told my husband about it and now he won’t let me live it down 😂
I’m dreaming of a day when I can hug my grandpa again! We lost my grandma earlier this year and he has been all alone in the nursing home since then. It breaks my heart again. I find myself day dreaming about the day I can wrap my arms around him!
I recently (3 weeks ago) gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We didn’t know gender until delivery.
I was so convinced she was a boy because I had a dream she was.
However in the dream she was Asian (Caucasian parents) and a boy. Who was born early in a bathtub.
It felt so real haha
Oh man. My wildest dream.. after my grandmother passed away, I dreamt that I was in her kitchen and I was a little girl. My grandmother was kneeling down telling me that no matter what she would always be here for me and i make her so proud. I woke up and it felt like it was so real! I believe those you love can come into your dreams and send you little reminders they are still watching over us.
Love your blog!!
I keep dreaming that I’m besties with Chrissy Teigen and John Legend and I’m loving it. Last night Chrissy and I were hanging with the kids and eating yummy food in box seats at his concert
Whenever I am stressed I dream I need to poop but can’t find a bathroom 😬😂
My wildest dream is to take my 2 year old on the road! I’d love to quit our responsibilities for 1-2 years, get a really nice RV and travel the United States showing him all the beauty we have been given on this earth!
I don’t tend to dream but when I do I have the same one. Trust me – even my therapist said it’s so strange to keep having the same dream over and over again! That I’m a mom and watching my kids playing with our dogs in the backyard. Just trying to manifest some goodness out of 2020 I think and hopefully it’s showing me my future as we continue to navigate the crazy world of infertility.
Early in dating, I kept having a very distinct dream where he told me he was in love with me and couldn’t spend another moment without me. It felt right and real and then a month later almost that EXACT thing happened. It was wild, sweet and affirming.
I recently just had my gender reveal on my 30th birthday November 13! The night before, (even though my gut always told me boy) I had a dream with my furSon in it who we lost a month before our wedding last year and he looked so happy and said to me mama i’m coming home! I woke up and just knew we were having a baby boy and that night we found out it was a boy! It was the best dream i’ve had in a long time! Baby boy due April 2021!
My wildest dream is to move to Scotland and run a bookstore cafe! Not practical but sounds absolutely dreamy!
My wildest dream is to visit all 7 continents! I’m almost there! Stupid COVID interrupted checking Antarctica off!
Short and sweet.
The weeks leading up to my gender reveal party, I had numerous dreams that I brought a little girl into this world. She certainly has been a dream come true!
Best wishes!
The only dreams I remember are nightmares.
My last one was the worst. I moved to a beach house. A sea creature that looked like a vicious seal/walrus got into the house through the tiniest crack in the door. He then attacked my dog, Koan. After removing him I turned to my dog to see her laying in blood from her paws being torn up.
I have had recurring dreams that I’ve given birth…to my dog! It’s one of those dreams that feels so real but you wake up and are like wtf. Quite worrisome that I’ve had this dream more than once as well? Seriously a vivid dream of giving birth in my bed, reach down to pull out the “baby” and it’s my pup, Lincoln! My husband thinks I’m a lunatic…hopefully this means we’ll have a human baby soon? ..Or maybe just another dog?
I had a dream one time that I thought for sure that I was pregnant and thought my fiancé was going to be so stressed about the news. He was so happy and so supportive. We went to the doctor who said they couldn’t find anything but it sure sounded and seemed like I was pregnant and to come back for another ultrasound. They could never find the baby but my belly kept growing. Aside from no ultrasound image – it all seemed normal until eventually when I got super pregnant, I was looking at my belly and flowers started to grow out of my belly button with sparkly fairy dust, and it was just a giant vine of beautiful, magical flowers growing out continuously. I remember I was just mesmerized with the beauty.. no fear, just in awe.. and then I woke up. It was so strange. This was three years ago and I still look back and think what the heck does it mean!
My craziest dream was that I was a contestant on the Amazing Race (love that show!) and I had to bungee jump off this super high bridge! I’m very afraid of height so I was very, very nervous and kept talking with the camera crew about how I didn’t really need to win a million dollars and it wasn’t worth it if I had to do this. But then my husband/race parter said “yes it is” and pushed me (haha!) and all the last part of the dream I remember is just falling down from the bridge, staring at the water below! I woke up flailing around in bed and woke up my husband to tell him how rude it was of him to push me haha! He apologized and went back to bed!
I’m daydreaming currently about traveling the globe again, post pandemic! I’d love to explore Greece and if I win, I’ll take my new pillow with me!
It’s been a long time since I had this dream, so I’m a little fuzzy on the specifics but I was flying a vagina through space. Like, a legitimate vagina spaceship!
My favorite dream was about my precious babies! It was so real and beautiful. It took me 4 years to have our first baby (girl) and only 1 month for our 2nd (boy). But I dreamed about both of them before they were even conceived! Although I don’t hardly dream anymore, those were hard to forget!
When I was younger I had a dream that there was an alligator in our house. It came in while we were watching tv. My whole family and myself got as high up on the couch as we could so it wouldn’t hurt us!! Eventually it walked away and we ran upstairs and went to sleep. When I woke up, I asked my parents if anyone caught the alligator and they told me it was just a dream but to this day it still seems SO real!!!
One of my favorite dreams wasn’t that crazy but I dreamt I was vacationing alone in Canada (Vancouver kind of scenery) and decided to get outdoors and do some hiking. I made a turn into a meadow between mountains and I came eye to eye with a huge moose! He/she and I hung out just being with each other for what seemed like hoursss. I so wish to one day come this close to a real moose and be able to relax with it as I would my own fur baby. I wish that dream could have lasted forever.
Several years ago, I dreamed that I was interviewed on a news talk show about “the other Christian voice” and elections. I had the dream three nights in a row. After telling my husband each morning that I had the same dream, he responded, “I think you must have something to say!” It was the beginning of a new life-calling for me. 💕
I have a couple reoccurring dreams that make their way into rotation depending on what is on my mind that day. One in particular is that somehow I lost my dog, Gus and am searching everywhere for him. For some reason, I am not a responsible dog mom in my dreams but in real life that dog is my baby!
I also have a way of bringing reality into my dreams. I dreamt that I got a job and wanted to move to Thailand but in my dream, my logical side kicked in and had me thinking what about these specific things you had planned lol
My favorite dream, also bizarre:
I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey to set the story.
I (dreamt then) woke up in 1920s England – in the cutest little countryside town. I was kindaaa(?) a socialite. I wore the prettiest dresses with fancy hairdo’s by my lady’s maid (wild!). I remember that day I had a party with Mary (downton abbey character). It was seriously the best time. Everything was so vivid and perfect.
Don’t you just hate waking up sometimes? 😭
Wildest dream… perhaps being able to travel again! Like with just a backpack going from city to city or country to country.
Cue the ‘Rona dreams. Not my favorite, but SO vivid this week! Some backstory, we’ve been trying to agree with my family on the precautions well all take before seeing each other for Christmas. My sister is dead set on seeing old friends in a state that is not as cautious as CA, where me and my husband currently to live.
So the other night, I dreamt that we had been forced to go to a bar in Arizona and everyone there was partying like it was 2019 with no masks and it was packed. We were there with our masks on and everyone was pointing and laughing like we were naked, but really we were just wearing masks. And then we tried to leave and they wouldn’t let us! So we had to sneak our way out and somehow ended up riding the mechanical bull out of the building.
Apparently I’ve been subconsciously thinking about things!
I don’t remember my sleeping dreams, but one time, shortly after my husband and I married, he woke me up by screaming “PAPA ROACH” and then he bit my shoulder. 😂 He didn’t remember the dream and neither of us even like Papa Roach. We still laugh about it 17 years later.
My biggest daydream is quitting my job and traveling the world. I haven’t found a way to make that happen, so I watch you do it between trips of my own.
I used to have a recurring dream in the Walking Dead universe where I was always running from zombies. Thankfully haven’t had it in a while though!
Ok it isn’t the craziest dream but it’s the fact that it’s a recurring dream that builds on itself every time. I mean, our minds are insane…or does it build or just in my mind in the dream I create is as a recurring dream like serious inception stuff?…anyways. It always starts the same walking up to a really cool treehouse and builds from there and every time I have it every couple of months it last a little longer with more things happening!
I never remember my dreams, I’m a terrible sleeper. But I have had the same reoccurring nightmare since I was a child. Circumstances change, but I’m always dreaming about a plane crash where I’m on land and the plane is heading directly for me. It’s the worst.
I always have the same reoccurring dream that I forget my locker combination in high school and I’m going to be late for class. I used up all my times that you can go to the office and they will tell you your locker combination so I had just had to start guessing. I always wake up so anxious after!
When i was 4 years old my parents and I went to church on Christmas Eve. Coming back home, i saw a chubby figure in our bathroom wearing black boots. I don’t remember what happened after that, but i was convinced that was Santa 🎅🏻. The next morning we had presents under the tree.
I know it’s silly and i’m a grown up, but i still believe in Santa. Somehow, somewhere Santa exists to bring hope and smiles to everyone!
I had a dream of me going somewhere in the sky, and found all my dead grandparents, i was so good, we spoke and shared some spooky memories, and at last when i was in middle the best story my grandmother told me, my cute daughter was waking me up and i lost all of them again, i wish i can be with them again, felt so emotional afterwords.
This was my dream last night actually! I dreamt that I went to the beach and went in the water with my normal clothes and a backpack then fell asleep on the floatie I went in the water with! I woke up (in my dream) because the floatie had a leak in it & I had to get myself back to shore before I went too far and found that my phone charger fell into the water. I wiggled myself to shore finally before it was too late. This dream was especially frightening to me because I don’t know how to swim at all and am scared of the water.
My craziest/funniest dream:
I work in Radiation Oncology and I make masks for some of my patients to help them hold still during treatments… In my dream I got to work with my best work friend and instead of making our boring yellow masks, we heated up stuffed unicorn heads and molded them for our patients to wear instead. 😆 Everyone was getting their treatment wearing these big ridiculous white unicorn heads with fluffy pink manes and rainbow horns. All my patients in the dream acted like it was totally normal and they loved it!🦄
Craziest dream – my house was filled with bumble bees and I couldn’t get them out 🐝
My craziest dream is quitting my job and traveling the world for a year!
I have a wild and crazy dream of quitting my day job and opening a cafe/brewery!
I have a wild and crazy dream of quitting my day job and opening a cafe/brewery!
My wildest dream is to become a successful (enough) day trader, quit my corporate job and move to a tropical location. Oh and I’d happily take my health back if that’s a possibility!
I am twenty weeks pregnant with twins and have willllldddd dreams every night! I can’t even begin to pick which is the craziest… every night is a new story!
I forget most of my dreams soon after waking up but the other night I had a dream I got covid and when I woke up I convinced myself I was too exhausted to get up . Turns out my mind was just playing tricks on me and I am totally fine…but it is always a strange feeling when a dream feels like real life!
I have the same recurring dream that my teeth are coming out! I’ve heard a lot of of people have this same dream!
I also every now and then have good dreams about my dad who passed away. I love them because I feel like he’s right there with me!
I once studied abroad in Hong Kong and became obsessed with soup dumplings (xiao long bao) from a very specific restaurant (Crystal Jade, in case anyone wants to put it on their list). Several years later, I was repeatedly having insanely vivid dreams about soup dumplings. Over and over again! I could almost taste them, that’s how real these dreams were. Anyways, I ended up going on a mad hunt for soup dumplings in the city I lived in back then and found the best ones available pretty quickly because I couldn’t stop thinking about them!!! Follow your dreams yall.
My favorite dreams are when I’m on vacation somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. It does suck when you wake up and you’re at home and have to go to work
Hi Lesley!
At the time I was so confused, but its become one of my favorite dreams…
Roughly 5.5- 6 years ago I lost my grandmother. The night of her passing I dreamt of her rocking a baby girl, gently humming twinkle twinkle little star. She eventually got up, walked towards me,and then handed me the baby. She gently kissed my forehead and then disappeared.
I found out I was pregnant just a short 2 weeks later. I knew in the moment I found out, that I would be having a baby girl.
Ava is 5 now and livey as ever. She ask for twinkle twinkle little star every night.
I talk to her about my grandmother often. ❤
My craziest dream that my husband and I still talk about is when I dreamt that he got accepted into medical school. I woke up and called him immediately (since we were long distance at the time) and told him what I dreamt about and in that exact moment he got an email that he was accepted! Crazy and mind blowing moment that we will never forget!
Not a literal dream but I dream of moving to a new location and exploring a different city with my partner, I also dream of the days when we can travel again so we can go see my best friend tie the knot in Italy! It has been postponed twice now and I can’t wait for the day when I can finally celebrate their wedding day with them! ♥️
Lots of dreams about having a baby! And even friends have told me they’ve dreamt I was prego! Wedding is planned for 06/2021 so no babies until after, hopefully! 🥰
I was swimming in a bowl of macaroni and cheese
I had a dream that my husband cheated on me. Woke up SOOO mad a him. To me a while to shake it and he was very confused as to why I was being nasty to him 😂😂😂
My roommates voted me “most likely to get angry about something I dreamed they did” which is all too accurate. 😂
No wild dreams lately, just a weird one involving Lake Powell and a diamond in a retainer case that I can’t remember the full details of.
I have recurring dreams that I’m running a marathon, but don’t run at all in real life!
Oooh this one speaks to my soul! My FAVORITE dream is when I find myself surrounded by the most kickass, powerful, supportive group of women in the Dominican Republic! We are dancing the merengue on the beach and laughing so much that I wake up smiling! The Dominican Republic was the first international trip I ever took and it was that trip that opened my eyes to the enchantment of experiencing new places and the true life-changing magic of wanderlust.
This past January, I went through some incredibly difficult challenges which had my anxiety in overdrive, questioning myself and my value. At a networking event, a group of women I didn’t even know before that evening brought me into their sisterhood of strength and support and empowered me to quit my toxic job. I made the choice to put my wellbeing first and left, and promptly booked a spontaneous trip to Bali! I arrived back in the US just before borders shut down in March! It’s true what they say, travel is a cure for the soul.
Since then I have been in a much better place, but I would LOVE to get back to those dreams, see those women, experience that true elation of being right where I belong.
I am a labour and delivery nurse & I had a dream that I was pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy. Not too long after this dream, I found out I was pregnant! We aren’t finding out the gender but it’ll be interesting to see if my dream comes true.
My craziest dream is the one where I am able to teleport to Morocco and ride camels in the morning, enjoy a morning in the dessert, then with the snap of a finger, I find myself in the beautiful oasis of Majorca in a luxurious pool surrounded by mountains. I will be able to play tennis all afternoon. Then when the sun starts to set, we are quickly taken to Japan for an incredible sushi dinner. Oh my dreams are too wonderful and total travel goals.
My “wildest dream” has always been to start some kind of nonprofit organization to help build houses, schools, and churches for the families I met while on a mission trip to Tanzania. I often actually have real night dreams about it and sometimes wake up thinking I’m living that life and fulfilling my dream!
Believe it or Not…….I never dream! I guess this way I can’t have bad dreams, but them I miss out on the funny crazy dreams!
Well, not to be super depressing, but I recently had an extremely vivid dream where I learned that my mentor/close friend/mother-figure passed away and I woke up crying real tears and googling her to make sure she didn’t die for real! It made me sad all week and now I’m super freaked out something might happen 🙁 and with Covid, too, ugggg but yeah, that one was crazy realistic but no fun!
My craziest dream is that my sister bought my Mom a SECOND surprise puppy for Christmas! (She’s done it before!) The shock was just as real in my dream!
Traveling around the world full time and being able to miraculously speak every language I came across so I could be 100% immersed in each culture.
I had a very inappropriate dream about a coworker/boss. He is very married and we do not have any sort of relationship that is inappropriate. I would t have even said he was attractive but now… eek!
I had a dream I was being chased in the woods by a crazy wild hairy beast and it caught me and started slashing my face only to wake up to my 2 foster kittens snuggled up around my neck with a paw in my face!!
My craziest dream….. OOOOF. That’s a tough one. I think what takes the cake is my night of “bug” dreaming. Yep, you heard that right. Not one but TWO dreams about bugs. First, I was putting on some shoes and there was a GIANT COCKROACH just chillin in my sneakers. The dream was so vivid I even heard a CRUNCH. Next up, I go to the bathroom to pee. As I sit up from the toilet, a very large spider crawls out.
I cringe even writing about this (I am not a bug fan, as you can see).
I used to have these re-occurring dreams when I was in middle school, high school, and college. I would dream that I arrived to class to find that there was a huge test that day that I didn’t study for. In my dream it felt like the end of the world!! Fast forward a few years and I’m a teacher! Luckily I don’t get those dreams anymore and I hope my students don’t either.
My craziest dream is this recurring one I’ve had since I was 10, my family all goes to Disney World without me and they tell me I can join them once I clean the whole house! I have a very loving and kind family so I have no idea why I dream this but at this point in my life it’s no longer a nightmare just makes me laugh in the morning!
The craziest dream I ever had came after watching The Social Dilemna on Netflix! I can’t remember all of the crazy things in detail, but it was scary!
Just had a dream that I was at my family’s lake house with my childhood best friends. It’s the thing I’ve missed the most since the pandemic has started and it felt so nice to see and hug all those loved people in such a loving place. I can’t wait to get back there. Until then, my dreams is how I’ll connect with them.
My dream would be to have the best nights sleep on this pillow. Over the years I’ve had the worst luck with finding the best pillow. I’m a “goldie locks” still in search for the right one and these just look heavenly.
I don’t know if it’s crazy…but my current weird dream is the perpetual falling cycle! Anyone else? Like I constantly fall off “something” in my dream and have that awkward jolt and awaken each time!!! Ahhhhh. It’s the worst!
The crazy thing about my dreams is I will remember them right when wake up and then later on in the day I will have forgotten them! I need to start writing them down. One general one that seem to have at least once a month is my boyfriend will do something in my dream that makes me mad and then I wake up mad at him !
My wildest dream so far to date is the dream I had years ago, meeting the girl of my dreams. And now, I’m with her. I swear it’s like deja vù. She’s the most incredible person and being with her is a dream!
My favorite dreams are the ones where I’m dreaming of people I’ve loved (family members, friends, former romances, almost-romances) who aren’t in my day-to-day life anymore. These dreams are often either comforting reminders or a glimpse at what might’ve been. Either way, they feel like a gift.
My dream is to have one more baby. Hopefully in 2021! My first baby made my dream of being a mom come true and I want to give him a sibling close in age. ❤️
I’ve been having crazy pregnancy dreams! I love the ones where I dream I’m BFF with Taylor Swift 🤣
This isn’t a crazy dream but my sister passed away a year ago, at the age of 58 from pancreatic cancer, and I thought I would have “nightmares” of her constantly but they never came. Finally I had the most wonderful dream where she wanted to know what was going on and how everybody was. She had a huge smile on her face and kept reiterating that she was doing so well. It was so profound and comforting to know she was out of pain and HAPPY.
I was just remind today that a year ago I had a dream that I was a world famous race car driver and my family (including my 87 year old father) were my pit crew.
My favorite dream was of my boyfriend d proposing, it felt so real and was so special
I am also on a mission to try to get better sleep. I have always had a hard time getting to sleep and am in the middle of trying different things to help. I am currently trying a magnesium lotion which is supposed to help with sleep but I’ll definitely look into these pillows too!
One of my weirdest dreams when I was little was a recurring dream about running away from a volcano that was about to expload in my home town. Super random I know!
The craziest dream I ever had was when I was little after watching the movie Twister. I dreamt that I was sleeping in my house (which was located on a peninsula) in California and out of nowhere red sirens started blaring outside my window and it was pitch black, I saw this giant tornado coming in our direction and my parents, siblings and I ducked for cover in these gross bushes that used to be outside on our front lawn, we held onto the roots as it sat over us and we were all vertical, feet up in the air… after it passed over everything was intact including our house and our front lawn was gone except for the Bush we all held onto. Sooo sooo weird…but obviously twister scared me as a kid lol. The imagination is a wild thing to unpack.
My favorite dream was that I was present in my imaginary children’s lives.
As a woman that works 10+ hours a day I often wonder how my relationship with my kids will be (once/if I have any one day).
In the dream I saw myself having breakfast with them and playing sports.
Hi Lesley! I keep having dreams about my unborn baby girl being born and I know it’s because I’m both excited and terrified!
Im 18 weeks and recently dreamt that she was born not human! Yes….you read that right….she was not human but in fact an armadillo. I hate armadillos! I have no explanation for it and I’m honestly embarrassed to share!! I guess it’s pregnancy brain!? Hormones?! I dunno. Need this to get good pillows so perhaps I’ll dream for a perfect normal and healthy pregnancy!! Haha
So my mom unfortunately passed away 2 years ago. I always have these really realistic dreams about her. Well one time, she was here at my place in my dream (she’d never been here before she passed). In real life, I was looking for this scarf that I lost ages ago! I’d looked everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Anyway in the dream she goes “it’s next to the Christmas wreath in the coat closet”. When I woke up just for funsies I thought I’d check and low and behold the scarf was right where she said. I was SHOOKETH.
I wouldn’t say crazy because it’s not that crazy but my favorite dream is to sell everything and travel the world with my husband, two kids, two dogs 🌏❤️ Definitely still holding on to it!
I recently put a deposit down on a chocolate lab puppy and am not sure yet when we will get to take her home. I had a dream right after that we were getting her February 3rd and that was my whole dream. Very specific 😂 Hoping it comes true! 🤞🏼
My wildest dreams aren’t really that wild but just very real. Every year or so I’ll dream about my grandparents and it feels so real and I’m always both happy and sad when I wake up and remember it was only a dream. I’ll take it though. 💘
My craziest dream has always been to pursue a PhD. I grew up with an undiagnosed learning disability and was always compared to people who were different and held to the same expectations as everyone else. And I failed. A lot. Because I’m built different! School is way hard for me but I know that if I try I can do anything. It’s only a dream of I don’t try!
I’m getting married next July and lately I’ve been having lots of wedding nightmares (things going wrong/people not showing up/ etc.!) 🙁 I definitely think the stress of wondering if COVID/wedding planning is getting to me! The other day I dreamt that I went to pick up my dress and when I put it on it was a completely different dress!! Not even close to the one I actually picked. Always comforting waking up from those dreams to know that whatever happened is actually not the case and our day will be perfect no matter what!
My weirdest dream was recently & it was me, my mom & boyfriend all living together & I find out they are secretly seeing each other behind my back. super bizarre!!!!! I also always have a recurring dream of being at a water park.
I never remember dreams for long. BUT, as a child, I had this recurring nightmare that this bug, furry creature kidnapped me at Christmas. The creature was something I recognized, like a character of some sort, but I never knew what it was called.
Later in my adult life, I realized that the creature in my childhood nightmare is Sweetums from The Muppets. Haha, he still terrifies me to this day 😂.
Favorite dream: my husband and I rocking and holding our adopted baby girl named Violet with a bow in her on our front porch one spring morning. It was so vivid and I woke up crying happy tears💛
I almost never remember my dreams but I recently had a dream I was fired for spending too much on Facebook 🤣
I’ve had the craziest, most realistic dreams are where I am fighting with my fiance. We don’t really argue so I wake up from these so upset. He is the sweetest and always apologizes for what his dream self said to me and even though I know it’s not real, it seems so real. It definitely takes me a little time to get over it.
the craziest recurring dream i have is that i’m in my childhood home. i’m in my sisters room with my sisters and look out the window (that looks out to our back patio) and there’s a helicopter waiting for me (just me, not my sisters) to hop in. every time i have this dream i wake up as i’m climbing in and never figure out where i was supposed to go! someday i’ll find out where that helicopter is flying me to!
I’ve been having all kinds of weird pregnancy dreams. The worst one was that I was delivering the baby and the doctor delivering removed his mask it was my ex 🤪 (who is not a doctor and doesn’t even make sense) but I woke up so furious that ruined my birth experience. Silly but felt so real at the time!
I have what I like to call “seasons” for my dreams. They will pick up where they left off almost every night. The most significant one was as a 5 year old, I was terribly afraid of tornadoes, and there was a talking tornado that would follow me and if I spoke it would come find me. Until, on the season finale, my brother discovered the best hiding spot which was in a tub full of pudding! I woke up and hugged my brother to thank him and he pushed me off because he obviously had no idea what I was referring to.
I used to have a “nightmare” as a kid that made me not want to sleep. It was about this decorative cow our neighbor behind us had in her flower bed. 🤦♀️😂 dreams have gotten better since then for sure!
I used to have a recurring dream my childhood dog was stolen by the people replacing our fence. I vividly remember the long net they would carry- they always reminded me of the bad guys from home alone!
Weirdest dream actually occurred a couple weeks ago but wasn’t SUPER weird until I woke up and my husband told me he had a dream too. My dream was I was on a plan with my son, Brooks, it was just me and him he was watching his iPad while sitting next to me. Randomly he would look over at me and give me a weird look, when I asked him what was wrong he would tell me “nothing” finally he did it again I asked again and he said he needed to go to the bathroom. Off we went to the bathroom, we get back to our seats and all of a sudden things on the plane start to get a little crazy, come to find out we were in the middle of a terrorist attack and my son could actually hear everything going on in the cockpit through his iPad headphones. Crazy scary dream but to make it even crazier I woke up and told my husband and he couldn’t believe it. The same exact night he had a dream he was on the plane with our son, River. (who I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with) He said it was just them two and the plane actually crashed into the ocean and started sinking! Two very odd dreams both involving plane crashes, both very different but it also freaked us out that in each of our dreams we each had one of our sons. Very weird, definitely made us both very freaked out!
I legit had a dream I was having my son and woke up and my water had broken. We rushed to the hospital and I was already dilated 8cm!
One morning my husband and I woke up and both remembered a very vivid dream. So many elements of our dreams were the same! Not sure what we ate/drank that night! 🤪
I have crazy dreams every night. It’s almost like another life I live when I go to sleep. Last night I was accused of a crime I didn’t commit so a few friends were helping me run from the police. Then I got tired of helping me run and wanted to get back to their lives. So they told me I had to turn myself in. They took me to jail, and the first thing that they told me was if I was married, my spouse and I could sign a form agreeing that we can both have sex with other people while I was in jail. Then I saw my boyfriend at one of the tables with his ex-wife and they were both signing the contract. It was awkward and spooky. And I’m still not sure what it means. Haha But I went ahead and stayed mad at him when I woke up!
Oh I have SO many crazy dreams. My most recent was this week and my teeth FELL OUT and I was desperately trying to put them back in (like that would work??). So strange. It turns out that symbolized significant change, which is very representative of this time of moving and starting a new job!
When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream that Godzilla came and destroyed my twin and my elementary school teacher saved the day! It happened at least three times and I remember parts of it vividly to this day!
I meant town!!!*
the craziest recurring dream i have is that i’m in my childhood home. i’m in my sisters room with my sisters and look out the window (that looks out to our back patio) and there’s a helicopter waiting for me (just me, not my sisters) to hop in. every time i have this dream i wake up as i’m climbing in and never figure out where i was supposed to go! someday i’ll find out where that helicopter is flying me to!
I’ve had this dream multiple times since I was little….I was back in kindergarten and we were on a school bus and a t-Rex is lifting the bus about to shake it and then the dream just stops….. so weird.
I always think that my wildest dreams are the ones where I am speaking another language, fluently, but in actuality, I don’t speak another language so I’m not really sure what language I’m creating. It Doesn’t happen often, but I always wake up feeling like a queen having a subconscious that is bilingual!
I normally can’t remember my dreams past 10 minutes of waking up but Ive several reoccurring bad & good dreams that I remember!
I’ve had two reoccurring terrible dreams- One in which my teeth are falling out! In my dream My tongue will give the slightest pressure against my teeth and they all just start falling out! I’ve also dreamt several times that I’m in a house with burglars and I want to scream and run away but I’m so paralyzed with fear that I can’t scream or move!
Now to the really good dreams – and yep- they’re always sex dreams 🤩. Sometimes it’s my husband, sometimes it’s with “the one that got away,” and sometimes it’s with Shawn Booth from the Bachelorette (those are my favorite 🤪)
My dreams were so vivid while I was pregnant this year. Many were anxiety producing, scary and I would wake up slightly traumatized. Then, I started dreaming about my dad who passed away when I was 16. The craziest part is that he had aged and I could picture how he looked 16 years later. He gave me all sorts of parenting advice and encouragement for my first baby. I’m not positive if heaven exists, but if it does I visited it in my dreams and was reunited with my dad. It felt incredibly real.
I have dreams I am friends in real life with the Grey’s Anatomy cast!
My dreams were so vivid while I was pregnant this year. Many were anxiety producing, scary and I would wake up slightly traumatized. Then, I started dreaming about my dad who passed away when I was 16. The craziest part is that he had aged and I could picture how he looked 16 years later. He gave me all sorts of parenting advice and encouragement for my first baby. I’m not positive if heaven exists, but if it does I visited it in my dreams and was reunited with my dad. It felt incredibly real.
Ahh! My husband and I have been on a hunt for months for new
Pillows and just haven’t found the one yet, so we might just have to test these out.
I have crazy dreams but hardly remember all of the details..but usually they are about things I stress about during the day and then I have dreams/nightmares 🤪
I’m a preschool director and I have dreams a lot about things that happen at my school. But the one I remember most is when it was our first day of school and not a single employee showed up and I had tons of children all at the front door ready to be dropped off. It was a disaster. Good thing it was just a dream because that would be the worst!
I used to have a reoccurring dream as a child that I had to journey through the inside of a whale to get to my family and I always ended up on this really high dock above shark infested waters with a bunch of strangers and it was always so rickety but I woke before it broke. My dreams are much less traumatizing these days 🙂
Pandemic dreams have been C.R.A.Z.Y. But, I rarely remember them in their entirety. My best friend and I used to run half marathons together and without fail, I’d have dreams (nightmares!) about the race. The one I still remember included having to get on a ferry at mile 3, leaving her behind, getting lost, and having to take the ferry backwards to pick her up. Inevitably, all pre-half marathon dreams included getting lost and odd obstacles! 🤣 Thankfully those obstacles were never in the actual race!
I always have insane dreams and one of the craziest was that I discovered Cam Newton (NFL player) was involved in an illegal drug scheme and he realized I found out and started chasing me on foot and clearly he is much faster than me!!! Then he caught me and took me back to his house and told me it was all an elaborate scheme to trick me…brains are weird!
I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and I have been so sad thinking about how my mom cannot be in the delivery room with me because of covid. They will only allow one person, so it will be my husband! I had a dream the other night that I called my mom from the hospital and I was in labor and she showed up in her PJs and told the doctors and nurses she was staying no matter what lol. My mom has 19 kiddos and birthed 12 of them so she’s basically a pro! It was such a vivid dream.
My grandpa passed away when I was young and I recently had a dream that I got to meet him as an adult. It felt so real and it was so special and comforting! It makes me so happy just thinking about it.
Craziest (and arguably scariest) dream was that I slept through my alarm and showed up late for my first clinical shift as a med student! 😬 Grateful it never happened, but even more grateful to be living my real-life dream of studying medicine so I can specialize in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility and help create families and empower women.
Hi! I was a single mom for 15 years and I would always have crazy dreams that involved saving my son from gunshots, kidnappers, or any form of bad people. I would always have special powers and it truly felt like a movie scene. Maybe my subconscious always being worried of keeping my son safe. You will soon know what I mean 🙂 luckily I would always wake up before he got hurt or the bad climax of my dream would happen. Glad they were all dreams!
I have a lot of anxiety dreams where I need help but every time I try to call my husband or a friend, my phone stops working. I either can’t punch in numbers to dial, it won’t ring, or won’t turn on. It’s agony and always such a relief when I wake up!
The dream that comes to mind first is a recurring dream I’ve had since high school. I call 9-1-1 because there is an emergency (I never really know the emergency in the dream, just that there is one). The line rings and rings and rings and nobody ever picks up! I always wake up in a panic with my heart pounding!
By far my favorite dreams are the ones where my best friend who passed away is there, and we just sit and talk about alllll the things we’ve missed in each other’s lives ❤️
I can tell when my mind and body are more stressed than even I realize when I start have dreams about tornadoes and plane crashes. Last night I had a dream that I was driving on a high bridge (fear of heights) over deep water (not my fav) and there were multiple water spouts all around us. 2020, man.
I wish I was someone who could remember my nice dreams! I only remember the bad ones but then I forget about them (thankfully) I know I had weird dream about my boyfriends dad chasing him and trying to kill him…. super weird
Sometimes I dream where all my teeth fall out one by one. More like a nightmare! Haha
it’s not crazy but a wish and dream come true.
Become a mother 💕
Craziest dream. I was being chased by a man (who I did not know) in a Parisian hotel. Escaped the hotel. My brother, in a parked car outside of the hotel, saw me run out of the hotel towards the American Embassy and drove there to meet me. I was outside the gates yelling at the guards to let me in and telling them that a man was chasing me. The man chasing me walked up to the gates and apologized to the guards because I was having a panic attack and said he was my brother and care taker. My actual brother came up to the gate and said “No, I am her brother.” Because of all of the confusion, all three of us were brought into the embassy for questioning. I was asked questions. The man chasing me and my brother were also asked questions about me. The man chasing me knew all of the answers to the questions about me (as did my brother.) The embassy was not able to determine who was my brother and if I was actually who I was saying I was. I woke up in a panic and immediately told my brother that we need to have a password that no one else will know just in case.
I had a dream that I was dating Drake once 😂
When I was pregnant with my second daughter, I would have very vivid dreams. One night I had a dream I was in a car accident. I woke up very shaken up because it was so real. Three days later, I was t-boned by a new driver in a huge pickup truck. We were okay but my car was totaled. It was very unsettling!
When I was in tumbling classes in middle school, I injured my back really bad right after I finally got my round-off back handspring. 🙁 I was devastated!! I always wanted to be able to do back flips and long tumbling passes! Since then, I’ve had a dream about once a year that I can tumble like no other, and it’s always my favorite thing to wake up from 😂😂😂
Similarly pregnant right now there have been fun pregnancy dreams. I however have this dream that I still remember from 2nd grade or so because it was that bizarre my mom had me retell it so many times! I remember I had my neighbor sleeping over and we had these big foam blocks that’d we’d roll out into the living room for slumber parties since there wasn’t room in the small apartment’s bedroom. I dreamed that my neighbor and I had to escape from this back staircase down to the first floor because there were signing and dancing skeletons coming up the front stairs to the apartment. We did so and proceeded to run down main street that we lived on and jumped into a dumpster. Then the comedic skeletons were singing “there they were just a walking down the street singing doo-a-diddy-diddy-dum-diddo-doo” I’m sure there were more details 20 years ago but that’s what I’ve got from it still to this day!
Well I have this unfortunate dream constantly that I’m running from something on a broken leg and every time I call 9-1-1 little ceasers picks up, and then they deliver these pizzas cause me to trip over boxes further injuring my leg and slowing me down 😂😂 the best part is I’m a paramedic and a 9-1-1 dispatcher in real life.
One of my most wildest dreams was when I got stuck in an AWAKENING LOOP. When I woke up from it, I had no idea that was a thing, but i knew what I just experienced had to have been written about by someone, somewhere.
I woke up, started getting ready for work and as I was about to leave the door was upside down, oh I’m dreaming.
I wake up, start getting ready for work, make my coffee and I pick up my phone off its charger and its not my phone, its a friends phone I recognized, hmm must be dreaming, after a few more times I was suspicious everytime I woke up that I wasn’t actually waking up, i would check something close to me to see if it was normal and over and over it wasn’t reality and I started to think I was never ACTUALLY going to wake up. Because it felt so real Every. Single. Time. I start panicking and try to wake myself up by deep breaths, moving my arms and legs and I eventually SHOT OUT OF SLEEP and was covered head to toe in sweat, tears streaming down my face and I immediately ran to my parents room and once i touched them physically I knew it wasn’t a dream anymore.
i told them what I just experienced and we started doing some research and found that this is something that most definitely can happen where you are dreaming over and over that you are waking up, doing normal things,
they say it goes hand in hand with people who have had sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming, and i actually have experienced sleep paralysis a few times throughout my life so it all made so much sense. CRAZY!!!!
The craziest dreams I have are when everything is in slow motion! It freaks me out!
P.S. Got the side sleeper pillow during the Macy’s sale and I love it! Now I want alllll the pillows from Pillow Bar!
The year was 1990; 7 yr old me was spending the summer days at camp at the Science & History Museum. All the while, I constantly had nightmares of running through the museum being chased by dinosaurs, hiding anywhere I could in the classrooms and every nook and cranny. Finally escaping the museum running through the driveway and jumping in my mom’s pink Cadillac and telling her to step on it!
Fast forward a few years later- I finally see Jurassic Park and nearly lost it- especially the cafeteria scene -which was spot on to my recurring dream!
I have a recurring dream that my teeth all start falling out 😬 I googled it and it means a bunch of different things but one of the main ones is that I’m worried what people think of me 🤷🏽♀️
I don’t ever remember my dreams and I can’t decide if that’s a good or bad thing. I am however apparently quite the sleep talker. I’m told I will say very random words out of order and a lot of times it’s related to food.
I had two really crazy dreams within the last year or so. My son is currently 8 months old and when I was about 6 months pregnant with him I had this dream that I was out shopping for baby clothes and he was talking to me through my belly. It wasnt like I could hear his thoughts, he was just in my belly talking and I could hear him perfectly. I was looking at clothes with dinosaurs on them and he said “No Mom! Get the whales! The whales mom!!” I told my husband about this dream after it happened and he said it was a sign that we had to get everything whale and oceab/beach themed for my son. He will always choose the ocean animals in his toys before the land animals.
My 2nd one was about a month or 2 after he was born and I had been having bad sciatica and chest pains a few months following his birth and I had this horrible dream that I woke up one morning and he was about 4-5 years old and I had been in a coma for the first few years of his life. It was honestly horrible but so crazy to see what I thought he would look like in a few years. Im looking forward to seeing if I was close or not.
Once I found Sasquatch riding a four wheeler. With Chuck Norris. A pregnant horse was also in handcuffs.
Not a drug user, promise.
I often have dreams that I am a horoscope guru. I have a super power where I walk outside on a clear night and the stars that make up each horoscope sign just absorb into my body and I can tell everyone their “birthday month truth.” I feel like I’m creating a Netflix pilot every time I have this dream.
My craziest dream was about marrying my at the time boyfriend. I visioned me walking down the aisle and the song playing for our first dance. Little did I know, but he had already bought a ring and proposed 2 months later. We have now been married for 2 years and are expecting our first child. Dreams do come true.
My dad passed away suddenly and completely unexpectedly 5 years ago so now any dream that I have that includes him is very special to me.
I have such vivid dreams that constantly reflect the current happenings in my life! I just finished reading “The Alice Network” (great book if you haven’t read), and the whole time I was having intense dreams about being caught as a WWII spy.
My craziest dream that I seriously feel that I have ALL the time is not being able to see. It’s beyond weird. I will be in the middle of a perfectly average dream and then lose my vision. Sometimes I wake up in a panic and then realize all is good!!!
This is so random but it’s the most recent dream I can vividly remember. It’s a little creepy haha
I was in this abandoned house all alone and it was partially underwater. There were turtles that were placed up high and I had to “save” them and get them back to the water. I remember waking up and being so stressed out just trying to save all the turtles. None of it makes sense haha. I don’t know what was stuck in my brain to make me have that dream!!
I dreamt that my husband and I got pregnant (hoping one day that part will come true 🙂 but when the baby came, we didn’t know how to take care of it. We didn’t prepare, no diapers, clothes, crib, nothing. If you knew me, I am a type A personality that needs to have everything planned! Was a super stressful dream, but it makes me chuckle now.
I had a dream that it was New Years Eve 2020 and we all were hash tagging 2020 vision. Then I woke up and we were not seeing anything like we should have. 2020 more a nightmare
Great idea!! I had a dream the other night that I was visiting my best friend in KY (who just had a baby girl named Lena 💖) and for some reason when I came to visit everyone was in the master bed playing a board game so I got in bed and started to play with them. Then the neighbor, who was actually a guy we went to HS with came in to ask if we could help clean his gutter at midnight. So we did.. and Lena watched and then we all went to playing the board game in bed…. HOW STRANGE?!?
Dreams are such a weird phenomenon – I often wonder if our pet’s dreams are as random/crazy as ours and if so, what do they think it is ?! 😂
I have a reoccurring dream (nightmare?!) that I’m in this big plastic hamster ball being chased by a T-Rex through the jungle, like in Jurassic world!! 😆
Oh wow! The craziest dream I’ve ever had is one I still remember from when I was a little girl (I’m 25 now)… I dreamed that I was asleep at home and someone broke into my family’s home. We all woke up and there was this triangle shaped rock on my floor that I picked up. The robbers had these laser beam things and they were shooting at us but the triangle thing was like a shield despite it being so small! And I turned into a badass superhero that saved my family! I like to think it was my way of telling myself to not be scared and to remember how strong I am. I was about 8 or 10 then I think so not sure what I was afraid of at the time but it’s a dream that has stuck with me for years and years and a nice memory I think of when I get stressed!
I dreamt that I got fired from my job! Earlier that day I was teasing another Respiratory Therapist that I work with about how he left his phone at work over night and that I took his phone and took a bunch of naughty pics on his phone! I work the night shift so when I went home that morning I had a dream that I got fired and he was in my dream along with my boss and my bosses boss! Made me a little nervous to go back into work that night bc it seemed SO real!!! Luckily It was only a dream and everyone got a good laugh out of it when I went back into work and I shared it with my co-workers…(but I didn’t mention it to my boss…hehe)
Craziest dream I had recently was that I ran for president and ended up winning! Yikes 😬
My last dream was my vet diagnosed me with lung cancer. This means I’ve been around a dogs way too much. He laughed his butt off. I asked that he never go into being a human Dr. I could never go see him. He’s a stone cold fox too. Beautiful man.
I think I need new bedding, maybe my dreams will be about a date with him rather than a diagnosis. 😂😂
Okay, so I’ve had this same dream repeatedly over the years, which is what makes it so weird/creepy. It’s always EXACTLY the same, and I always remember it when I wake up, even though I don’t remember dreams often.
I’m walking in a neighborhood a lot like the old quaint neighborhoods you see in movies like the original Halloween. I’m alone. I notice that a man is following behind me. Now that I think of it, his body type definitely resembles Michael Myers and he’s wearing all black. I speed up and try turning random streets to lose him, and I think that I did because he isn’t behind me anymore. Then I look ahead at the next street and he’s standing there staring at me. Then my dream cuts out.
I wake up shaken every time because it feels soo real. Okay, maybe I should stop watching Halloween before bed. Anyway, now a days I just dream about babies because I’m pregnant!! 🙂 Come onnnn 2nd trimester energy (12 weeks this week!).
I don’t usually remember my dreams in their entirety, just bits and pieces. But I remember one night I dreamt I was hanging out with Robert Downey Jr and was trying so hard to keep my cool and act normal so he wouldn’t think I was just some crazy fan-although of course my end goal was for RDJ to introduce me to Chris Evans 😍🥰
I one time had a dream I was in my tree house with my mom and we got carried away by an army of green peas in full camp/army helmets singing the ants go marching one by one. They brought us to a pot of boiling water for revenge! I didn’t eat peas for YEARS after that
I usually never remember my dreams… but crazy pregnancy hormones. I was out with my friends for my birthday and these people were hanging around looking at me, I tried to avoid them but they finally cornered me and I learned that they were trying to recruit me to come to Australia with them to save the macaroni penguins which were mysteriously dying. Apparently I had some sort of connection to the magnetic poles on the earth which would help me to save them and also explained why I have such a horrible sense of direction.. unfortunately I woke up before learning if I said yes or no.
I had a dream after three years of infertility that I’d get pregnant without IVF. Two months later I found out I was pregnant with my first son. Then when my son was 3 months old. I had a dream I’d have another son. The next month, when my first was only four months old, I found out I was pregnant with my second son! They are a year apart
I had a recurring dream as a child that I was at the local zoo on a class field trip. I was being chased by Indian and then the lions jumped out of their enclosure and joined in. Weird dream – but I had it until I was probably 13… not sure I was to analyze that one.
Ok, weirdest dream was probably neverending teeth falling out of my mouth…
Apparently that means you need to speak up for yourself more..
Hi! Ok, craziest dream! The craziest are always the ones where when you wake up, it takes 30secs -2 mins to process through that it was a dream, haha! One that stands out to me is a recurring one I have where I am back in college (I am 36), it’s the end of a semester and I realize there is one class I haven’t been to the whole time! Its SO STRESSFUL and I’m trying to find the class to figure out what to do and how to catch up but I can’t find the building. Every time I wake up I have to remind myself that I graduated 15 years ago and have a good job, haha!
I remember back in high school dreaming that I was good friends with NSync!!! And we would float around my neighborhood outside on clouds. I love *NSYNC!
I thought this was a funny topic because I can never remember my dreams! I remember them that morning and tell my husband while he’s half asleep. They usually go something like a chicken and a unicorn with a sledgehammer chasing me down an empty school hallway lol
As a kid I used to have a dream where I’d be in this empty room and there’d be these square and circle shaped objects that would get larger and larger towards me. I’ve always wondered what it meant. It was so bizarre.
However, more recently i had a pretty cool dream.
I was Out in the water fishing but fly fish. Had my cellphone on the sandbar in front on me on the right. Tide is coming in fast. I hook something and it’s pulling me. Water covers my phone. I’m worried but say screw it. I need a new one anyways. The animal is pulling my line and I follow it. It’s going the direction of a huge rock. I can see it’s not a fish but two huge sea turtles. I hooked one in the back. They climb up on rock and I see they are scared. The one that is hooked has no shell and is just the skin. They warm up to me and can tell I’m here to help. I help the turtle and it climbs into my arms.
I used to have a reoccurring dream that I would walk through my childhood park into the wood’s and it would open up into this mystical world (like in bridge to terabithia) and I wish I could relive that dream every night. So magical ✨
I had fallen into a jar of peanut butter and couldn’t get out (yes this was definitely a pregnancy dream). Definitely a dream, not a nightmare 😊
Sex dreams while pregnant. I’ll spare the details but those hormones did WILD things to my dreams.
One time, I had a dream that there was a foating sauté pan chasing me around my house….
I’ve always had this dream since childhood of being older and owning a b&b after traveling the world and opening the doors to other travelers so I can live vicariously through their adventures
Daydreams are my favorite kind of dreams, when you are awake and aware and can get lost in the moment. One of my favorite things to do these days (since being home during the pandemic helping with virtual school) to help keep my sanity is daydreaming about taking my family on a trip of a lifetime. Bora bora has always been on my list – though not so much in my budget – so it might stay a dream and not come to fruition – but that’s ok! It’s fun to dream about all the things we would get to experience together in a beautiful place that’s not our house!
Falling, then literary falling out of bed. Haha
Being on a road trip, in a plane, going through customs, checking into a hotel where I’ve anticipated staying, exploring any new place—changing dreams to reality!
It’s too hard to choose just one – but my dreams when I was pregnant were always the most vivid ❤️
That I slept through my alarm and that I didn’t make it to take the Bar exam… The funny part was that this dream happened YEARS after I passed it!
My wildest dream is to one day be able to travel endlessly with my forever travel partner! For now though, we will work hard to save up for our future adventures!
I used to have a recurring dream as a child that I was being chased by a massive purple giraffe and I had to escape the building via the emergency exit which was a giant slide. Then I ran into the purple giraffe and we became friends and I got to ride him
I regularly have dreams that I am back in high school and forget my locker combination. I stand there, trying and trying to get the right code for WAY too long, feeling pressure to be late to class or unable to get my school supplies. SUPER odd, but usually by the end of the dream I always remember the combination 🙂
Best reoccurring dream- Living on an island in the Caribbean 🌴
I’ve had this dream multiple times – I am standing near a creek and these animated horses run past me. As they run past me they are talking and laughing. Then they abruptly side jump/flop into the water, playing, and laughing…
I just took a big certification exam to be an Orthopedic Technologist on Monday. My dreams have always been vivid and related to specific things in my life happening.
A few nights before I took my test I had a dream I was talking it, in my car. But it was open book and I had a full on computer desk setup in my car to take the test. But then halfway through I had to drive to a testing center and finish it, but it was still open book. Needless to say I passed the test in that dream 😉
The next time I had a dream that I took the test again, this time not open book. But still passed! Yay!
Finally took the test Monday and passed in real life! It was nicer to reflect on my pre-test anxiety AFTER I got the result of the test 🙂
I used to work at an ice cream store in high school. I would work late and go right to bed. There was a window next to my bed and I would sit up in my sleep and serve ice cream to customers at the window. After a few nights of that I had to find a wind down routine fast!
As a teacher I tend to have school stress dreams 😂 especially at back to school and especially this year so I had a dream where I took my students on a crazy vacation and all I remember was chasing after them and buying pretzels and candy for them and continuously counting them to make sure I had everyone accounted for. Luckily never actually experienced a field trip like that 😂
I have had reoccurring dreams for years that giant bees are stinging me and I can’t wake up!
One time I dreamt that all my favorite co workers were interviewing at Sephora. I have no idea why it was Sephora (I barely wear any makeup). Nor am I in the beauty or retail industry. I was then in a dilemma. My alarm was going off but I wanted to stay asleep to know who else was going to start interviewing with Sephora. LOL (also should I be concerned I am having dreams about work.. probably)
I often dream about being in Paris and I loveeee it because it’s like a free vacation 😅
I dreamt the gender of my baby and well, it was right! #girlmom
Oh my goodness, I’ve had some crazy dreams this year! My fiancé and I were supposed to get married in Iceland this year, now postponed to 2021. But the postponement process / rescheduling of plans has left me with SO MANY wedding dreams/nightmares. The craziest one thus far was that we boarded the plane to Iceland, started taxiing down the runway, only to be stopped by the CDC (who came up looking like the men in black!), deplaned (because COVID), and forced to go home. We drove from the airport to my parents house and tried to throw together a last minute backyard wedding for that night! My dress got left on the plane and we had to go to a local thrift store and I ended up wearing a SCREAMIN green prom dress as my wedding dress for my backyard wedding that was thrown together in <6 hours 😂 man… I hope the wedding dreams/nightmares finally stop once the big day actually happens!
I used to have this dream when I was a kid that I was being chased by The Joker, ET, and The Penguin. I was scared of all of them but insisted on watching the movies anyways which resulted in these crazy dreams 😂😂😂
My craziest dream was back when I was planning my wedding. The loved ones that had passed were there telling me it was ok and they were going to be there even if I couldn’t see them. That was 4 years ago and I still remember the waking up to real tears.
My wildest dream is for worldwide peace and to become a travel blogger <3
I work with spreadsheets all the time and I’ve been working 12-14 hr days lately. The other night I was dreaming that I was lecturing myself on why I should have used a specific formula rather than the one I used. I then proceeded to tell my supervisor she needed to reject my reconciliation because I didn’t use the most appropriate formula🤓
I’ve had this dream of meeting an Irish man and living happily ever after above a pub he owns in Ireland. Life is so hard and complicated right now for everyone. I believe any amount of dreaming one can do in this time gives us hope. Even the silly, never gonna happen dreams can bring joy. And man do we all need a little joy!
I dream about places I want to travel to… but in my dreams I am a local there and know all the best places to go. It’s super awesome and gives me a more comfortable feelig when I actually get there!!
I cannot believe I am admitting this in writing, but I have had recurring nightmares about vanilla wafer cookies for years. In my dreams, the cookies are evil, and I guess trying to hurt me in some way? I’m terribly embarrassed, I hope I win this giveaway. Love ya, Les!
I used to have a recurring dream about a snake with arms that would block my door and not let me out of my room!
I dreamt I passed the bar exam a few weeks ago…and yesterday I got my results and my dream came true!!!
My wildest dream would be to find the perfect pillow. Actually I did once but the discontinued my pillow and I have gone through 6 other brands since and have not liked any of them 😭
I had a vivid dream that my husband and I had a 3 or 4 year old baby boy. Blonde curly hair and green eyes like daddy. I was getting him ready for preschool he wanted to wear both a frog bicycle helmet and a dinosaur beanie together, so I was trying to explain he had to pick one or the other.
We don’t have any children yet but it made me smile to think of starting one someday 😊
I usually don’t remember my dreams for long after I wake up but they’re always the most vivid if I drink alcohol or have ice cream before bed!
I had a dream one time that I tied a group of balloons, identical to the ones in the move Up!, to my front two teeth and spent my night floating through the air. It was one of the oddest yet most vivid dreams i’ve ever have. Also, determined to go on a hot air balloon ever since that dream!
That I was stuck at work forever and never allowed to leave🙈 wait are we talking about dreams or nightmares 😂🤷🏻♀️
I had a crazy vivid dream that this pandemic has finally come to an end… and that the world was now changed forever as people realized the real value of staying home with loved ones and appreciating the smaller things. My favorite part of the dream though was that I was able to travel freely again and explore all the world has to offer.
My craziest dream was a reoccurring one I had as a child. In this dream, the British were invading my cul-de-sac and chasing us in horse drawn carriages. I’m pretty sure these dreams were triggered by studying the Boston Tea Party in 3rd grade.
That COVID-19 was over!
I was a server back in high school and college and I have a recurring dream that I have way too many tables to handle and I keep forgetting everyone’s orders and people are getting mad and I’m just running around trying to make everyone happy but am failing!
I now wonder if when I have that dream that it means I’m stretched too thin and need to dedicate more time to myself rather than trying to please everyone else (something I’m known for). I’m an enneagram 2wing3 🙈
The craziest dreams I’ve ever had have been through pregnancy. Hands down. I didn’t realize it was a thing until I got pregnant with my daughter and then this time around is no different. I can’t remember them now, but I swear every night without fail it’s a crazy dream.
My wildest dream was when I was pregnant with my third child. I had two boys already and my husband and I went for an early, 3D ultrasound at 16 weeks. They told us it was a boy, so a little disassociated, we left just happy to have a healthy baby. Later that night my deceased grandmother visited me in my dream. She passed when I was just 8 weeks pregnant, and did not know about gender or anything. In my dream she told me that they got it wrong, I was actually having a girl. This dream was so real that I woke up knowing she was right. A few weeks later at our anatomy scan (18 wks) we were told that our little “boy” was actually a girl!!!! It’s been 5.5 years and our Hannah is amazing, I have also never had a realistic dream such as that since.
Congrats on your little one! Little girls are so much fun 💕
Best giveaway ever ☁️ 😴♥️!
As a Nurse in the year 2020, let’s get real… most of my “dreams” are nightmares about forgetting something important or a bad outcome. However, I recently had a dream where I became an interior designer and Dan Levy from Schitt’s Creek was my business partner!
I would have to say my most wildest dream that I remember was playing the part of Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries. The whole dream I was going through the motions of becoming the princess of the town I grew up in and it was wild. At the end of the dream, I remember going through all of the notions of learning the proper princess etiquette and how to live like a princess and I was like “I’m going to continue to live life normal, the best that I can, like I do everyday, like it or not” and the people still loved me! Haha it was so surreal. Woke up feeling like a damn princess! 😂😊
I had a dream….
A lucid dream, that I was a butterfly. I could move my wings, I could see through my butterfly eyes… I was flying over a meadow of flowers, the most vivid colors I had ever seen. It was sunset, golden hour, and the air was warm and calm. I woke up, tried to go back to sleep, to relive my dream, but I haven’t been able to dream like that again. I will remember this dream forever.
Happy fluttering to you and Mr. Kav! Blessings to you and your new family.
Had a dream that I was next to a building when it blew up. The cops thought I did it, I spent the next day running from them. I had to hitchhike across town and sneak into buildings. I finally decided to walk into a police station and tell them there was a miscommunication. They told me I would have to talk to “the big guy in charge”… it was my dad with a long white wig on 😂😂
Dreams are so tough sometimes to remember, so trying to think of one seems like a nice little challenge! I think the best ones are the ones that are so vivid with family members who have passed away and they feel like they are still alive! Miss those and yearn for sleeps like that! Thanks for doing this! Happy holidays and Happy New Year!
I’ve been dreaming lately about baby #2 even though that’s not happening right now! Keep dreaming of handling two and how I’ll remember all the newborn stuff while playing with my toddler!
I’ve had this dream twice. Where I’m on some spaceship and am dropped off in this deserted area where it seems like nobody is on earth so I start walking and it looks like I’m in CA and I’m on a beach and as I walk the setting is changing and going from large waves about to crash into me, to Neptune’s net(deserted), Utah canyons, a walking bridge along the water and then I’m suddenly swimming in a pool and it’s three times the size of a large sea world tank and there are around 20+ whales under me and I’m absolutely terrified and trying to get out but it’s impossible to get out and then there are some whales that are being nice but some are chasing me. And then I wake up from how scared I am of a killer whale attacking me. And that’s my wildest dream (that I can remember). Happy Holidays!!
Lately I feel like I’m not dreaming at all. I hit the pillow and I’m out!
In the wildest dream I’ve had, I’m in Bath, England and I’m walking around Crescent Circle and it’s a chilly fall morning. I have on a dress and coat that is perfectly tailored and looks as though it could be from a different decade. Suddenly, about twenty feet ahead of me a large rabbit (strangely large! The size of a pony) hops out from behind a bush. He is a soft, milky brown and his eyes are so kind. He twitches his nose at me and then bounds off in the other direction. I’m unsure why, but I know I have to follow him, so take off at a sprint and as I’m running I’m amazed at how fast I am. In my excitement I somehow lost track of the bunny. Ahead is an open field and I know I need to somehow get a higher perspective so I can track this rabbit down. As I’m running I give a little leap and to my amazement I can jump much higher than I thought I could. I land softly back onto the ground still running and then give an even bigger leap, this time I let my body turn so I’m parallel with the earth, and I’m in utter amazement at how I can soar and swoop and I’m in complete control. As I’m flying I spot my bunny friend off towards where this field ends and a woods begins. He stands on his haunches to make sure I see him and waits for me to land. The dream ends there, and I can tell you I’ve never been more sad to wake up. I love this dream, not only because it’s so beautiful, but it felt so incredibly real. Dreams can be the coolest.
I always have vivid dreams, but lately all my dreams have an alligator 🐊 in them at some point. They’re so bizarre and different each time. So far, I’ve been able to escape and survive from them… but I’m afraid if I don’t get these heavenly pillows from pillow bar I may be doomed!!
As a kid I dreamt my parents had sold our house. I woke up and ran outside and started crying/complaining to them thinking it was real 🤭
My first interpretation of the question was more of a daydream or hope for the future but then I second guessed it and thought maybe this meant literal dream, so I’ll give both.
When I talk about what I would do if I could become anything I say I dream of working as a filmmaker for National Geographic and get to travel the world, document different cultures, and learn to curate the most beautiful cinematography. I’ve always loved anthropology and travel and think it would lead to the best stories and challenges. I would love to have the opportunity to embed myself in the lives of people and have a reason to be there to tell their stories. It deepens the experience so much to have an excuse to ask people the difficult questions and observe people in a way not possible through traditional travel.
Literally, the craziest dream I had was when I was younger and I had a reoccurring dream about Mary Kate and Ashley where I followed them around this huge arena trying to get to talk with them because I had found their cat and wanted to return it. I was very distressed! The weirder part was I was never into them and hadn’t watched any of their stuff in many years. Yeas later, I had another dream that picked up where the previous one ended…
My most vivid/memorable dream was one I had when I was 7 years old. I was at the lake I grew up going to and was out by myself in the water and the water was crystal clear and there were all types of exotic animals (tigers, elephants, lions, zebras) walking underneath the water and I had to stay safe by jumping to and from different pieces of furniture floating in the water! It was scary but beautiful and def gave me Alice in wonderland vibes that I remember almost 20 years later!
I would love this giveaway because I am a side sleeper as well and am in the market for an amazing new pillow!
My craziest dream will always be one I remember from 10-15 years ago when I was in middle school. Bear with me 😂 started with my window blinds opening on their own, then there was a small alien in our house trying to get my family, ended up just being the power rangers doing an experiment on my family. Will never forget it!!
The most awesome dream i ever had was after my parents past away within 8 months of each other. A few nights after my mom died in a car wreck i dreamed i was with them as real as could be and they said “ don’t worry we will always be with you”. I woke up with such peace.
I had a dream when I was in elementary school (maybe 3rd or 4th grade) that one of my good friends knew the name of the man I will marry one day. I begged and pleaded for what felt like days, and she told me- his name is Jeffrey Ferguson 😍
I’m now 35, truly happily single, and teaching 2nd grade (also my dream grade to teach!), and I am not even looking for the one… but I do a double-take every time I meet a guy with the first name of Jeff or the last name of Ferguson 🥰
I frequently have dreams that I’m flying and the more I think I can go higher then the higher I actually fly. I think the dream can be a metaphor for life. If I’m determined to achieve something I can do it if I just believe in myself. A little silly and cliche but it puts a smile on my face the next morning 🙂
I had some super scary pregnancy dreams. The one I remember most was one when I was in my third trimester. I had dream that the baby was born already and I had taken her to daycare, but I forgot to pick her up. After a long while I realize that I forgotten my baby and start driving to the daycare, but all the roads kept moving (like moving staircases of Hogwarts in Harry Potter) and I can’t get to the daycare! I woke up terrified that my baby was lost forever and I would never get to her! But in real life I was still pregnant and baby girl was still safe in my belly.
My baby girl is now 10 months old and I have never forgotten her at daycare thank goodness! 😆
My favorite dream is always Dreaming about our vacations on the beach. When I’m stressed or can’t fall sleep or woke from a bad dream that won’t turn off, I always go back to a memory of a vacation and dream of it that way. Mostly just laying on the beach super still and really heating and feeling the waves. It’s always my go to dream and works like a charm!
I have two recurring themes in my dreams – either my teeth all start to fall out one by one and no one but me seems to care, or my mom is a human and my dad is a duck. I have NO idea what either of those things reveal about my inner psyche, but my oral hygiene and my father are both top notch, so I like to think it can only mean good things??
I keep having dreams about meeting Taylor Swift. Sometimes it’s like flashbacks to when I was younger and sometimes it’s me as an adult. So odd! But cracked me up with your “wildest dreams” song reference.
My wildest dream is when I was almost ready to have my baby any day.. (who is now 47 years old “) I dreamt that I was in a boat fishing in a lake and I caught a big fish. When I landed the catch it was a sweet baby boy, fish hook in its mouth and when I helped it out of the water it said, mama!!! I immediately woke up!! In labor!
This is a dream I had about my mom a couple years after she passed away from a 9year illness that slowly took her from us.
Ryan and I were getting ready to head to a softball tournament in Green Bay and dad was meeting us there. We stopped by the house before leaving because dad was his typical worked up self before going out of town. When I walked in the house and looked in the kitchen mom was trying to do dishes (in the dream she had already passed away, but she was there and she looked like she did probably 6 months before she died) and she smiled at me her hair was done but she was in PJs. I walk to the bathroom where dad was in his money pajama pants and gray shirt cleaning things up huffing and puffing and said “your mom was just trying to do something in here and fell and made a mess, I’m just staying home”. I looked at him and screamed “‘dad, stop it, mom is dead!” I turned around went to the living room to walk out the front door and as i passed by the kitchen entrance I yelled as loud as I could “I love you mom”. Dad must have followed me out of the house because as I got in my car crying my eyes out, dad was getting into his car and as we road past the end of the driveway mom was there in the passenger seat looking completely healthy and dad was in the driver seat just staring at her touching her face as if he couldn’t believe what he saw and she was reacting to his touch. I woke up crying
I have a recurring dream that I walk back into an old job I had many many years ago and just start working again! It’s the weirdest thing that some details change but the main event is always the same!!
I constantly have dreams where I meet my favorite celebrities. We get close and are hanging out and as soon as we’re about to kiss or something we’re interrupted and it’s a constant loop of disappointment. Lol.
I used to have a recurring dream that I could fly. Taking a running start, I would leap into the air and fly like an eagle using my arms like wings. It was the most wonderful sensation to zoom up and down and around anything I wanted to see! I hated waking. I always wanted to just keep flying.
Sadly, I haven’t had that dream in a long time. It’s been a very tough year. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all just take off and fly away whenever we wanted these days?
My favorite dream is seeing my grandparents faces again. My grandparents were tragically killed in a car crash in 2016, together, on their anniversary. What I would give for one more hug. So when they visit in my dreams, it’s the best night. <3
Dreamed that I went to school and realized I was only wearing underwear. 😳😳😳
I never remember my dreams once I’m awake. However my dream is to be able to travel the world one day with my family, and have a family of my own.
Just like you Lesley, my mom and I have been on the hunt for the perfect pillow this year as well but haven’t found it yet. We both deal with constant neck and head pain.
Would love to go to Iceland and explore!
So about five or six months ago I had a couple of dreams that I reconnected with my best friend who I haven’t seen or talked to in 12 years because he met a girl and married her and had a family and continued on with life….well three months ago on Aug 31st at 9:34 am to be exact I received a text message from him apologizing for bailing on our friendship 12 years ago and that I was right about his now ex wife and the she never deserved him and he was truly sorry for how he treated me and handled the whole situation….fast forward almost 4 months now and we have talked every day and finally got to see each other for the first time in 12 years last week!!! I feel like those dreams happened for a reason and I believe there is a reason we have reconnected…I just don’t know the reason yet….but I can’t wait to see what’s to come with our rekindled friendship!!! I’m excited to have my best friend back!!!
I’m answering with a different meaning of the word “dream” – the one that came to my mind when I read your prompt!
My biggest/wildest/favorite dream that I am privileged to be following right now is that of my organization I founded: Therapists Beyond Borders, which is an international nonprofit that empowers communities that care for individuals with disabilities around the world.
It’s my first baby. But now that I’m expecting my first human baby (as of very recently, shh), I’m all about that pregnancy pillow you have raved about from this company! Cheers, mama!
I feel like I hardly remember my dreams, but I know my favorite dreams are getting to revisit special memories or getting to do something super cool and unrealistic! 🤩🤩🤩
My wild and crazy dream is to be in a fantastic loving Romantic relationship again…
Been looking for new pillows for what seems like a lifetime ever since I woke up without being able to move my neck still having problems with it a year later!!
I keep having reoccurring dreams through the years all along the same line. They always involve being in a new place or on vacation and surrounded by people I’ve met throughout my life in different phases coming together to meet. I always wake up thinking I’m experiencing real life and realizing it’s a dream. Probably because I’m ready to be able to travel again. 😂
Hmmm. Recurrent dream about being able to fly, but for a very short distance. More like a really long, really high jump. 🤷🏼♀️ Then dreams got all weird during/after pregnancy.
My favorite dreams always involve my Grandma. She passed away 7 years ago, but always visits me in my dreams and I wake up so happy after her visits. My last conversation with her was about my boyfriend at the time. Well he’s now my husband of 6 years and we are finally expecting our first child after 3 years of struggling through infertility! I certainly wish my grandma could be here on earth to celebrate all of life’s blessings with us, but I’ll have to settle for the times she visits in my dreams.
I continuously dream about that dang math test & I haven’t been to the class all semester. I can’t find the room, I can’t open my locker & I don’t have a pencil for the test 😰
Omg I had just started a new job and was feeling so overwhelmed I had dreamed that I would show up to work naked… (which in real life I hate wearing clothes) so I thought it was actually happening. I thought this only happened in moved until it happened to me! I disclosed this crazy dream to my new boss when she helped me dissect my dreams. Her husband sees a sleep therapist and she walked me though the subconscious meaning behind all of my common dreams. This one specifically was because I was feeling vulnerable within my new role!
Just had my first baby August 30th and I had the most vivid sex dreams when I was pregnant! The craziest dream i had for sure was about having a 3 some. And then halfway through the dream I got very defensive and jealous and decided I wanted my husband all to myself (yes he was actually in the dream!) and then ended up calling the whole thing off! So apparently even in my dreams I am very loyal
My most memorable dream is still one I had in elementary school. I went to a dinner party (as 9-year-olds often do, I guess?) and promptly got thrown in a dungeon that was also somehow a playroom (again, 9 years old) with a couple other prisoners. We plotted an escape which went a little like this: hide behind toys and furniture and wait for the captors to come check on us; when they do, run like hell and don’t look back. What it lacked in ingenuity it made up for in ease of operation. The jailbreak was a success and we all escaped. I still think 9-year-old dream me was a badass.
The BEST dream I’ve had recently was me and my dog having a private jet to tour the world. We went to Disneyland, a tropical beach, Greece, and ate all the best food. When we got home, my husband was so excited to hear about our travels and we made a weird pizza straight from italy to celebrate! ❤️
I had a dream my husband was pregnant and had a baby. I woke up and I was so mad because in my dream I felt like he loved the baby more than me 🤣
I have extremely realistic dreams (for example, I dream I wake up at night and text someone back, and it’s just a dream). While traveling I had a dream my leg was being amputated. The doctors gave me anesthesia and everything in the dream went black until I ACTUALLY woke up. When I woke up, I thought I had just come out of the anesthesia. Everything in the room was black still, which I attributed to not being out of the anesthesia, and I couldn’t move my leg. I also was in extreme pain. I was screaming and trying to feel my leg, truly believing it was gone. Then my sister who was in the room with me started freaking out and shaking me. Turns out I had 4 Charley Horses in my leg and that’s why I was in so much pain but couldn’t move it. The transition from the dream into waking up was so real! I disturbed an entire building of people who thought I was being attacked in the middle of the night. Nope- just my crazy dreams!
My weirdest dream was the fact that I was running a from something. Still have no clue what but i went trough so many different places and times of life. I was very interesting
32 weeks pregnant- I had a dream the other night that I spent the day with Tom Brady. First we drove all of his fancy cars down a spiral staircase, into the garage.. then there was an oil spill in the ocean outside, so he jumped in the water to try to help (instant regret). When he finally got out of the water, he made everyone cocktails with peanut butter and merlot. To be honest, I was really sad when I woke up and the dream ended.
I was being hunted by cannibals so they could sell my body meat at a human meat market. It was crazy.
My best friend got married over the weekend and seeing her father daughter dance brought me to tears because I realized I would never have that moment yet was so incredibly happy for her. That night I dreamt of my own wedding day (although I’m very much single right now!). That my dad was still alive to walk me down the aisle and to have that first dance with him.
Early last year I got into the habit of writing down my dreams. This was also around the time I had decided to move to Rome, Italy (which I later did!). One of my favourite and funniest recurring dreams was just me eating copious amounts of pasta. Lol. I’m sure anyone who’s been to Italy can relate!
Crazy dream last night was I was saving two children from this church. The pastor and many others in that church were abusing these children sexually. I took the courage to go in there and take the kids. When I was about to leave the pastor was about to knock me out from behind when my friend came up to him and knocked him out. I screamed so loud I didn’t even feel myself screaming in reality.
Oh, wow- I don’t think any of my dreams aren’t crazy. One coming to mind right now is where I lived with all my coworkers in a big house, so basically just day and night, surrounded by the same people- that part is a reoccurring dream I have. But one of the times Barrack Obama was supposed to be visiting campus (I work at a college) and during his visit there were threats of intruders so me and some coworkers were responsible for using secret tunnels to keep him safe and stuff. We even had to sit through a lecture in the middle of the crisis and in my dream I remember thinking “how am I supposed to focus on this while sh!t is going down!?” but Obama was paying attention and taking notes even….show off.
Worst part though……I don’t know how it ended! So I could use some good pillows so that next time I can maybe stay asleep long enough to know if I was successful in my attempt (and honor) at saving Obama.
One of the craziest ones I had was I was working at my job as an operating room nurse and my patient coded during surgery. For some reason, we took the patient off the Operating room table and put him on the floor. With each compression I did, the patient got smaller and smaller until they were the size of my hand! It was physically getting impossible to put the mask on them too. My surgeon kept telling at me to save them while he stood there doing nothing. I woke up in a sweat from that one!
My favorite dreams to have are the ones about bringing another sweet babe into our little family. Our two year old is begging for a baby sister for Christmas, so it’s always sweet to dream about what we hope will be our reality someday. ❤︎
My favorite dream is always about the future. I have three kiddos three and under and I have dreams, especially now around the holidays, of all of us a little older, drinking hot coco, decorating the tree to some Christmas music. I have dreams of vacations together and introducing them to the sand, the ocean, the mountains. I have so many vivid dreams of what the future holds for the five of us and honestly they are my favorite dreams and bring so much joy and happiness to my life!
I had the craziest wildest dreams when I was pregnant and usually woke up mad at my husband for whatever he did to me in my dream that night!! Thank god he was a good sport about it and laughed them off after I yelled at him 🤣
My craziest dreams were always when I was Pregnant. I think Dreaming I was In labor at the hospital but I had The different gender than what I knew I was Having was bizarre!
My craziest dream (which I can’t believe I remember) was a dream I had when I was a little girl of a little boy with blonde hair. His name was Jake and I was going to marry him one day. Fast forward and I definitely didn’t marry a blonde haired little boy named Jake 🤷🏻♀️
A few days after I had my daughter, I woke up in a full panic attack thinking someone took her. I got up and ran in her room and realized she was just fine. My mom was feeding her. Soon after I had my son, I did something very similar, except this time I thought I let him fall asleep in my bed and then he rolled off. He was sound asleep in his bassinet. The hormone roller coaster after giving birth is real! Wishing you all the best on this journey. You will be great. Just don’t let your dreams fool you!
My favorite dreams are always when I’m running off to wild new destinations! My dreams make it look so easy!
I’m sharing a dream that impacted me because I felt the meaning so significantly. I was going through a dark time and one night dreamt I was on a small paddle boat in the middle of the ocean and a major storm. There were six tornadoes circled in a row around me. My boat was in control and I remained calm and rainbows popped up everywhere. It felt peaceful and that I could weather the storm. I felt like light and peace. When I looked up it’s meaning, it meant a spiritual breakthrough. I felt that in that exact moment of my dream after experiencing a long spout of darkness. It was a pivotal moment for me.
Pregnancy dreams are thE weirdest! When pregnant with my first, I dreamed that she was born with a full set of teeth. It was a weird sight!
Vivid pregnancy dreams are rocking me hard right now! Just recently in a dream, I married my best friend – both of our husbands were there for support. Instead of verses or poems shared, we showed little YouTube videos of different power tools being used during the ceremony (wtf?). A Mariachi band married us, Danny Tanner was our ring bearer (double wtf), and at the end of the ceremony we both sang an emotional song together about making enchiladas. I remember people weeping with drama. Interesting, confusing times to say the least!
This was when I was pregnant for the first time. I had a dream I was at a minimal and there was a tornado coming (I’m terrified of tornadoes) so we run into a Chinese restaurant and nobody else is panicking but me. It comes through and I yell get down, but one little girl doesn’t and I’m trying to get to her but I can’t and then I woke up. 😅😅😅 I ended up having a boy – but man oh man that one freaked me out.
It’s often that I have weird dreams especially when I’m anxious and stressed haha so I’m always trying to find ways to relax and clear my mind as I’m falling asleep. I think the craziest dream I’ve had involved me escaping someone who was trying to kidnap me. I broke a window, jumped out and ran for my life hahaha I watch too many crime shows 😅
I can never remember every detail of my dreams. I only get the general story line. But they always have a person from my past in it. Probably my anxiety creeping in as I overanalyze something even in my sleep! Most of the time there is good resolution though!
I have this dream allllll the time!! I’m a superhero fighting in a city with the likes of Superman and Batman. I’m able to perform crazy tasks, but I get stuck in a pinch with a bad guy (always the same person – he’s always trying to throw me off a building) and I suddenly lose all my teeth and my voice!!!
It’s so strange. Sooo strange. I hope bad dreams count in this giveaway 😂
I usually don’t remember my dreams. This certainly isn’t crazy. But my husband and I lived in Sydney for about a year and a half for work and I dreamed we were back and it was summer and we were hanging at the beach having a BBQ with some friends. Definitely longing for pre-pandemic times!
Pregnancy dreams are nuts! But the most recent was a whole pacifier saga .. I can’t remember much except costumes, vacations and paci’s 🤷🏼♀️
I had a dream that I was walking down the aisle to Jake Gyllenhaal. We couldn’t stop laughing during the ceremony and kept interrupting the officiant, so he walked off in a fury and threw the first layer of wedding cake at Jake’s face. Then I woke up. LOL
Years ago I was in a car accident and had a vivid dream a few days later. I had a dream that my mom and grandma were sitting on a front porch in rocking chairs discussing the accident. My great aunt (who had passed) was sitting with them rocking in her chair. She didn’t say anything, just sat there smiling. I knew then she was my guardian angel that saved my life in the crash.
My wildest sleep dreams are actually the ones that feel real and I wake up questioning if it actually happened or not. Some even slip into my subconscious memory and months or years later I will actually remember them happening.
I also remember a dream I had at 5 years old that my dad came to pick me up from kindergarten and was immediately eaten by a giant spider. He had been living abroad in Eastern Europe doing some human rights work and I always wonder if my tiny brain couldn’t fully comprehend why he was gone and so it created the image of a giant spider having eaten him.
Anyway these pillows look fabulous! Thank you for doing these giveaways.
My wildest dream is to move to Madagascar and become a sustainable tour guide / scuba instructor and live amongst all the interesting animals. As long as I can bring my dog! 🙂
It’s not “crazy” but I did have a dream last night I was in a hotel room and lost my wedding ring. I panicked when I woke up and haven’t taken it off yet.
Ohh pick me!!!!
My favorite dreams are any where my Dad is alive again. Or one ive actually had lately, to be lying in bed surrounded by a bunch of golden retriever puppies!
When I get stressed I have some pretty realistic dreams that often wake me from a deep sleep. They normally revolve around me loosing something or someone really important!
One of my favorite dreams was when I was able to Lucid dream. These dreams are always so fascinating to me as I can realize I am dreaming and then control my dream so I can do what I want! Always a very fun nights sleep.
Every once in a while, I have a dream that I’m driving around Hawaii (my FAV place in the world!). Sometimes I’m just exploring, sometimes I’m surfing, and more recently, I was making out with a hot guy at a karaoke bar in Waikiki. Hawaii dreams are the best dreams!
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago where all of my teeth were falling out, one at a time, when I was talking to people. It was terrifying and mortifying and I woke up so scared to take out my retainers because I thought they were holding all my teeth in and I didn’t want them to all fall out when I took out my retainers. I googled what this dream meant so I could fix it and never have it again and I found that it could mean I regret having said something to someone recently, which was not the case. I am still wondering what this dream meant and am scared to have it again, as it was pretty miserable.
I just recently got engaged and my fiancé and I are graduating college soon and looking for a home together and we would looove the opportunity to get these luxurious pillows!!
Also, late congrats to you on your engagement and pregnancy! You’re going to make the best wife and mother.♥️
The craziest dream I ever had was when I was a child and it was a recurring dream that happened many, many times and it was always the same dream. I would have this dream that there was an Alligator in the drain of the pool at Hardscrabble Country Club and the Alligator would always come out of the drain and chase me snapping and snarling all the while. It was so very real and for a long time I stayed away from the deep end and even as I got older when I was in the deep end I would always think about it and be a little nervous even though I knew it was only a dream. Even today as a 46 year old adult when in a pool and I see the drain it is always the first thing I think of. 😂
Just last night I had a dream that I lost an expensive watch in the ocean and decided to dive to go get it and ended up in a swarm of jellyfish LOL…wild!
Love your blog and seeing another BRCA-strong woman in the spotlight! You are inspiring to me <3
Since getting pregnant I’ve been having much more vivid dreams than usual, but nothing too crazy yet (only 18 weeks so there’s still plenty of time for some wild dreams)! However, I can still remember a series of dreams I had when I was younger that have stuck with me. We had the absolute sweetest dog growing up. She was the wedding gift my dad gave my mom and when I was a baby she’d let me crawl all over her and never minded. She was so even tempered and I don’t think I ever heard her bark. BUT, I had multiple dreams where our sweet, cuddly, family dog would suddenly become vicious and bite me, harass me, or speak to me in a very creepy voice. These dreams scared me to death when I was younger and I’ve got no idea where they came from!
I had a very vivid dream that I had 8, yes 8 daughters! In reality I have one. I remember waking up VERY tired!!
Currently 34 weeks pregnant and dream from anything to us having a pet snake with a HUGE cage which is completely unnecessary and taking up an entire hallway in our (we’re not reptile people regardless) and getting mad at my mom and sister for leaving leftovers in our fridge…the weirdest dreams. I’m sure it’ll only continue!
Hahah, I sometimes have dreams that I’m on a competitive reality show (which I have no interest in doing). It usually happens when I watch a couple episodes of Survivor something during the day, then once I go to sleep…boom I’m on the season. It’s terrifying, I would be way too paranoid to succeed on those shows!
I feel like I often put myself in some of my favorite movies in my dreams. What I’d do to be able to live in a Pride and Prejudice world or visit Singapore and have a ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ experience! That wedding with the lily pads is so stunning.
I had a dream that my dog and my boyfriend were falling off a building and I had to save one. When I woke up, I still couldn’t decide 😂
I had a dream that my dog and my boyfriend were falling off a building and I had to save one. When I woke up, I still couldn’t decide 😂😂😂
I have LOTS of dreams but recently I have been having a recurring one! I think you, and lots of other people I follow have influenced this. LOL I got engaged in August and we are planning to get married in September. I keep stressing about being able to have the wedding and my dream is that I get pregnant before the wedding! I keep waking up thinking I’m pregnant and that we changed our minds to having a small intimate wedding instead. I guess I got babies on my mind ❤️
Hi Lesley!
My wildest dream is take an around the world cruise with my soon to be husband (2020 —> now 2021 bride 🤦🏼♀️)
Not sure how we’d get the time off from work but maybe we would spontaneously quit our jobs, sell our house, and figure it out?! Eek sounds thrilling!!
Girl. I have a history of having the craziest of dreams. My husband asks me every single morning to regale him with the tales from slumberland.
Probably the wildest though would have to be when I dreamed the world was being taken over by ……
Yes, I said llamas. Those furry creatures with the long neck & big eyes.
In my dream *ahem, nightmare*it was as if the llamas were robots, moving in synchrony as one. They were everywhere, all over the news, and not a soul knew what they wanted. And then, all of a sudden, the llamas began attacking, head butting everything in its path. I climbed on the counter in the kitchen to get away from the monsters.
And then I woke up.
My favorite dreams are ones where I can see my Grandfather who is deceased; they bring me so much peace and happiness.
I have a recurring dream that I constantly miss the school bus, and sometimes wake up sleep walking to try to catch it ☠️
One of the craziest (also amazing!) dreams for me…In real life I had a miscarriage and found out at 12 weeks (after already seeing the baby on an ultrasound previously and believing everything was ok. It was kind of crazy bc I had to have a surgery when I was very young and the doctors said I would never get pregnant. So after losing the baby, I had a dream that the baby (now a child, about 5 or 6) in the dream, was with me playing. We had an amazing day together and at one point I started crying. (Like I knew this wasn’t reality or something). So my child rubbed my face and said “It’s ok mommy, brother/bubby will be here soon, don’t be sad!” I woke up emotional and kept thinking about the dream. Two days later I went to the gyno and they told me I had endometriosis (but to be sure they had to do a surgery) and again that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again. About two weeks later I found out I was pregnant (I was actually pregnant at the doctors appt). I had a healthy pregnancy for the most part and have a healthy 8 year old little BOY today!!! I feel like my baby that I never got to hold, came in my dream to let me know it was going to be ok!
Favorite dream(s) have been any time my late Grandfather has been in them. I miss him so much!
Not a “wild” dream, but I have very high anxiety levels (I’m quite sure I’m about 80% cortisol almost all the time) so about 1-2 times a week, I have the SAME EXACT DREAMS that I’m either falling off a cliff & wake right before I ~splat~ OR I’m fighting an invisible person that always wins
Pregnancy always got me the craziest dreams!! Many were nightmares and I would wake up in sweats. But the one I remember the most was when I was little I would have a recurring dream I was a mermaid and playing out the same role as Ariel as in the little mermaid. This drama would happen over and over.
My dreams have been crazy in pregnancy. Had a dream that I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop in my neighborhood last night. No idea what that means! Haha
Have been having the craziest dreams about my wedding! Even now after it already happened four days ago!!
The best dream I ever had was back in my One Direction-obsessed days. I was walking along with Niall Horan when all of a sudden the house next to us (which was my house in the dream, but did not actually resemble my house in real life…you know how dreams are) burst into flames! Niall took off and ran inside, rescuing my entire family. He then single handedly put out the fire, and nothing was burned! Then we had a picnic under a magnolia tree. A stressful but also beautiful dream.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
I have a lot of crazy dreams. The most vivid one I had was at 30 weeks pregnant I did not know the sex of my first baby and dreamt it was a girl. When she was born almost 3 months later the weight and length of the baby in the dream was so close to being spot on and the sex of the baby was correct.
We have a 1-year old so each night, it’s been wonderful dreaming and remembering about how quickly he is growing up and the fun times we have each day – and dreaming about mom and dad getting a fun get-away (alone!) once we can travel again!
Thanks for all the info you share!
I used to dream about tornadoes all the time. I’d see it in the distance and my reaction would be different every time. Sometimes other people were there. Sometimes I’d just watch it and sometimes I would run for shelter. In real life, I have never seen a tornado or had one hit my house but I’ve been through tornado warning. If you google it, there are some interesting theories about dreams featuring tornadoes.
The wildest thing for me is my dreams are always so vivid and when I wake I have a hard time remembering all the detail, but I remember them being crazy detailed but my weirdest dream was trying to pay for something at the mall with a slice of turkey and I kept yelling at the cashier its my credit card. 🙁
As a child I always had this dream that these bushes would just over grow fast and take over everything and break into our house. The only safe place was Disneyland! So we would race to get out and to Disneyland.
I have too many crazy dreams to pick just one! The most recurring one is driving in a car I can’t control— I’m not intoxicated in the dreams but it feels like I am. No coincidence these dreams come when I am overloaded with work projects and have zero control. I love how hidden messages appear in our dreams!
I don’t dream much but my favorites would be just dreaming about every day life with my family because that’s what makes me happiest!
I dream I can fly all the time!
My favorite dreams are the ones that come true! I’m a nanny and I had repetitive dreams that they would have a third child!! And it came true. Now I’m having those dreams again…. 😜
Favorite thing to dream about is taking my now 5 month old son on a big international trip! I’m ready to use the baby carrier for a new kind of “backpacking” trip!
My dreams always seem nonsensical, but always real things, places, or people. I once dreamt I saw a tiny cat that turned into a tiger. Turned out it was illusion, but terrifying when you’re sleeping. Also, another time my teeth fell out. I woke up very concerned. Evidently, I could really use these pillows for some better dreams;)
Not a specific dream but I very often will go to the same fictional town in my dream to the point where I know like all the roads and neighborhoods and could draw anyone a map and know it better than the city I live in.
I always have dreams when I get stressed that I’m in Greece and the water is surrounding the hotel I’m staying in. I have a paddle board and just paddle my way around Greece.
I’ve had some weird dreams but have a hard time remember them for a long time. Last night I dreamt that there was some sort of mascot in full costume (which I’m uneasy about irl..) up in my face and wouldn’t leave me alone. I woke up legit scared 😂
Soo random but I had three dreams last week that all somehow included Taylor Swift randomly and happened to wear a tee from a past concert one morning. I was so busy with work I didn’t look at my phone until about 2pm that day and missed she had announced a suprise album! I went on to my fiancé about how it has to have meant something and inspired me to purchase a dream book.
I had a dream about a friend and the new guy she was seeing the night before I was supposed to be introduced to him.
The dream was that my girlfriends new guy **we can call him Todd** lol lived in a bedroom in my house, but it didn’t match the decor/vibe/anything! My husband and I always have a home renovation project going on IRL so there was work being done in *Todd’s* room. We were transforming his vanity sink and mirror into a hidden door for the garage, which actually led to a champagne tower room. I got mad at Todd and his friends for filling the tower with Mountain Dew code red and messing with the cups. I found an old high school classmate’s business profile in the paper and had him repair the wall and the tower with regular Mountain Dew.
This just happened last week!!! (The meeting went well by the way, and he doesn’t live with me… nor have I had Mountain Dew in a few years lol)
I hope I win the pillow contest so I can dream more wacky dreams amongst really comfy pillows!!
I have the most vivid dreams almost every night! A recent one was me being a teacher in a very old majestic looking school except all the children were aliens. They didn’t look as movies portray them but more like small little gremlins? Lol They didn’t communicate through words but you just knew what they were saying without words. Last thing I remember is them throwing plates in the kitchen??
This is more a nightmare than a dream, but last night I dreamt that my father passed away from Covid. It was terrible! I woke up sweating and crying. Probably not what you were looking for but I’m so distraught that I barely slept the rest of the night and can’t wait to try to drift to a better sleep tonight!
I dreamt I kissed my boss, who I can’t stand! Woke up scared to death! Lol
I’ve had many wild dreams – the most impactful was a repeated dream about ‘big white cats that looked like lions.’ Turns out they were real (white lions) and the dreams led me to South Africa where I spent six weeks a year for three years in a row with the lions – it literally changed the trajectory of my life! It was all through the dreams!
I’m not sure about a share worthy dream, but my favorite thing is to wake up mid dream and then fall back asleep to see how the dream ends. Without comfortable pillows, falling back asleep isn’t possible!! 😉😁
I’d have to say my favorite dreams by far include my Dad who passed away 11 years ago. Sometimes when I wake up I have to remind myself he’s no longer with us which always sucks. However totally worth it because being able to live in my dream if even for a little bit with him, makes me happy ❤️
My wildest dream was that I was on the bachelor and the entire time I couldn’t stop crying. I don’t even know why I was crying but I couldn’t stop. I had like full on sequences with other girls and interviews and I was just crying the whole time. I didn’t even dream about who the bachelor was. Just me crying lol.
I’ve had some stress dreams this year where I’ve gotten myself into some really bad situations like I have to hide a body lol (I might need to lay off the true crime shows) and I somehow trained myself to realize it’s a dream and not real life while in the dream lol so I wake up and am super relieved that I’m not a crazy person.
I always have dreams that I am on a bus and can’t collect my things in time to get off!! One time Nick Jonas was outside the bus taking pictures and I couldn’t make it off in time. The other time I was riding through Paris and couldn’t get off at any of the beautiful sights. Ahh!!
First – this is amazing! I’ve bought 4 pillows in Covid alone and they’ve been all fails (& obviously I haven’t even tried to return them). I will definitely look in to these ones if I don’t win!
I have crazy dreams all the time but last night, I dreamt I lost my sense of smell. That’s not that crazy – but what is crazy is that I woke up and thought it was real so I started smelling my sheets and even my armpit to test how bad it was. I tend to have this issue – I wake up and think it was all real!!! I’ve gotten up to check for people in my house, spiders, and other crazy things! Sleep is so important but I’m not great at it! Haha
I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do I dream about work. During my last trip, I fell asleep in the back row of the aircraft. The Captain left the cockpit during the flight and came up to me and said ”Joy why are you sleeping? I’ve been trying to call you for an hour?”
I love the dreams that feel so real and are so fun! They are usually super random but also feel familiar. I always wake up and wonder what my brain was doing while I was asleep.
My wildest dream – Jack from Virgin River asking me to leave my husband for him, haha!
My absolute favorite dreams are the ones where my mom visits! She passed away when I was 15 and those are my absolute favorite. She’ll be in my dreams the most when I’m going through the hardest or most joyful times!
My wildest dream – Jack from Virgin River asking me to leave my husband for him, haha!
My absolute favorite dreams are the ones where my mom visits! She passed away when I was 15 and those are my absolute favorite. She’ll be in my dreams the most when I’m going through the hardest or most joyful times!
My most recent crazy dream really rattled me. I dreamt the diamonds fell out of my wedding rings. This was the day before we were picking our wedding rings up! When I picked them up I was so unsure of my choice due to the dream I almost returned them on the spot!
My wildest non-sleeping dream is buying a Palm Springs house with a gorgeous backyard and a permanent staff member to remove snakes and spiders before I see them. A girl can dream right?
Some of my favorite dreams happened while I was pregnant. It was so fun to dream about how she would look or (weirdly) what delivery would be like.
I have been dreaming lately that I’m out around lots of other people and suddenly realize I’m not wearing a mask. It’s covid stress and maybe a comfy new pillow would help.
Sooo hard to remember my dreams – mom of two lils and guess I just sleep enough 😬 or don’t fall into the deep enough sleep, or don’t remember 😉! My brief daydreaming moments take me to any beachside location (ah Mediterranean), toes in the sand, mountains in sight – sun out ☀️
Thanks for being me back to this thought now 😌
Meant to write *don’t sleep enough and * bringing me back to this thought. Oh my 🤦🏻♀️ Oops 😬
Years ago, I studied abroad in Germany. It was my first time outside of the US immersed in a different culture with a different language that I was trying to learn, and during the first week I arrived, I had a full dream in German. It was a very simple dream, but one that I have remembered ever since that sort of signifies the start to that new adventure for me. 🙂
I have been on the search for GREAT pillows foreverrrrr, and am SO excited to try out pillow barn! Plus, that body pillow looks PERFECT for a good nights sleep now that I’m in my 2nd trimester and having trouble getting comfortable!
Okay, now onto the dreams! Every since I was little, I’ve had the same dream/nightmare and it’s so bizarre! I dream that there is a nearby volcano (to Atlanta GA, because that makes sense?) and it erupts. In order to escape the lava flowing in the upstairs of my childhood home, I go to the guest room and climb onto the top rack of the closet. And somehow or another, I am ALWAYS safe and it stops before it gets to the top. Weird and crazy and despite the fact that I’m now 31, I still fit in the upstairs shelf of the closet 🙂 hahaha Gotta love dreams!
Some of my best dreams are going back in time and remembering what it was like to be a Child at Christmas and do Christmas through a child’s eyes with no worries and just hope, happiness and cheer!!
In my most recent dream, there was something wrong with my eyes, like I had a sore or something on the inside of my eye so I needed surgery. My doctor was Mr. Kaplan from The Blacklist (we’ve been binging this for the past couple months, so good!). I was afraid it was going to hurt, but she assured me that it wasn’t so I felt safe. She used a carved ruler to keep my eye lid open, sliced off a very thing layer of my eyeball, and then placed a perfectly round tortilla of all things that shrank to the size of my of my eye to fix it. Then she did the exact same thing to the other side. She told me that the procedure would change the color of my eyes, so when I got done I went and looked on the mirror. One of my eyes was a pale version of my current eye color (green/grey) and the other eye was a bright turquoise. I went home and told my boyfriend that I think I needed to get it fixed but he didn’t seem too concerned. So we left the house and for some reason ended up in Walmart where I pretended to be Batman and fight an evil villain in the store.
Who knows what it all meant, but maybe one day I will find out!
I used to dream that there was some big scary man standing outside the front door and I was little and I was trying to cross from the kitchen, past the front door to get to my parents room, but my feet were stuck to the ground and wouldn’t move abs I couldn’t scream. It was terrifying! Other than that I can’t really remember my dreams these days unless it’s right after I wake up. We definitely need new pillows though lol.
My weirdest dream was I was swimming to work?? And I encountered people playing cards underwater and I was like “how are you doing this!!” And they said they were mermaids and they were mad that anyone ever thought they had a fin. lol then I swam onto work. Ps I work in a hospital so I definitely don’t swim to work regularly haha!!
There’s a bridge about 70 miles from where I grew up that, upon approach, looks like it rises almost to a point at the very top. As a kid, we’d cross that bridge leaving for a visit to my uncle’s house during summer vacation. I don’t remember ever being terrible alarmed by it in reality, but I have had a recurring dream for many years that I am driving toward the bridge and am terrified of what may happen when I reach the very top, and then when I reach the top there’s nothing and I go over ……down down down into the water in the lake below.
And then I wake up with my heart pounding and know I am ok ….
Although I have so many vivid dreams thanks to pregnancy, I can never remember them! My favorite dreams are definitely the ones during pregnancy where I’m holding my baby. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I remember dreaming that we had a boy. We found out the gender a few weeks later and I was surprised that my dream was wrong!
Truly my wildest dream was where my dream self and my lucid real self paused the dream I was having about Star Wars (idk why I was even dreaming about that) because I couldn’t remember who was connected to who and how everyone was related and I was arguing/trying to work it out with my dream self. Eventually Darth Vader asked if we were done and then I woke up.
I have a recurring dream where I am either trying to catch the school bus or run through the halls to my class, but no matter how hard I try to run, my body is moving like molasses. I thought these would stop after graduation but I am 30 now and they’re still happening!
Had a dream last night I was pregnant and everything I was gifted at my shower was monogrammed in the curly font that was popular a longgggg time ago😂 Also, with the initials(name) we hadn’t chosen yet! Weird
So i have extremely vivid dreams almost every night because I have really bad insomnia and have to take medication to help with sleep. But one night in particular I apparently thought my dream was worthy of writing it down in the notes section of my phone. I found it a few days later and remembered the exact dream. It said:
“Dinosaurs to feed people
All different sizes. I wanted to feed. But then it took so long I was gonna do something else. But then I fed a man toilet paper. Also the whole time I was an egg? Sneakers.”
That’s it. That’s all it said and in those exact words LOL. I remember it was sort of like Jurassic park except it was a zoo in the sense that you could visit and feed the dinosaurs. But apparently we could only feed them toilet paper and when I got impatient in line I decided to just feed a man instead 😂 I have no idea what the sneakers part at the end means but clearly I thought it was important. Honestly I wish everyone wrote down their dreams, it would make for many entertaining conversations. Maybe with new pillows I’ll sleep deeper and not have such vivid dreams 😉
Funny story actually! A few years ago I had emailed you regarding Antarctica and If you had been or had any recommendations. You kindly responded and a few days later I had a dream that we went there together!!! It was of course an epic trip and I was quite disappointed when I woke up.
Ps. Happy to report, I actually made it there last year (sadly without my fave travel blogger) but it was epic nonetheless. ❤️
When I was younger I had a recurring dream where there was a flying hot dog (like a man in a hot dog suit) chasing my dad around the front yard of my grandparents house … No clue why this happened .. but it was traumatizing haha !! My family still teases me to this day about it too !
My craziest dream was that I dreamt that someone was watching me sleep. When I woke up in my dream world I saw a figure. This made jump awake and threw my pillow because I thought someone was there. After getting out of bed I checked my front door in my apartment and it was unlocked. Crazy crazy!!
I have a reoccurring dream I can’t get to one of my kids quick enough. It’s weird because they are at my childhood elementary school which is an out door school (grew up in Hawaii) and we don’t even have those kinds of schools here in OK. But I’m late to get them and can’t find them. Ironically IRL I am NEVER late 🙂 first in line car pool mom here. And my oldest is 23 – hard paranoia to break apparently
I was super close with my grandma, she was the absolute best. She lived with my family for the last 15 years. She passed away a little over a year ago and since she passed I’d been hoping she would come visit me in a dream. A few months ago I had a dream I was at a party of some sort with a bunch of people in a big room and I saw her from afar. She walked over to me glowing, with the biggest smile, and gave me the biggest hug. I was so so happy. I woke up remembering the feeling so vividly, almost as if it was real. It was the best.
I am deathly afraid of snakes and I dream about them being on me and it is so annoying. Lol
I had a dream that I was meeting with my workgroup at my childhood church. However the meeting got interrupted with a new research idea (regarding NICU beds) that turned into me being on the panel and had the final vote, but then I woke up?
Ooh boy. I have had the most vivid dreams all my life, always remember them. The weirdest one was dreaming about getting married to my ex fiancee. We had planned the wedding but broke up before we got married. Anyways, this dream was such a weird affirmation that the relationship never would have worked, because in the dream it was the absolute worst wedding EVER. Everything that could go wrong did, it was a disaster, my ‘husband’ was a complete ass and i was immediately regretting everything. Thank god it was just a dream hahah
For some crazy reason I remember a dream from when I was very young…it was like Honey, I shrunk the kids…my family was cruising through grassy hills and there were giant white bunnies hopping around. Haha!
I’ve always had the MOST VIVID dreams, but none as much since pregnant.
My brother always rolls his eyes and says I should start my dream stories as “one time, in this story that never happened…”
…anyways, my most vivid dream lately has been of this painting that we have in our house over our mantle. Its not my style but my husband LOVES it because his grandparents had it in their house. #compromise The painting fell down and the back came off and the back of the painting was lined with rare money that we took to a place and became millionaires. Now I want to pull the back off just to see–National Treasure style.
Don’t remember my dreams for too long but one recently I remember was where I was just watching other people’s lives living in a castle. It was very odd🤪.
One of my friends has three children. She always found out she was first pregnant because she would have an extremely gory dream. I’m talking blood and guts gore. Next day, take a pregnancy test, boom! Pregnant. Literally, never had a gory dream except right before she found out she was pregnant. How crazy is that?!?
I have a three year old babe so I rarely reach dreamland 🤪
The craziest dreams are always the ones that come somewhat true the next day. The feeing of dejavu is unreal.
My dream was after we had lost our sweet baby Marielle. It was a kind of grief you never want to experience, and hope no one has to. I went to sleep praying to God that I could have a sign for peace. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw an image of me rocking a little baby boy and a sense of peace washed over me!
A year later I was rocking my sweet rainbow baby Abe. This January will be the 5 year anniversary of losing Marielle, and I know I’ll be rocking Abe extra.
Alright, here’s my weirdest craziest, funniest dream (that I can remember). I was walking near a cemetery in my town, when all of sudden the sky turns red and black, planes are crashing and stuff, then suddenly, I’m hanging off of a bridge and Tony the Tiger is walking towards me zombie-style. He pulled me down and ate me. When I woke up, I had an unnatural fear of Tony the Tiger and was holding myself up in a plank!
Hi Lesley!
I’m sure this is a very common dream, but I’ve dreamt I was pregnant TWICE in the last month! Very real, visceral feelings of being pregnant, with movements in my belly and all that jazz. Funny thing is me and my hubs aren’t trying at all, so I’m like, hey subconscious what are you trying to tell me?! I wake up not sad, but just very interested and analytical. Oh dreams!
I had a dream that I found my dream house. The next day my partner and I went on our first day of open houses and we ACTUALLY found our dream house! We put in an offer, it was accepted, and the rest is history 🙂
As the mother of a 15-month old, my craziest, wildest dream is sleep. Period. 🙂
Such a genius giveaway! My husband’s pillow drives me nutso (flatter than a pancake and a pillow case that slides off constantly. Nothing cuter than a flat, pillow-case-less pillow 😅).
Lately been having weird dreams that feel very real and something happens where I wake up immediately to check on things. A few nights ago I had a dream I lost all the special rings I wear, spent the whole dream searching everywhere for them- the ocean, our home, the mall etc. woke up in a slight panic only to realize it was a dream. Super strange and random. 😅
I am a high school teacher and I always have dreams that I can’t teach my kids. They are always doing things that are completely off the wall, like they stand on their heads instead of sit in their chairs. I have the same type of dream multiple times per year every year.
I had a recurring nightmare in which two alligators standing upright (?!?!) and dressed as old-times criminals (think 30s crime films) knocked on my cabin in the woods and chased me with rifles!!
I’ve had so many good ones! The best ones always leave you with a smile on your face when you wake up or even laughing like what the heck just happened?!
When I was in high school I once dreamt of Keith Haring-inspired characters in an open field (akin to Stonehenge?) each taking turns jumping into/through a flaming chalice. That was a wild dream and I still don’t know where it came from!
My favorite dream was running the Amazing Race with a close friend (who’s my actual partner in travel crime), getting to bungee jump in New Zealand, and then WINNING the race. I was so upset when I woke up and it wasn’t real.
Cheers to a good nights sleep!!! I haven’t had that in almost two years!! Walking around like a zombie 🧟♀️ is my new forte!! 😉 Since sleep hasn’t been the best the last few years my dreams are wildly crazy, realistic, and literally jump from different story lines in a matter of minutes!! I will sometimes wake up crying, mad, sad, happy, screaming, but the best is waking up laughing hysterically!! Not only does my day start off amazing but my husband thinks I’m crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼♀️. I specifically remember a dream that I was at a comedy show and I was belly laughing so hard I would actually wake myself and then fall back asleep…THE BEST!! ♥️
I have had so many crazy dreams. The ones that stand out the most are the ones where I am running from rattle snakes. I live in Arizona and on a few acres and I am so paranoid that my twin boys will be bit by rattlesnakes. So many of my dreams are of them getting into our house or I find them in my bathroom or the boys rooms. The last dream was that I was standing with one of my boys and all of a sudden we looked down and we were surrounded by them. There have been times where I have had a dream about rattle snakes and then the next day we will find one on our property!!!! Such craziness!!!🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
My craziest dream recently was a visit with some old camp friends where I had this moment halfway through where I freaked out because none of us were wearing our masks! Only in 2020…
I dreamt that a bad man was trying to get close to me to hurt me and my only thought was I would be safe because I had COVID and there was no way he would get near me!
A few years ago I dreamed I was pregnant (my husband and I had been trying for a few years) so I didn’t think it was possible…but I took it as a sign since I had never had a dream
I was pregnant before so I took a test and it was POSITIVE 😳😳 I cried and screamed and woke my husband up to the best news ever!!!!
My most memorable dream is when I realized that I woke up on my dream. I realized and decided to stay flying in the sky and woke up abruptly as if my mind rejected the idea that I can be awake in my subconscious.
I dreamt of tough tests all through college and grad school! Ack!
I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with my 2nd girl. Only during pregnancy can I remember my dreams. Other times I do not! But this pregnancy dreams have been all about my 3 year old having a best friend and interacting with my new daughter on the way. Hopefully it will go as well as my dreams have ❤️
Craziest dreams have happened for me during pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my twins I had a dream that one of them was a toddler and the other was a newborn simultaneously and it threw me for a loop for days!
I almost always remember my dreams and have the craziest dreams.
I have a very odd recurring nightmare that I guess is a sign of a mild narcolepsy. I will have dreams that someone has broken into my house. I will think it’s real and try to run. I can see my house and the person moving around but when I try to move my body I can’t.
Anxiety dream is that all my teeth are falling out. I will be chewing gum and it will be ripping them out or I will be spitting out mouth fills of broken teeth.
Best dream is that I am skiing in a beautiful mountain in fluffy white snow. But I will be going off jumps and cliffs and can spin and fly and stay in the air for long periods of time.
Dreams are fascinating.
One of my favorite/weirdest dreams: snorkeling with my brother when we got back on the boat Michelle & Barack Obama where there. They knew my name and my brothers name as if we were old pals. I was laughing in the dream and woke up laughing!!!!
I continually have dreams that I am traveling to a different country or state and I’m always joined by one Instagram influencer I’ve never met or talked to in real life and one person from my past I haven’t been in contact with in years! It is wild and happens all the time with different people and places!
I don’t often remember my dreams-good or bad. I know I have dreams
that involve my mother- a chance to ask her questions I didn’t get to ask her and to spend time with her but I don’t remember details when I wake up
I can never fully remember my dreams, but dreams outside of sleep is to always have inner peace and chose me.
I am 36 weeks pregnant and just took a breastfeeding class. That night I dreamt my husband was trying to breastfeed our dog and was struggling with getting her to latch!!
I always have dreams like movies in my head with long extravagant plot lines that then get all muddled when I wake up so that I can’t explain them properly. Which is really rude because then I sound both sleepy and insane trying to tell my husband about them! 🤣
Hi Lesley! I have been a longtime fan. I have especially enjoyed watching your pregnancy journey unfold as I am also pregnant with my first little one, due in two weeks! I also wanted to let you know that my mom’s name was Lesley. She passed away a couple years ago; neither she or I have ever met or heard of another Lesley spelled the same way, except you!
As you know, being pregnant is tough. Third trimester sleep is REAL rough, especially as I get closer to my due date. I’m getting bigger and it’s hard to turn over at this point. These pillows sound like a lifesaver for pregnancy into motherhood. Good sleep is everything.
Lately, my craziest dreams have been surrounding being a mother! Even though my baby hasn’t come yet, I’ve had tons of dreams of bringing her to family events, the park, and all the places I’d (pre-Covid) typically go. Last night I dreamed that my partner and I brought her to his huge family Christmas Eve gathering and she got to meet everyone for the first time. The crazy part about these dreams is how vivid they are! I can’t wait for them to become a reality so soon 🙂
My weirdest dream was of me sitting in a very shallow river and raising my arm from the water and seeing a small fly on it. I put my arm back in the water and took it out again and saw a cockroach eating my skin! It then started to cackle and would not come off no matter how much I shook my arm
I had a baby girl in June, and lately I’ve had a repeating dream that she’s falling off my bed so I have to grab her to catch her. She sleeps in her crib in her room so I don’t know where this comes from. And each time I have that dream I wake myself up having just grabbed my cat who always sleeps next to me 😂🤦🏻♀️
I’ve been growing out my hair for my wedding next month (which has been planned & replanned sooo many times, it’s crushing! It’s now immediate fam & local bridal party), as it’s been my dream to have long loose curls on my wedding day. I’ve never thought about my dress much but have always wanted long hair. I had a nightmare that I nonchalantly decided to cut my hair SHORT “just to see how quickly it’ll grow back”. I woke up stressed!
When I was in high school I had a dream about the crush I had, I kissed him in a very fancy house’s doorway and it felt so real I thought it was a memory when I woke up. Turns out it was a dream and when I shared my feelings he rejected me…. that’s not a super wild dream BUT in real life, 11 years later, during a pandemic, we reconnected and are now dating. Wild story, mild dream but it still counts to me because it doesn’t feel real 🥰
A good friend passed away years ago, and I was always sad because I had never felt her around after that. I was in a bad relationship and after one particularly bad fight I went to sleep and my friend came to me in my dream. I was so happy to see her and I told her I had never felt her before and I asked her why she was there now and she told me because I needed her now. ❤
I have dreams where my husband does shit that makes me mad, and then when I wake up I’m angry with him and I have a hard time getting over it. Poor husband.
A few years ago my uncle had a stroke and went into a coma for about a month. One night I had a dream that he had woken up and was trying to talk to me. I was at the hospital to see him and he got up from a gurney that he was laying on in the middle of a hallway. He kept trying to show me something or say something to me but couldn’t. When I woke up that morning I received a call from my mom that my uncle had passed away overnight. He never woke up from his coma so our family never got to talk to him or say goodbye. To this day that dream haunts me because I feel like he was trying to reach out to me and share something important but unfortunately I was not attuned enough to receive his message.
My most panic inducing recurring dream is having to go on a trip or vacation without having the time to pack anything.
I often dream of waking up in a gorgeous hut in Bora Bora staring out at the ocean followed by a day swimming with the fish. Your recent trip looked GORGEOUS. We are hoping to make this dream a reality one day soon! <3
I dream lots! And sometimes they come true, like really vivid déjà Vu. To me it tells me I’m on the right path in life. It’s always so special when it happens. Wish I knew how to tap into them better!
I have crazy dreams all the time! But my wildest dream has to be getting chased down by pirates and escaping – a true Pirates of the Caribbean moment!
One that I have had a few times and was definitely more frequent when I was pregnant both times was missing a train. I would be running around the train station which always had a million stair cases and even more train attacks and I could always see the train I needed to get on but never get there in time. After I had my two kids somehow I managed to finally get on the train and get out of the station but I woke up before I could figure out where the train was going 😂🤔😔
I had the wildest pregnancy dreams – one was were I very vividly dreamt I had given birth to our son and it was so realistic that once I woke up it took me a while to wrap my head around the fact I was still pregnant 😂 my actual labour and delivery ended up being nothing like my dream one haha
My most vivid dream was about my father. He had passed away when I was little, and when I was in my teens I had a dream that he showed up at our new house, and stood in the doorway. He was crystal clear and seriously seemed real to me. Other than the fact that he had brought animals with him. He had an owl on his shoulder and other animals around. So peaceful and calming. It was beautiful, and when I woke up I just felt like it was so real. Still to this day I can feel and see that dream.