We’ve all been there. The gut wrenching feeling that washes over you as the words sink in. The similar look of disbelief on every passenger’s face. The shock turned denial which inevitably transforms into anger that brings on the helplessness feeling as you realize you have zero control of the situation. After my many travels all over the world, I’ve come to know that delays and flight woes are unavoidable. It’s just part of traveling, but knowing that doesn’t make sleeping on an airport floor any easier. While I can’t snap my fingers and tell you how to miraculously wipe out all future travel delays, I can tell you what’s helped me while going through the infuriating madness.
As frustrating as the situation may be, don’t yell at the airport employees.
It’s not their fault. They didn’t delay the plane, and they can’t magically get it up in the air. Being kind and respectful will get you a lot further with better service, food and lodging vouchers, and faster alternate travel arrangements.
Kick back and relax.
Breathe in, breathe out. I have to do this a lot before I end up lashing out on the poor soul who is sitting next to me just because, well, they were in closest proximity to my rage. Rest, relax, repeat. Take advantage of a slow day because tomorrow will most likely be hectic due to catching up on life from the complete waste of a day from travel woes. I find a neck pillow to be a clutch accessory for this activity.
Bring chargers and adapters in your carry-on luggage.
You just never know what your travel day may bring. If you’re stuck in an airport for hours on end, one battery life just won’t cut it. I’m currently sitting in an airport writing on my laptop, texting on my phone and listening to music on my iPad, of which I’ll probably read a book on later. Ahh, the one major con to reading a book that’s not a real book: it needs power.
Something I often take for granted is free wi-fi. Mark my words. I WILL NEVER EVER TAKE IT FOR GRANTED AGAIN. Thank you sweet free wi-fi gods. You are the reason my sanity is still in tact.
Remain accessible during the delay.
I’ve been in varying situations where airport employees have said one thing and have done another. Make certain that if you go eat at Chili’s Too, the flight is not going to change times and leave without you. As much as you might want to exit security if the delay is extensive, it’s honestly a better decision to stay put and listen to updates.
Plan the next adventure.
If your current adventure is botched due to unforeseen delays or cancellations, it’s time for another round. Plan your next successful journey and look forward to living the life somewhere new and exciting with (fingers crossed) seamless travel days.
Do what you do best: Explore.
Two words: duty free. When do you usually have the time to sniff and spray all the top-selling scents on the shelves? Sample extravagantly-priced lotions and potions. Go crazy and invest in a bottle of something good for your drink cabinet. Birthday present or Christmas shopping can never come too soon…
Inhale. Exhale. Stretch it out. Get your warrior on. Go upside down. It feels good to get the blood going. Yoga like no one is watching, because well, they probably aren’t…
Your pics are so beautiful! I see you shoot with a nikon-which one? What are your go to travel lenses?