I got my peaches out in Arkansas (sung to the tune of J. Beib’s latest hit). They were the perfect collection, and they only sat on my counter for 1 day before put them on the grill for the best summer dessert. My favorite time of day is after the lights go down and the grill fires up. Peaches always remind me of late summer, and I’ve always loved peach cobbler, peach ice cream and yes, grilled peaches, too. I am a Georgia grad, after all π

I’m not the chef of this family, but I can certainly move through this recipe. It’s that simple and takes about 15 minutes total. If I can do it, you can do it!
- The trick with grilled peaches is that you want them to have a bit of firmness to them so that they retain their shape throughout the heating process. The more ripe they get, the more sugars they have, the more they’ll burn and disintegrate in front of your eyes.
- Grill peaches in halves, slicing along the seam, cut-side down
- Brush the one side with olive oil to prevent sticking and burning
- Use medium heat to grill and resist the urge to reposition if you want those pretty grill marks!

- 3-5 peaches (depending on party size)
- Olive oil for brushing
- Topping of choice – ice cream, granola, burrata, cinnamon sugar, pork tenderloin, the list goes on!

- Turn on the gas grill to medium heat. If charcoal, wait until all other food has been grilled and the coals have slightly cooled
- Half the peaches along the seam with a sharp knife, pitting each one
- Brush the cut-side with olive oil
- Grill uncovered cut-side down for 5 minutes or until tender. For best grill marks, do not disturb
- Remove from the grill with tongs and serve with your choice of toppings! I’m a fan of ice cream or burrata, depending on how I’m feeling in the moment π It’s also great served as an appetizer or side dish!

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